Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1152 The Powerful Shangguan Jin

Chapter 1152 The Powerful Shangguan Jin
Ximen Feng shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "Do you think I will deceive you? It is true that a huge change has taken place here, and his inn always feels that there is a very terrifying force brewing there. It will be hidden, and no one will be able to detect it, but that day I have already noticed a trace of his leaked breath, which is very terrifying."

Bai Yunfei thought for a while and said, "It's interesting, it's really interesting. Let's go, I'll take you to see it now. I want to know what kind of weirdness there is in that inn, which can scare you."

Bai Yunfei led Ximen Feng directly and quickly to the front of the inn.

But at this moment, he suddenly frowned slightly, because at this time Ma Xiaoliu was in a very bad state, and had suffered a lot of injuries, and it was obvious that he had just been injured.

Bai Yunfei came to him in an instant, helped Ma Xiaoliu up, and said in a puzzled way, "What's wrong with you? How could you be injured so badly? Who hurt you, and how could your strength be so low? Are you injured here?"

When Ma Xiaoliu saw that it was Bai Yunfei, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said helplessly, "Brother Bai, I was accidentally attacked by someone just now. I was careless, so I got hurt, but those damn guys are now They are still in the inn, and when I recover from my injury, I must settle the score with them."

Ximen Feng took a deep breath and said, "That powerful and terrifying power appeared again, and it appeared again, didn't you feel it?"

Bai Yunfei stood up, frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "I still haven't noticed anything, but I should understand what's going on now, it should be the energy in your body, so it can make you You can feel it, but we are real human beings, so we don't feel that special energy at all."

Ximenfeng sighed and said, "This is damn, this damn Shangguan Jin, how could he have such good luck, how could he have such great strength?"

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "If I'm not wrong, he should have taken the weakness of those monsters and evolved like you, otherwise he would never have such a powerful strength. And you can hide it from me."

Ma Xiaoliu gasped for breath at this time, and said in a puzzled way, "This is impossible, Shangguan Jin has always been in front of me, he didn't sneak up on me at all, but a man behind him sneaked up on me, his The strength instantly changed from Wudi to Wuling level, so I was injured by him before I had time to react, but if it weren't for my speed, I would really die there."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "It's because I was careless. They should all be one person, and they should all be clones of the champion. Now they should all be fused together, which is why their strength has been leaked like this." .”

At this moment, the inn in front of them suddenly began to collapse continuously. Without any doubt, the entire inn had been turned into ruins.

Shangguan Jin walked out slowly, but his aura had changed, and he had become a warrior at the level of a warrior.

"I just didn't expect that you all came here together. You are really great. This is the best gift for me. Since you are so willing to come to my place, then don't leave."

Bai Yunfei took a step forward, and said with a faint smile, "I really didn't expect you to be so powerful and able to hide it from me. This is really rare, but even so, you Do you really think you can kill us?"

Shangguan Jin took out his weapon, two double rings, and said with a faint smile, "There are very few people who can survive under my weapon, I just don't know if you can survive under my weapon, if If you can't survive, then you will be my nourishment, and I will definitely be able to improve and become stronger by then, and I can smell the powerful energy in your body, how tempting it is."

Ximenfeng pointed at Shangguan Jin coldly and said, "I really didn't expect that you would make such a choice. It's really a pity that God's retribution is not good. If I had known that you could become so strong, I would have killed you a long time ago." is you."

Shangguan Jin just shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "Do you know why I became so powerful? It's because if it wasn't for your blood, I wouldn't have become so powerful at all. Thank you, I really need to thank you, and I have been waiting for you to come, why do you think I have been hiding my strength? Just to attract you to come to revenge, but it is a pity that you still You are really vigilant enough, but you never showed up, making me wait for so long, it really makes me so angry."

Ximen Feng said angrily, "You bastard, did you kill all those people! You damn bastard, do you still have humanity!"

Shangguan Jin smiled faintly and said, "You should thank me a lot, so you don't feel the strength in your body? Don't you feel that your destiny has changed? How weak you were before , how powerful you are now, shouldn't you thank me? I can give you a chance now, as long as you are willing to be my subordinate, I can guarantee that I will not kill you, and the flesh and blood on the two of them, the two of us It can be divided equally so that we can all become stronger."

Ma Xiaoliu took a step back, looked at Ximenfeng with some vigilance and said, "Otherwise, I don't know who you are, but since you came back after Big Brother Bai, I know that you are definitely a kind person, so don't listen to me." His nonsense is in vain, you must not believe what he says."

Ximenfeng frowned slightly, and said, "Shangguan Jin, do you really think that I am the same person as you? Then you really know that you have to watch me, some of them will die, and I will definitely not get along with you , and even if I can't kill you today, I will definitely be able to kill you in the future, because you will never improve your strength as fast as I do."

Shangguan Jin laughed loudly and said, "You are really ridiculous, do you really think you are strong? Do you really think you can beat me? You are really ridiculous. "

(End of this chapter)

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