Chapter 1147 Continue on the Road
Xu Qiang struggled to stand up, took a deep breath and said, "You are really powerful. If that's the case, I will use my own real strength to deal with you. I want to see whether my real strength is stronger or yours. Awesome, I hope you won't regret it when you see my true strength."

I saw Xu Qiang's body began to swell continuously, and instantly turned into a giant more than three meters high.

Ma Xiaoliu was startled immediately, and said in disbelief, "How is this possible? How could he become such a tall giant? It's incredible, isn't it? Brother Bai, can you still defeat him? If you can't If so, let’s get out of here quickly.”

Bai Yunfei took out a white flying knife and played it slowly in his hand, then said lightly, "It's just that his body has grown bigger, so there's nothing to be afraid of, trying to kill him is like flipping the palm of your hand, just But I want to see the color, what kind of means have not been displayed yet.”

Xu Qiang seemed to have lost his mind at this moment, he roared non-stop, then jumped up high, and punched Bai Yunfei quickly.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled faintly and said, "It seems that you have completely lost your sanity, and you can only fight by instinct. That's really a pity. I thought you could bring me back Some surprises, but surprises like this really piss me off."

Bai Yunfei didn't delete anything, but quickly grabbed his fist, and saw that Xu Qiang was like a weak chicken.After being grabbed and thrown back and forth by Bai Yunfei for a while, he was panting weakly on the ground.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "You really disappointed me, I thought you could get me something useful, but now I see that you have nothing to do, even a little fun I couldn’t bring it to me, which really disappointed me.”

Bai Yunfei kicked Xu Qiang flying with all his strength and hit the ground, completely dead.

Seeing that Xu Qiang was killed by Bai Yunfei so easily, Ma Xiaoliu was very surprised and said, "Brother Bai, has your strength improved? How could you kill this guy so easily? Just now he When transforming, I felt a lot of pressure. I know that I have reached the level of Martial Immortal, and I can feel the pressure. You can kill him so easily. It's incredible!"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "The reason why I was able to kill him so easily is because my strength has reached the level of a martial saint, and now I am considered a top existence in your world. A new breakthrough, my arrival this time is considered 10 points."

Ma Xiaoliu immediately sighed slightly and said, "I don't know when I will be able to become a Martial God, but Brother Bai, you have already become a Martial Saint now, the gap between me and you is really getting bigger and bigger. "

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "That's because I don't have to dream of stones crossing the river like you do, and I have already reached this level, so the speed of improvement will be very fast, while you are The first time you achieve it, of course you will feel a little slow, but in fact, if you look back and take a closer look at your strength, in fact, the improvement has been fast enough, and it has far surpassed them."

Ma Xiaoliu nodded thoughtfully and said, "I see, Brother Bai, I will never say such depressing words again, and I will definitely be able to catch up with you."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Then you should put away all those things now, we will leave here again, we have wasted a lot of time here, it is time to go to other places to take a good look. "

After packing up all the things, the two of them went straight to the road again, but this time the two of them did not hurry, but walked slowly.

With constant searching, they gradually came to a place where there are people.

"The people here are really good. They can clean up all the monsters around them. It seems that there should be a very capable person here." Bai Yunfei said with some emotion.

Bai Yunfei was able to feel so deeply because they found fewer and fewer monsters along the way. This is rare in other places, because other places only have more and more monsters. Fewer and fewer, it can only be said that there are more monsters killed by people here.

Ma Xiaoliu chuckled and said, "That proves that there is a great person here, but I'm afraid he shouldn't have much strength now. Although he can kill all the monsters around him, after all The strength of monsters is somewhat weak, and his strength may have reached the level of Wu Zun."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Even if it is really only at the level of Wu Zun, it is still a good 10 points, but I think he should have already broken through Wu Zun, otherwise he would never be able to reach such a level." .”

Just as the two of them were talking and laughing, the sound of fighting suddenly came not far from the two of them.

After Bai Yunfei and Ma Xiaoliu looked at each other, they quickly walked towards the direction of the battle.

A young man was recommended to hold a long stick, and quickly fought a very huge monster in front of him. The stick in his hand kept hitting the top of the monster's head, but the monster didn't suffer any damage. Obviously he The defense is very high.

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You see, his strength has reached the level of a martial spirit. He should be the one who killed all the monsters around him."

Ma Xiaoliu also said incredulously, "Who is this guy? How could his strength improve so quickly, and he seems to have quickly adapted to his current strength, which is quite different from ours back then." , if it weren't for your reminder, Big Brother Bai, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to master the current fighting style so quickly."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Didn't I tell you before that sometimes you can't look at things too narrowly? You must know that this world is very big, so no one knows how many geniuses there are in this world. So You must not have any pride and complacency."

(End of this chapter)

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