Chapter 1164 Constant Revision

Liu Xuexing couldn't bear it and said, "Brother Bai, isn't it a little too cruel for you to do this? After all, they are all life, and they are all living people. Your model will make them all die. Even those who survived will probably collapse directly and completely."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Do you think they will collapse? Do you think they are worthy of pity? They can destroy the whole world, so do you think people like them Shouldn't they die? Those innocent people died completely because of them, so there is no need to pity them at all."

Bai Xiaoxiao chuckled and said to Liu Xuexing who was still wanting to talk, "Even if you see these people sometimes you don't deserve your pity at all, although you really can't bear to see these people die, but you don't have the heart to see them die at all. There is no way to change their fate, because they have all become 10% evil, and your kindness will have no effect, you should look away from this."

Liu Xuexing nodded helplessly, and could only continue to watch the battle in this special space.

At this time, there are only 50 people left in the special space, and the other 50 people all died in the mission.

This is a woman, holding a very large wooden stick, and quickly threw it at a man, but he didn't hit him on the head, but hit his back.

But the man didn't have any intention of dodging at all, instead he cooperated with his back and let the woman hit him.

Just when the two of them cooperated with each other to complete their respective tasks, a very huge fireball fell from the sky, burning them both up in an instant.

At the same time, everyone got a helpless notice.

"Someone has launched a special skill, Meteor Flame, please be careful, there will be some fireball attacks in the sky from time to time."

All the people were quick, and after dodging those fireball attacks in the sky with pale faces, 10 points quickly found some places to hide, but some people were very lucky and actually picked up a 10 point A powerful card, but some people were very unlucky and fell into the trap.

Lao Zhan looked at all this with a little thought and said, "Master, you are really good. This model should be quite attractive. It should allow those guys to quickly improve their strength, but we shouldn't need it." Is it so cruel?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't put those guys' lives in danger, it's just to let you guys better understand the better aspects of this model, that's why I chose this kind of experimental place." .”

Lao Mo thought for a while and said, "I feel that some other hidden conditions can be set in it. If someone can achieve it, they can trigger some special effects. This should be a very good thing."

Bai Yunfei was stunned for a moment, and finally nodded and said, "This idea is really good, we can really do this, and it can really increase the playability of this game. It’s a very good suggestion.”

As time passed slowly, gradually many people have completed their respective tasks, but the real test has really begun. After all, only one person can survive, so all people must eliminate what they want. people who see.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "The speed of these people's elimination is really too slow, and now there are still 30 people left, who are still alive. Obviously, some stimulating things are needed to make them quickly. killing each other."

At this time, Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Brother, I know you have something that you haven't designed. You haven't set something to shorten the distance. You must have forgotten to use it, right?"

Bai Yunfei suddenly smiled and said, "You are right, I really forgot, I really forgot, the setting can continuously shorten the distance, that's why they are allowed to stay in such a safe place. It’s really not good to stay there all the time, so I will change it right away, so that they can continue to fight.”

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly set up the design, and saw that all the people were a little bit collapsed, and they ran quickly, because many soldiers appeared behind them, and so far these soldiers are all holding their guns. Forcing them to keep moving forward.

All the people collapsed, ran towards the center quickly, and launched an attack when they saw the enemy. The war was so cruel.

Gradually, the number of remaining people became less and less, until there were only 10 people left. Recently, 10 of them did not attack rashly, but looked at each other very vigilantly, because they all got some special cards, No one dares to take the lead in using it.

One of the yellow-faced men said loudly, "I think we will fight directly in melee. Whoever dies will be unlucky. No one is allowed to use special cards. How about this?"

But the other 9 people didn't listen to him, but looked at each other, and then they activated the special card directly and quickly. The 9 of them activated it almost at the same time, so the yellow-faced man hadn't had time to react. was eliminated.

And the special cards displayed by these 9 people are also very weird, restraining each other and canceling each other's effects.

At this time, many fireballs appeared in the sky again, and fell beside the crowd. Four of the nine people were instantly crushed to death by the fireballs.

The remaining 5 people saw that they couldn't wait any longer, so they directly and quickly launched an attack on the opponent, and the 5 people directly started a big melee.

As time passed, these five people have been fighting for a long time, but the winner has not yet been decided, because the strength of the five of them is equal, so no one will be able to kill each other for a while , and there must be a place for other people to attack, so everyone is not really attacking with their full strength.

At this moment, many fireballs fell from the sky with thorns. Because of the short safety distance this time, they almost enveloped the entire playing field, and all the people from the other family were immediately enveloped in it.

(End of this chapter)

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