Chapter 1204 To Liberty City
Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Okay, let's deal with all the things here, and arrest all those who have been arrested to see if they haven't done anything illegal, just ask Ask them if they want to follow us, if they don’t want to, then let them go, if they do something outrageous, then drag them to the court.”

After some inquiries, Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with great satisfaction, "They are not bad, they didn't kill people, they just robbed some people's goods, and if the crime is not so serious, there is no need to let them do it. When you are old, ask them if they would like to follow us to become bodyguards and leave here to live a new life."

After some inquiries, a total of 30 people joined Bai Yunfei and the others, and all the others left here to find other ways of living.

The people who joined first looked enviously at the high strength of those people, but their low strength, so they secretly imagined these people and learned new martial arts, but what they didn't mention was that Bai Yunfei He actually handed over all the martial arts groups to them very straightforwardly. These 30 people were moved to tears, and they swore that they would be absolutely loyal and never give birth to double-mindedness.

Xue Wuzhan smiled slightly, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Actually, sometimes I really admire you very much. You are really courageous. If these people were placed on other people, they would have already put them on the ground." They were all killed, but you were able to take them in. You are really different from other people. This is what I admire the most about you. However, you will not be able to be so merciful on the road ahead. .”

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said with some puzzlement, "That's why? Why can't the road ahead be so benevolent? Could it be that the enemies we will encounter later are all vicious?"

Xue Wuzhan nodded slightly and said, "However, according to the records on the map, if we go further, we should reach the City of Liberty, and the so-called City of Liberty there is a city established by the gathering of villains from all over the world. None of the people there are good stubble, and everyone's hands are covered with blood, so they will never be ups and downs with anyone, they all gathered here for freedom, so We'd better avoid them, and we'd better not have any conflict with him, otherwise, there will definitely be a war."

Bai Yunfei suddenly smiled and said, "As long as they don't come to trouble us, it's fine. If they dare to trouble us, then no wonder we came to kill them. If they really If you ask for a dead end, then no one can save them, and we don't have to make a detour. We can just walk through their city directly. long way."

Lao Zhou walked over and said worriedly, "Yes, boss, we must not leave this city. If they are targeting our goods, then we will really be in trouble. "

Bai Yunfei frowned immediately, and said in a puzzled manner, "Are you guys so nervous? It's just a city, why are you so worried? If you can't even conquer this city, then you guys go first , how can I rest assured, and isn't your current strength enough to deal with the people there?"

Lao Zhou said slightly embarrassed, "It's mainly the name of the person and the shadow of the tree, so we have some fears at all, but now that we think about it, our strength is fundamentally different from before, so there is no need to be like We were so scared before, so we have to break through this city, otherwise our strength will be affected."

Xue Wuzhan was also slightly stunned at this time, and said with some helplessness, "I really didn't expect that all the things that I didn't think of before were all here, and there were mistakes. Sure enough, our cultivation time is still a little short. , Some things that we didn't notice, all appeared in our cultivation quickly and had a great impact on us."

Bai Yunfei laughed suddenly and said, "But now that you can wake up, that's a good thing. I won't have anyone with a high score before. Let's go directly to the city and pass through the city, but we don't rest in the city. , After all, we still have a lot of children who can't let them take risks, so everyone will work hard and don't make any stops in the middle."

Lao Zhou nodded slightly and said with a smile, "That's right, we don't need to stay inside, because our supplies are 10% sufficient, enough for us to reach the next city, there is no problem, so we just There's no need to take risks here."

free city
I saw that many people in the city were all doing nothing there, but they didn't have any weapons in their hands. Dr. Li was all there, staring at each other, because here, the first rule is to guard against sneak attacks by others at any time Own.

Today, there are two strong men guarding the city gate. The two of them are among the best in strength here, so they can be ranked here to guard the city gate, because everyone who passes here will give them some money to honor them.

"Hu San, do you think someone will come to our place today? It's been a long time since no one came to our place. If we wait like this, I'm afraid we will really become gatekeepers. I don't want to waste time here any longer. If you have this kind of skill, you might as well go to other places to have a look.”

Hu San shook his head, snorted and said, "Hu Er sees that you'd better not have such thoughts, if you do, be careful that the boss will beat you to death."

Hu Er snorted slightly and said, "We are guarding a broken city gate here, and we have been guarding it like this all the time. Do we have to let us all die here? They eat and drink spicy food inside, let us brothers One suffers here, and the two of us will not be the same by then, there is basically no way to reason, and we are here to pursue freedom, not to suffer here."

 The name of the following chapter is wrong, the content is correct
(End of this chapter)

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