Chapter 1206 Leaving Liberty City
Bai Yunfei nodded, smiled and said, "Anyway, I've already given you a chance, so think about it yourself, if you plan to let us go, then leave it to us, if you don't plan to let us go, then say goodbye Now, we still have to continue on our way, so we won’t be staying with you for long, so think about it yourself.”

All the people continued to walk, but no one dared to stop them, so Hu Yi and the others just stared blankly at Bai Yunfei and the others as they left.

Just when Bai Yunfei and the others came to the center of the city, suddenly a large number of people came here quickly, blocking the way of Bai Yunfei and the others.

I saw a casual person walking over slowly, and said with a faint smile, "I just didn't expect to be able to get so many Feiyang here. If you give me half of your supplies, I can Make sure you get out of here safely, if you dare to resist, then you all stay here, see that there are many beauties among you who can also stay here."

Xue Wuzhan frowned slightly and looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "Boss, what should we do with them? Kill them all? Or maim them all?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Let's beat them all, it's so cruel to take their lives, let them become ordinary people, then they won't be able to bully anyone anymore people."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, and said in agreement, "They rely on their own strength to dare to do evil like this. If their strength is abolished, I believe they will never have any qualifications to become rampant again."

Mo Dahe sneered and said, "You guys will give you one last chance. If you don't leave, we will be rude to you in the end. If we do, you will never have any chance to regret it. Whether you seek death here or leave, you choose for yourself!"

I saw that all those people laughed wildly.

"It's really interesting. Some people dare to treat us like this, and some people dare to talk to us like this. They really don't know how to live or die."

"Haha, yes, these guys really don't know how to live or die, and they dare to be so rampant. Otherwise, let's punish them for cramps."

Li Fushan said lightly, "Let's start directly."

I saw that they all quickly took out their weapons and rushed towards those people in an instant.

In such an instant, those people standing in front of them all fell to the ground, their hands and feet were all disabled, and even their skills were completely disabled.

Li Fushan and the others returned to Bai Yunfei and the others calmly, and said with a slight smile, "Boss has already done everything, these guys can no longer become villains, and it won't be long before they leave here. .”

Bai Yunfei and the others continued to walk forward, and the wailing of those people on the ground did not affect them at all, but all the villains around them had all quickly retreated, and now they all recognized Bai Yun's pain. Flying their terror, they absolutely dare not risk their lives again, because the people who hit Bai Yunfei in front of them are already relatively powerful organizations in their area.

A white-clothed scholar frowned slightly and said, "I really don't know where this Qianglong is so powerful. It seems that I have to pay attention to it in the future. They must not offend this bodyguard, otherwise they will die." I don't even know how he died."

"Baiyu Escort, why do I feel that the name is very familiar, but I can't remember hearing it there, it seems that it should be a famous Escort." The old man in Tsing Yi frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled.

The gray-clothed man suddenly understood and said, "I see, he is the recently more civilized Baiyu Escort. It is said that their strength is very strong. Today, it is indeed the case. Their strength is really too strong."

The white-faced scholar nodded clearly and said, "It turned out to be them. If it were them, it would really explain why they are so powerful, but where they come from, I'm afraid no one knows. Well, I should be planning to leave here with them like this, but I have no idea where they are going."

Bai Yunfei and the others had gradually come to the other side of the city gate, but at this time the city gate was wide open, no one dared to stop them, just watching Bai Yunfei and the others easily left the city of freedom.

After Bai Yunfei and the others left, all the villains on the city wall couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They all felt the deadly threat just now, and now they can finally continue to live.

Sun Liu smiled slightly, and said curiously, "Why do you think those villains are so cowardly? Logically speaking, shouldn't they all be lawless? How could they all become so cowardly?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "That's because they are more able to understand the feasibility of things. Knowing that things are wrong, they will definitely not do such things, unlike some young people who know things are wrong. Because I still have to do it, when the time comes, I will be frustrated and nothing will be done."

Lao Zhou chuckled and said, "But these are things that young people have to go through. If they don't go through these, they won't be truly mature. Only after going through these can they be able to carry the sky."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, looked at the sky indifferently, and said softly, "Yes, only after some wind and rain can those young people become more mature completely, but by that time, all young people have already matured." I have become middle-aged and elderly, and this is not the era of passion."

Lao Zhou smiled slightly and said, "Boss, in fact, I have always wanted to ask you, how many years have you lived? Why do I feel that you are very vicissitudes, but I can't see your exact age?"

Bai Yunfei showed a mysterious smile, and said with a soft smile, "I don't know how many years I have lived, do you believe it? Because there are many times, you don't know how time is calculated, so You just need me to be older than you, so if you call me boss, you can have no pressure."

(End of this chapter)

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