Chapter 1166 Start the Battlefield

Bai Yunfei and Tian Yu'er came to a relatively secluded place and sat up.

"Are you completely free now? If you are completely free, then stay here, and there are a lot of fun here, I will take you to experience it later, it will definitely make you very fun , very happy." Bai Yunfei said calmly.

Tian Yu'er nodded and said with a smile, "I am completely free now, but I can say right now that I have no home for the time being, and I finally have a home with you. Of course I will stay here, as long as It’s fine if you don’t dislike me.”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I will never believe you, even if I believe that other people will never dislike you, you can just live here with peace of mind."

Tian Yu'er smiled and said, "I really have you, but your place is really hidden, and it may be difficult for ordinary people to come in, and what are you talking about for fun, you can take me to experience it now for a while?"

Bai Yunfei immediately yelled and said, "Of course, I can find Lao Zhan and the others later. Let's enter and experience the new mode together. It should be very interesting."

After Bai Yunfei found everyone, he said with a faint smile, "Now we form a team of two, and then we will directly enter the battlefield. At that time, it will depend on your luck."

Bai Yunfei started it immediately and quickly, and all the people were integrated into the chicken-eating battlefield.

Bai Yunfei is in a group with Tian Yuer, Bai Xiaoxiao is in a group with Liu Xuexing, and Lao Zhan is in a group with Lao Mo.

Ah Tu didn't form a group with anyone, because he didn't intend to participate at all, and just slowly watched the battle between them from a distance.

As time passed slowly, all the people had gathered, and a total of 1000 people were directly and quickly sent to the battlefield.

Tian Yu'er looked around curiously and said, "Our strength should be suppressed now, but why can't we feel the control of physical strength, it seems to be infinite physical strength, how did you do it?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You can treat this as a game, so you don't need to care about these details. You just need to know that we are ordinary people with unlimited physical strength. Next, let's All I need to do is to find martial arts and some special cards to eliminate other people, as long as we eliminate all other people at that time, the two of us will win."

After Tian Yu'er was stunned for a moment, she immediately said happily, "It's really fun to hear what you said, but, does everyone still have a task? Why do I feel that my task has some pitfalls? It was actually about me beating a survivor with my right leg."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Your luck is really great, it's so simple, do you know what my mission is? My mission is to let me take the shoes and hit three people."

Tian Yu'er suddenly laughed and said, "Then your task is really tricky. Everyone runs 10 points faster. I'm afraid it's impossible for you to hit them, unless they stand in the same place. Don't move the ground, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you to move them."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Then you are really underestimating me. Although I am just a different person now, I have not forgotten my technique, so it is a very easy thing for me. .”

Tian Yu'er said curiously, "I really don't know what the missions of the rest of them are. I'm afraid they should be almost the same as ours, right?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Although I have no way to control it here, I know that it is not that simple. Not everyone has the same mission, everyone's mission is different. Yes, some people's tasks are simply impossible to complete, and some people's tasks may require paying some price."

Tian Yu'er said curiously, "What kind of price will they pay, but from your mouth, it seems that they must also pay some price, and these prices should be very embarrassing, right?"

Bai Yunfei yelled and said, "Some people's tasks are indeed difficult to complete, so some people simply choose to be eliminated, but there are also stubborn people, so don't underestimate anyone. The time is very scary, if they catch the opportunity, I am afraid they will be eliminated directly?"

Just when Bai Yunfei and the others were looking for their prey, Liu Xuexing and the others were in a panic, and quickly ran out from their hiding place.

Bai Xiaoxiao sat on the side, and said helplessly, "I just didn't expect that this special task would be so difficult to complete. It actually made me kick 10 people's butts like crazy. This is simply impossible. Everyone should protect themselves and 10 points is good, it is impossible for me to complete such a task at all?"

"Brother, you need to have confidence. If you don't even have this confidence, how can you continue? You must be full of all kinds of confidence, so that you can truly succeed. Look at my task. Isn't it already done?"

Bai Xiaoxiao shook her head helplessly and said, "Your task is the simplest, okay? You only need to defeat three people, so you can complete your task so easily, but you can't tell me about my task." Can it be done? It's almost like an impossible thing."

Liu Xuexing smiled faintly and said, "Actually, your task is almost finished, and besides those few people, I have already been kicked by you. I'm afraid you will be able to complete the task in a short time. But you have to be patient."

Bai Xiaoxiao said helplessly, "Wait patiently. I'm afraid what I lack the most is to wait patiently, because now no one knows what kind of hole cards the opponent has, and haven't you discovered it? Now the safety zone is constantly shrinking, If I can't complete the task quickly, I'm afraid I will be eliminated directly. How embarrassing, I can't be the first to be eliminated, so I must persevere, and I must be the fastest Complete the task quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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