Chapter 1154 Tianyu Town

Bai Yunfei chuckled, looked at the two people who appeared, and said lightly, "We are just here to take a rest in your place. You must know that there are no people around, are you so willing to watch?" Do we people continue to die? If we continue to die like this, I am afraid that there will no longer be people in the whole world."

I saw that the two people were both a little embarrassed, and then shook their heads firmly and said, "I'm just sorry, you can't go in at all, because our place has been completely blocked and no one is allowed to go in and out, so I'm very sorry, but we I can bring you some food and water, but you are absolutely not allowed to enter our town."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Can that tell us a reason? I don't believe it. There is absolutely no reason. You will do this. Are you worried that we will bring you some disasters for a while? If If you have such worries, you can rest assured that it will definitely not bring you any trouble."

The two young men sighed at the same time and said, "We don't let you in, it's for your own good, because a very scary monster has been sealed off in our town, if we let you in, it might make you too It took a life."

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said with a faint smile, "It's a very terrifying monster, then you can rest assured, our strength is 10 points high, and we can kill that monster for you, so that you won't be killed again. I was dragged here by this monster."

The older young man was a little surprised and said, "Is your strength really very strong? Can this tell me what your strength has reached?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "As long as you don't mind us causing you trouble, then I can demonstrate our strength to you now. Do you really think that we couldn't enter your town before? But out of politeness, we are just saying hello to you, so now I will bring my two brothers directly into your town, so you don’t want to treat us as enemies, okay?"

The older young man nodded slightly and said, "If you are really capable and come in directly without us, then of course you won't be regarded as an enemy."

Bai Yunfei smiled immediately, grabbed Ma Xiaoliu and Ximenfeng one by one, and entered the town in an instant.

The two young men looked at Bai Yunfei who appeared behind them in amazement as if they had seen a ghost, the three of them.

"It's incredible that you really came in. How did you do it?" The younger young man said in surprise.

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It's 10 points easy, because this formation of yours can't help me at all, but rushing into the formation rashly will cause some unnecessary misunderstandings, so I just say hello to you .”

At this time, an old man slowly came over, and said loudly, "Yu Tianyu, you two are so brave, you dare to let outsiders in, don't you fear the punishment of the family rules?"

Yutian said with a wry smile, "Uncle Fourteen, please don't wrong us. The three of them came in by themselves, and they came in directly without any means. Ours can't stop him at all, and he It was only with our consent that we spoke out.”

The old man was a little surprised at once, and after looking at Bai Yunfei carefully, he shook his head helplessly and said, "I really didn't expect that such a powerful person exists, I can't even see your strength, I can only say yours The strength is really too strong, it is really a hero out of a boy."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Your old strength is not bad, but your current strength is much stronger than these young people."

The old man shook his head and laughed and said, "Then you are really wrong about my strength. How can I compare with you young people? Just say that the strength of the two young people next to you is almost the same as mine. Yes, it’s true that a hero is a boy, and it’s always going to die if you don’t accept it.”

Ma Xiaoliu was also very surprised and said, "I really didn't expect your old strength to be so strong. This is really beyond our expectations. But, what are you afraid of? With your such strong strength, How can you be so afraid??"

Yutian shook his head with a wry smile and said, "No matter how powerful we are, it's useless, because that monster is stronger than us, so we can all stay in Jianzhong and make curly hair stronger." , to be able to seal that monster, but if someone leaves the town and the power in the formation weakens, that monster will be able to come out, and then he will kill everyone."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "I don't know, do you mind taking us to see the monster you are talking about? I want to see how powerful his body is, and it can make you go so hard. deal with."

The old man chuckled and said, "Okay, your strength is 10 points strong, maybe you can really deal with it, and other people should also agree with my painting. face."

Yudi shook his head helplessly, sighed and said, "Who dares to grow old with you, everyone knows that your strength is the highest among all, and whoever dares to fight against you will not be punished by you." Just give him a beating."

Yu Shisi snorted coldly, pointed at Yudi and said, "Why do you still have a problem with me? Or do you plan to compete with me? If you plan to compete with me, I will satisfy you now, I Let's see how much improved your current design is, how dare you talk back to me like this."

Yutian said quickly and helplessly, "Uncle Fourteen, let's stop chatting here, let's take these guys to see the monster first, maybe he can really solve that monster for us, when the time comes All of us have been liberated, and we don’t need to be trapped here anymore. This is a very good thing for us, and didn’t you say it before you were old? There was a prophecy that there was a hero who could solve it for us All this trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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