Chapter 1211 Detoxification
The soldier smiled slightly, and said hehe, "You are right. Our emperor is very wise and powerful, and he is also working hard to cross the river, so all of us are fighting very energetically. I believe we must It can become very powerful like the Ji country you are going to."

Bai Yunfei saw that all the soldiers showed a hint of pride, nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Seeing you like this, I believe it. If I can meet you again in the future, I will definitely Let you buy us a drink."

The soldiers all laughed, and soon they came to the barracks, and Bai Yunfei found their injured general very smoothly.

After Bai Yunfei checked it out, he chuckled, and said, "Your general is really blessed, if it weren't for the fact that he cultivated some special skills, you are just ordinary people now. dead body."

The lieutenant next to him nodded slightly and said, "You are right, our general has indeed practiced a martial art that can resist poison attacks, and it is because of this martial art that he will save everyone so recklessly. But I didn't expect that the poison in this poisonous valley would be so poisonous that even the general couldn't bear it."

Bai Yunfei nodded, smiled softly and said, "Prepare a big basin and a stove."

Soon the soldiers got everything ready, and finally looked at Bai Yunfei curiously, to see how he could save their general.

Bai Yunfei picked up a small knife casually, and cut the general's wrist. Blood flowed out quickly, and all of it flowed into the basin.

Bai Yunfei calmly took out a black ointment and smeared it on the wound, only to see a lot of black blood quickly appearing from the wound.

At this moment, someone was surprised to find that the black blood in the basin was continuously boiling there, as if there were some living creatures inside.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei found that the general's blood had flowed very rosy, without any blackness, so he nodded slightly, and stopped the bleeding from his wound.

"Okay, your general will have no problem, burn all the blood with fire."

The soldiers hurriedly followed Bai Yunfei's instructions, but when the black blood was in the brazier, all of them took a few steps back in fear, only to see those black flames appearing Many black worms were then burned to ashes by the fire.

The lieutenant general was a little puzzled and said, "What's the matter with these bugs? How can there be these damn bugs in the body? It's these bugs that made the general unconscious?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile, "Yes, it is precisely because of these bugs that he made your general so half-dead. If there were no these bugs, he should have woken up long ago with the energy in his body."

The lieutenant general was a little puzzled and said, "But why did these bugs enter its body? We didn't find such bugs at all. What's going on? Could it be that someone intentionally poisoned my general?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, pointed to their general and said, "It's not that someone poisoned your general, but that your general deliberately swallowed a kind of Gu in order to save you all. Gu worms, he can rely on these, without any poison, otherwise, the poisonous worms in the poisonous valley you are talking about can poison even your generals to death."

All the soldiers around heard the news, they were all very moved, and they were all very open, and their generals could quickly wake up.

After Bai Yunfei wiped his hands with a white cloth, he smiled softly and said, "Okay, now your lives are not in danger, you just need to wait quietly for three days, and he will be able to wake up, but in these three days The army can no longer subject him to any attacks, can no longer disturb him, and can't give him any medicine. He can only rely on the energy in his body to recover. You just need to stay here OK."

All the soldiers quickly came to the outside to guard, and there were two soldiers in the tent to protect the general.

The lieutenant general greeted Bai Yunfei happily, saluted and said, "Thank you sir, if it wasn't for your rescue, our general would have died, and our army would have been completely destroyed." If they are swallowed up by other armies, then all the hard work of the past few years will be in vain.”

Bai Yunfei shook his head, said with a faint smile, "I'm just doing this with a little effort, it's nothing, but we still need to actively hurry, so I won't waste time here with you."

The lieutenant nodded slightly and said with a smile, "If that's the case, I won't bother you here, but do you want me to send soldiers to escort you to other cities, so that you can be more peaceful along the way."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "No need, we can't protect ourselves enough, you should protect your general here, and we will meet again in the future."

After Bai Yunfei returned to the Escort team, the whole team continued to move forward again, but this time all the people looked around with strange eyes, because they had never seen some scenery in other countries, so They are all very curious and want to see the difference between them and their own country.

Lao Zhou said with a little emotion, "I really miss this kind of transnational escort. You know, I only escorted once before, but that experience made me 10% unforgettable. I just didn't expect that I would be able to do it again this year." , and being able to live in the strongest country, this is really something I have never thought about in my life."

Zhang Tian asked curiously, "Why haven't I heard that you have been to other countries before? Then which country did you go to? Why have you never heard of it?"

Lao Zhou said with some emotion, "Do you know how dangerous it is to escort escorts across the country? We had a total of more than 100 people back then, but only 10 of them came back in the end. It is precisely because of this that I never dared to , continue to take such tasks with them."

(End of this chapter)

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