Chapter 1188 Two Years Later

The business of the Baiyu Escort has officially started, because all the people have been informed of the safety of the supplies and food they deliver, so many people come to the Baiyu Escort, hoping that they will deliver things for them.

But Bai Yunfei rejected a lot of people, because there was no need for some of them to go, and it was just a waste of people to go. He just chose some more difficult ones, because this would increase their prestige and make money, killing two birds with one stone.

The days passed slowly like this, and two years passed by in a flash, but at this time, the prestige of the Baiyu Escort Bureau can be said, in fact, no one dares to provoke, because everyone knows that there are experts in it, But how high is it, but no one knows, only know that there is a master of Wuwang level who came to challenge from here, but was easily defeated by one of the bodyguards.

Bai Yunfei and Tian Yu'er are already very relaxed at this time, they don't need to manage the affairs of the Escort anymore, and everything is on the right track, so the two of them can put down the work at hand and slowly enjoy life.

Tian Yu'er smiled slightly and said, "I really didn't expect that in just two short years, our bodyguard agency has won the name of Nuo Da in this country. It is really a very good thing."

Bai Yunfei drank a little wine, said with a faint smile, "It's really a very good thing, and it's also a thing to be proud of. After all, we built it slowly from scratch, so it's very meaningful." pride."

Just when the two of them were talking and laughing here, the person who disturbed them came to find them again.

The butler smiled and said, "I'm really sorry that Mr. Bai has come to disturb you again."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Yes, you don't necessarily want to bother us. This is giving us money. I'm right. What kind of business needs us?"

The wood butler nodded slightly and said with a smile, "There are indeed some things that need your help, and it's best for the head of the Bai family to send each other in person, so that everyone can relax."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Aren't you worried about my subordinates? They are not weak, why can't they escort them? Is there anyone in the whole country who can defeat them?" Is it done?"

The butler slightly shook his head and said, "The mission of escorting this time is completely different, because this time it is not in our country. Second, I hope you can escort my lady to Jiguo because that is where the real geniuses gather. place, so our young lady needs to go there to go to school, so she needs to be personally escorted by Mr. Bai."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said, "I don't seem to have been to Jiguo at all, and I don't know what kind of road it is, so aren't you afraid that we will get lost? And the masters there should be There are more than ours here, why don't you invite experts from them?"

The wood butler shook his head, and said with some emotion, "Don't be joking, Mr. Bai, we don't have any power at all, and we don't have any skills. We can ask the experts over there to help, so we can only ask Mr. Bai to escort us personally." , because Master Bai's strength is as high as the sky, there will never be any problems."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "There shouldn't be much need to transport it personally, my subordinates are not weak, and with their escort, there shouldn't be any problems."

The wood butler said anxiously, "Although I know that the brothers under your command in Bai are very powerful, but this time the enemy is also 10 points strong. It is said that there are Wuzun level existences among them, so there is an emergency." Going to the doctor indiscriminately."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Aren't you worried, we are no match for the strong Wu Zun, this is at the level of Wu Zun, you must know that the highest in this country is only at the level of Wu Emperor , but now you are suddenly facing a strong Wuzun level, do you think it is possible to win?"

The wooden steward shook his head, and said with a smile, "Master Bai, don't be joking. The tallest of your subordinates have already reached the peak of Wudi, and they may break through to the level of Wuzun at any time. That can only be done." The representatives give you more power, so there is absolutely no problem for you to take the shot."

Bai Yunfei showed a smile, and said with a chuckle, "How did you know that I don't have the strength of those people? I probably haven't seen other people notice them. Where did you infer that? What about their strength?"

The wood butler smiled slightly and said, "That's because I have practiced a technique that can check a person's strength. I happened to check them, and I checked them all. Only your strength I can't see through it at all."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I see, it seems that you are really very talented, and it's really interesting that you can practice such a strange skill. Well, this business we It is acceptable, but if you want to be like the most powerful country, you will have to charge a lot.”

The wood butler nodded slightly and said, "We have prepared a lot of money and some complete medical insurance, which can definitely be used as the supplies and rewards for this time, and will definitely not let you suffer."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I didn't expect that yours was already prepared. You really are very considerate. Well, tell your lady that you can come here to gather in three days. I will personally lead the team when the time comes. Escort him to Jiguo, but there is nothing for you after you get there."

The wood butler nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll go back and inform our family now, and ask him to come to you to report after three days of preparation, but our young lady has a bit of a temper. The other ladies have different tempers, so please forgive me if there are some misunderstandings."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a faint smile, "You're going to be wrong about this, then you have to go back and warn him, if you want to cause trouble for us, then give up this mission for us, and don't give up anything." If you want to go back again, this is the condition this time, go back by yourself and tell your lady."

(End of this chapter)

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