Chapter 1209 The Warmth of Home
Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You really are too kind. The other party can do so many things for a single quota, but you just want to teach the other party a lesson. You still know enough." Kindness, but sometimes being too kind will only harm yourself and your friends, so you can’t take other people’s lives for granted because of kindness, especially your own friends. The other party is a life, and your own A friend is also a life, I hope you can distinguish when to be kind and when not to be kind.”

Ouyang Mu couldn't bear it and said, "But because of killing the other party like this, is it true that one day he will be cruel to me? As long as his strength is abolished and he becomes an ordinary person, this is also a huge challenge for him. punished."

Lao Zhou chuckled and said, "You bastard, do you know what kind of forces are waiting for us?"

But no matter how much he asked, the guy in the Breeze Building didn't say anything. When he checked carefully, he found that the guy was dead.

"But I didn't expect this guy to be so involuntary. I only used it a little, but I couldn't bear it and died. It's a pity. There are still many things that I haven't asked." Bai Yunfei said slightly. Shaking his head, he said with some emotion.

Lao Zhou said with some embarrassment, "Boss, what should we do now? Should we continue our journey or go to other places to repair first? Why is everyone a little tired in this valley? After all, no one can really fall asleep. We Let’s find a good place for everyone to rest.”

Bai Yunfei counted the time, and said with a slight smile, "Anyway, there is still time, so let's take a rest, but this time, everyone should continue to be on guard, don't panic. Generally, if something happens, it must be dealt with as quickly as possible."

After all the people responded, they continued on their way quickly, and when they reached a place with a river, they set up camp and rested.

Zhang Tian walked to the river, picked up a wooden stick, and quickly beat it back and forth in the river. All the fish with nails turned white and floated out, and he picked them to the shore.

"Today we can have grilled fish. The fish here is really fat enough for us to enjoy it."

Hearing Jiang Tian's cheers, all the people ran over quickly, took all the fish to the open space, raised a fire and started roasting.

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said to Sun Liu next to him, "I'm afraid it's not too good to just eat these fish, you go to the forest to hunt some game, and according to your lightness skills, you should come back soon."

Sun Liu chuckled, and quickly left here to look for prey.

As time passed slowly, Sun Liu ran back quickly after an hour, and he actually walked back with a wild boar in his hand.

"Boss is really lucky. He actually caught a wild boar. This is really enough for all of us to eat."

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said loudly to Pang Yu who was busy grilling fish, "Old Pang, go and deal with all these things. The logistics support must be guaranteed to everyone, and if the meat of these wild boars is not edible , You can also marinate it, after all, we still have to continue on our way, so logistics must be very important, but don't let me slack off."

At this moment, Pang Yu stopped what he was doing, and said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, boss, don't you worry about my craftsmanship? Have I ever disappointed you with the food we have eaten along the way?"

At this time, Bai Yunfei thought for a while and said, "Anyway, you don't fight much, so I'll teach you some heresy things, so I can make more delicious food for everyone."

Bai Yunfei directly passed some knife skills and recipes of some dishes to Pang Yu.

Pang Yu suddenly said in disbelief, "Boss, where did you get it? It's really precious, and if you cook it according to some of the methods in it, it can make the dishes more delicious, and you can also make delicious dishes. The medicinal diet that may be able to improve strength is really incredible, boss, you are really amazing."

Bai Yunfei didn't pay attention to Pang Yu who was happy, but walked to the side, sat beside Xue Wuzhan and said with a faint smile, "Now, do you feel some warmth here, do you feel the kindness of everyone? So now it feels very relaxed here.”

Xue Wuzhan nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Boss, you are right. I really feel the long-lost peace here, and everyone is very nice. What makes me feel very happy is that I can be with myself. My family stays together every day. This is a very rare opportunity. I seldom spend time with my family before, but now I can feel that the relationship between me and my children is gradually warming up. This makes me feel A very weird feeling, as if very nostalgic, such a feeling."

Bai Yunfei smiled and looked into the distance, and said, "Actually, this is the warmth of home. Many people actually quit the arena after feeling the warmth of home, because they don't want to fight outside, and I also don’t want to bring death to my family, but once I enter this Jianghu, there is no way to change it, the Jianghu is the Jianghu, this is the characteristic of the Jianghu.”

Xue Wuzhan nodded slightly, and said with a soft smile, "It is precisely because of this that I am very moved. I really did not expect that one day I would become an escort. I always thought that I I will become a general, but after I became a general, I always thought that I could become a marshal, but the reality gave me a very big blow. I turned from a general into a bandit, and I was also a scolded , a bandit that everyone shouts and beats."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "But now you have undergone a new change, you are now the bodyguard that everyone envies, the bodyguard of the Baiyu Escort, which is impossible for ordinary people to come in. things."

Xue Wuzhan smiled slightly with emotion, and said, "Yes, it is precisely because of this that I can let my family members be with me blatantly again, and I won't be afraid that they will be implicated by me again."

(End of this chapter)

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