Chapter 1169
Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Actually, you should slowly get used to this kind of battle, because most of the time, this kind of battle status is very interesting. As long as you can stay alive, it is the most useful, not to say how many people you kill. You must adapt, and there are many other modes that you have not experienced, I can take you to other modes to have a good experience, but let’s win first and then talk.”

Bai Yunfei and the others continued to walk quickly, looking for new cards or cards that could improve their strength while walking, but it was a pity that they really didn't find any cards that could improve their strength, they just found a lot of special cards. cards.

Bai Yunfei looked at the card in his hand, showed a slight smile, and said with a faint smile, "Let's add another dish to them, hoping to make them have more fun."

I saw that the sky instantly became 10% pitch black, and countless lightning bolts fell from the sky quickly. People who were not in the house were all attacked by lightning. Some people were directly electrocuted to death, and some were injured by electricity.

Bai Yunfei was very satisfied with what he did just now, he chuckled and said, "A lot of people have died now, and there shouldn't be many people in the safe zone now, and I just checked the inventory. There are less than 100 people left, and now is the time for the real battle."

At this moment, many fireballs appeared in the sky again, and landed on the positions where everyone was staying, but this time, everyone was in a place, and there was no damage.

Lao Zhan and Lao Mo were very vigilant and had to watch for 4 weeks, but the two of them were very safe, did not take any risks and chose to fight steadily.

Lao Mo said helplessly, "I really feel a little old now, and I really don't have as much energy as these young people. It's really a pity. If I knew it earlier, I would still mind the money to take some precautions, and I wouldn't be like So passive now."

Lao Zhan shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "I have taken some precautions before, but who would have thought that it would be of no use at all, and now we have fallen into some embarrassing situations. If we encounter some As for humans, I'm afraid we have to escape, it's really helpless, this time I played the most tragic one."

Lao Mo frowned slightly and said, "Let's leave this place as soon as possible. Staying in this place is not an option. If someone finds it, the two of us are sure, it can be said that we are doomed, but I Now there is a card, do you think I can use it now?"

After looking at it curiously, Lao Zhan suddenly said with bright eyes, "Of course I used it. Why don't you use such a good card? This is definitely a 10-point good one, especially a 10-point one that is suitable for our current situation." situation to use."

Lao Mo nodded slightly, then activated the card directly and quickly.

I saw his card quickly turned into a white light and flew into the sky. After that, countless fireballs fell down quickly. There was no way for anyone outside to dodge, and they were all shot by the fireballs. It blew up.

Bai Yunfei was very lucky to enter the house with Tian Yu'er and escaped the catastrophe.

"Where did this old Mo get such a card? He was so perverted that he almost died in his hands."

Tian Yu'er frowned slightly and said, "You see these foods are found in every house, and there are even some foods on other streets. There are definitely some problems, but what kind of card can drive They don’t know about it, but we still have to be more careful now, let’s go outside and have a look, but we also need to use a special card.”

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "That's right, we can indeed use that special card now, and we will definitely teach them a very good lesson, so that they can all enjoy what is called warmth." sunshine."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly took out a card and cast it. Everyone felt a hot breath, and they were all surprised to find that the sun was getting very close to them. A lot of sweat began to appear continuously, and the whole person began to become weak continuously.

But Bai Yunfei and Tian Yu'er were not affected at all, they were still alive and kicking and continued to look for other people, but now all the people have no strength to fight, and they were quickly killed by the two of them. Individuals have killed quite a few.

Liu Xuexing hid in the room at this time and did not dare to go out, frowned slightly and said, "Brother Bai, what kind of crazy special card did you use? How long will it last to make the outside so hot? If it goes on forever, then who can win, is it impossible to hide in the house all the time, it is really a headache."

At this moment, all the houses trembled, but the sun outside had disappeared, but the whole house began to tremble continuously, as if an earthquake was about to occur.

All the people in the house ran out quickly, but some who ran slowly were buried inside, and all the houses were destroyed.

Bai Yunfei said with a little pity, "If I knew that they had such perverted skills, I would have waited to use them. Otherwise, the two of us would have won the victory now, instead of having to wait until now." Need to keep waiting."

Tian Yu'er shook her head slightly and said with a smile, "If you were not a human being, I am afraid that person would never endure it like this, because only everyone has entered the house to use it, but it is a pity that he Some of the timing was not very good, so not many people were killed at all."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and after a careful inspection, he said with a faint smile, "There are only 12 people left, so we must immediately take the lead. Among the 12 people, except the three we know We don’t even know who is playing, so we must be more careful to guard against it, it’s definitely not that simple, to be able to survive, and to live to the end must have some trump cards.”

(End of this chapter)

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