Chapter 1180 Unity is everything

Mo Daha laughed and said, "Don't worry, boss, we will never do anything against the author, we will follow you all our lives, and we will never betray you, don't worry, boss, if anyone dares to betray If it's the Escort, I'll kill him with my own hands."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Everyone take a break here, and wait for the arrival of other people before we continue our journey. With this deterrent, there should be no one around to interfere with our troubles."

After waiting, after all the people came back, Bai Yunfei and the others quickly left here, but at this time all the bodyguards had all smiled with satisfaction, because they can be said to have turned very well this time. The abundance is at least enough for them to spend for a long time.

Bai Yunfei coughed lightly, looked at the happy crowd and said, "But you don't want it, it's really all divided, at least you have to give some of it to those who stay at home, even though they didn't fight with you , but they are credited with guarding the house for us at home, so you can't lose their share."

One of the younger bodyguards raised his hand and said quickly, "Boss, isn't this unfair? Everyone has worked hard to earn money here, but they are all very stable at home. Why should they be divided?" share?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Sun Liu, you are wrong to think this way, because if they are all here and keep you at home, then if you know, everyone will get so much money." Qian Cai, what do you think they will think, will they show some dissatisfaction, and if there are missions, there will definitely be troubles, and everyone is a group, so we should share the blessings and share the difficulties .”

Sun Liu shook his head and said, "They can also meet them when they are performing their missions, and they can do the same now. No matter how much money they get, the other brothers won't be jealous. Isn't that all right?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "If you have such thoughts, then you are really not suitable for this place, because all the brothers here can stand up for each other, but your thoughts are If you are thinking about yourself, then you will definitely not help your brother when he is in trouble, and it is even impossible to lose your name because of your brother, so why should we be friends with you?"

At this time, Li Fushan said to Sun Liu, "The boss is right. If you only think about yourself, then you might as well go out by yourself. Why are you here with everyone? You must know that everyone is a comrade in the trenches." , a brother who is on the line of life and death, so we must not care about anything, we must be united, only in this way can we become stronger, only in this way will no one come to bully us."

Sun Liu also came to his senses, and said with some embarrassment, "I'm really sorry, I still have the same thoughts as before. This is my fault. I will definitely change my own thoughts, and I will definitely never have the same thoughts as before."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said to everyone with a smile, "In fact, everyone should change their minds. We are all brothers, not competitors, so you can't have any dissatisfaction with your brothers. A good idea, sometimes a jealousy may ruin a person's happiness and family, so no matter what kind of thing, everyone can talk about it, and it must not be hidden in the heart, let alone To be able to take revenge on my brother."

Seeing that everyone already understood the meaning of his words, Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and led them on their way.

Tian Yu'er smiled slightly and said to Bai Yunfei, "I really didn't expect that you are really good at talking. Now all of them have united together, and there will be no more fights between you. It’s a very good phenomenon, at least one area is peaceful.”

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said with a chuckle, "Even though we are the loneliest, because there are very few friends who can go to the end like us, and most of them will die because of half their lifespan." The reason is that all of them will die. No matter how they struggle, there is no way to change this situation. So sometimes I don’t want to go to see those old friends, because I’m afraid that I will see their old faces. Seeing their longing for life, but being helpless is very uncomfortable."

Tian Yu'er sighed slightly and said: "You know that I have been very cold during these years of being the master of the Dao, and nothing can make me have any mood swings. Except for you, I I always thought that I just watched the death and rebirth of everyone coldly, and this cycle continued, only when I really let go of that responsibility, did I realize the preciousness of life and the beauty of life."

Bai Yunfei also nodded slightly, looked into the distance and said, "Although we can now say that we are immortal, there is no danger, and nothing can restrict us, but we still have to cherish everything in front of us, after all No one knows whether there will be new changes in their hearts after countless years, so only by constantly cherishing what is in front of them can they become more humane and never become a person. A cold machine."

Tian Yuer chuckled and said, "Your analogy is true. It is 10% appropriate. It is exactly the same as a cold machine if you lose your emotions. However, I miss my current life very much. Everyone has said Laughing, crying and worrying, this is actually a rare thing, and nostalgia is also a driving force for progress.”

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "No matter what happens in the future, let us enjoy everyone's life first, let us slowly become the world's number one escort agency in this world, and wait until we complete this task." , let’s go to other worlds and continue to enjoy other lives, I will accompany you until the end of time, and I will never let you have the same lonely thoughts as before, I will make you 1% happy every day.”

(End of this chapter)

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