Chapter 1162 Strength Breakthrough
At this time, Bai Yunfei had quickly returned to the side of his real body, and the two Bai Yunfei directly and quickly merged together.

I saw a very powerful energy began to gather continuously, and Bai Yunfei's strength also began to become stronger, and everything around him began to tremble continuously.

As time slowly passed, 100 years passed by.

Bai Yunfei slowly opened his eyes. At this time, he felt that some very strange changes had taken place in his body, and he felt that his strength was quite different from before. This may be what they call the primordial Realm.

Bai Yunfei took a light step, and instantly appeared in the chicken eating space, next to Lao Zhan and the others.

But when Bai Yunfei came behind them, no one could notice his existence at all, and they were all chatting and laughing there.

"What are you guys talking about? You talk about it so fascinatedly, and you don't even notice my existence?"

Everyone was startled, they quickly looked behind, found Bai Yunfei, and immediately surrounded Bai Yunfei happily.

"Brother Bai, you are finally back. How did it take you so long to come back? Almost 100 years have passed, and you are finally back." Bai Xiaoxiao said quickly.

Liu Xuexing also said with a happy face, "Yes, Brother Bai, you are finally back. We have been waiting for you so hard. We all thought that something went wrong with you?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "I don't know, 100 years have passed in a flash, but these 100 years can be regarded as a pretty good harvest. My strength has improved now, and I don't know how far I have reached." I don’t know, but I think it shouldn’t be too weak.”

After Lao Mo looked at Bai Yunfei carefully, he shook his head slightly and said, "If we left it in the past, we could still see your strength a little bit, but now there is no way to see how strong your strength is." .”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "I don't know what kind of realm I am now, but I only know that if I want my current strength, I can easily destroy it in a week. The previous 100 I am so powerful, it is really a very mysterious realm, I am afraid few people can reach such a realm, all of this needs to be explored slowly to know what the situation is at this stage."

Lao Zhan said with some concern, "But if this is the case, will you encounter some unnecessary dangers, Master? After all, no one knows your current state, and you don't know it yourself. Will there be some other unforeseen dangers?" What about the risk factors to control?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head, smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, everything is still under my control, and there will be no other problems, but now is the time to solve the problems of this system. "

Old Zhan said a little puzzled, "Isn't this place completely isolated? Isn't it no longer related to there? Why is there something wrong again?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It's not a big problem, but a problem of cause and effect. I didn't notice such a problem before. I just noticed it now, but I want to know the cause and effect this time." The reason is that you need to wait until the so-called chicken eating starts, but it will take 1000 years to reach the end, so you have to wait slowly."

Bai Xiaoxiao frowned slightly and said, "Brother Bai, even you pay so much attention to cause and effect, does that mean we need to pay attention too?"

Bai Yunfei suddenly laughed and said, "I value it because I have to pay attention to it, but you are different. You only need to do what you like to do in it. Don't worry, it's not too much." Big question, but the 1000-year wait is really boring, and by the way, I haven't paid attention to it in the past 100 years, and I don't know how many geniuses have appeared here?"

Old Zhan smiled and said, "We have gathered a lot of geniuses here, but they want it now, and it will take some time to become real talents, but now at least we have hundreds of martial arts experts here , those so-called strong people in the surrounding space don't dare to provoke us at all, they just turned around and left when they saw us, and absolutely didn't dare to say anything more."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "This is really good news. As long as our own strength becomes stronger, everyone's strength will also become stronger. At that time, the people around us will be even more afraid to provoke us." , otherwise, I am afraid that I will be destroyed directly when I encounter some powerful ones, but now with my support, I am afraid that there is really no problem."

Lao Mo said with some concern, "But I always feel that this is not a good thing. After all, we may have reached the real peak now, but this means that we are likely to be getting closer and closer to destruction."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said with a faint smile, "What you said is a normal situation. When we come here, this kind of situation will not happen. As long as I am still alive, this kind of problem will not happen, and now I want to kill you." People who kill me don't exist at all, and even sealing me is impossible, so you didn't say it, so there is nothing to be afraid of, so we will become the first eternal force."

Lao Mo and the others all laughed. Although they all knew what Bai Yunfei said to reassure them, they didn't believe Bai Yunfei's words.

Because they don't believe that Bai Yunfei has really reached a level that they can't even imagine. Although it is true that Bai Yunfei's strength is too beautiful to see through, they just believe in Bai Yunfei's strength, which is just stronger than them. Just a few.

Bai Yunfei showed a smile at this moment, and said with a faint smile, "I have thought of a very good idea, do you want to go with me and see what I want so that you can see my latest ability , is a 10-point playful ability that can cultivate many interesting people."

Bai Yunfei and the others frowned slightly. They really couldn't figure out what new idea Bai Yunfei had thought of. Anyway, they just felt a deep sense of sadness now, for those people.

(End of this chapter)

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