Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1213: The City That Never Sleeps

Chapter 1213: The City That Never Sleeps

Bai Yunfei smiled, looked at the panicked people around and said, "In fact, there are many people like them in the whole world, they are really too selfish, but it is because of these selfish people that they are like these In the world, there are many people who are like fools, which is more meaningful, because they are all selfless existences, ah, these selfish guys will only become despicable people because of their selfishness."

Tian Yu'er laughed and said, "I really didn't expect that I would get into such trouble just out of shopping. Everyone leave this castle, otherwise I am afraid that some means will have to be resorted to."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "I don't think it's necessary at all, because I plan to completely change the owner of this city, and only those who truly care about the people of this city can make this city even better. , so as not to let those hateful bastards tarnish the name of the city that never sleeps."

Tian Yu'er rolled her eyes, and said a little bit reluctantly: "Then you can deal with it yourself, I won't waste time here with you, I will go back and tell everyone to pack their bags, and I am going to leave here tomorrow morning, as for what is going on here What will happen, then you will have to deal with it yourself, anyway, you will leave tomorrow."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly immediately, and said with a faint smile, "Yes, no matter what, I have to leave tomorrow, so now I want to completely change the sky of this city, you should go back first, after all the next thing It's 10 points bad for you, so you don't have to watch it."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he quickly left here and came to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Who are you? If you dare to trespass on a mature service, I think you don't want to live anymore. Get out of here quickly, otherwise we will blame you for being rude to you."

Bai Yunfei nodded in satisfaction, and said with a faint smile, "You guys performed 10 points pretty well, which makes me very satisfied, so all three of you have guaranteed your own safety."

Seeing that these leaders all looked at Bai Yunfei with some headaches, they whispered to each other, "This guy must be mentally ill, otherwise, how could he say such a thing?"

"It's true, the words they said really don't seem like a normal person can say them at all, and don't look at where this place is, dare to say such a rebellious painting, then don't be afraid of getting involved To your own family?"

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "Don't compare me with those people, I am different from them, if I want to kill you, I can crush you all with just a few fingers crushed to death, but I will not do this, because I am now experiencing life, so I will help you completely replace your city lord, because he is not called a city lord at all."

Bai Yunfei directly stretched out his right hand, and quickly slapped it forward, only to see a very huge handprint quickly appearing on the spot, and saw that this huge handprint began to expand inward continuously, but whoever was touched by him All the people hit by the handprint were quickly patted into meat sauce.

All the people quickly avoided the huge handprint, and the city lord jumped up quickly, but it was a pity that when he wanted to put on his clothes, he only felt a pain in his chest , flew upside down, and the exact same palm print appeared on his chest.

So far, this city lord is very sad, he just died like this, he didn't know why he died, who killed him, and why, he didn't know anything at all, he was just so confused died.

When Bai Yunfei saw the soldiers next to him, all of them stared wide-eyed, looking a little unbelievable, he suddenly smiled and said, "Why do you all look like this? Could it be that I felt 10 points of disbelief for what I just said?" Is it? In fact, these are just some simple operations, don’t take it to heart, you can now elect your favorite city lord, because your city lord has been killed, so no one dares to continue Now you can be said to be truly free, you can decide your own destiny, and you don’t have to be bullied at will like before.”

Soon the city that never sleeps became completely lively, and everyone knew that the city lord they hated the most was dead, and now they could sing and dance freely, without worrying about other things anymore, and they I also found that there were many silver taels in my home.All these silver amounts are Bai Yunfei, because only in this way can all people truly live.

Bai Yunfei returned to the inn, and found that the bus was very lively at this time, all the people did not have any rest, but danced and celebrated there, obviously they had heard all the news, that's why they were so happy, so madness.

Zhang Tian walked to Bai Yunfei's side, and said with some admiration, "Boss, you are really good at coming up with such a method, but why do you have to change the lives of everyone in this city?"

"That's because there is no happiness between them at all. What I hate the most is this kind of thing. What I hate the most is this. People who make everyone unable to live happily, use their power to do whatever they want. bullying other people, I hate this kind of people the most, so I will take action directly and completely change their fate, don't you feel that this is the most interesting thing? This kind of life is the real The perfect dream."

Li Fushan shook his head slightly, and said with a chuckle, "But if this is the case, does it mean that when the new city lords are brought in, they will return to the previous state, so wouldn't your efforts be in vain? ?”

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I've already prepared the means, but they have more people in the cards, and there is nothing to do, because if they don't get everyone's approval, they will be He will never become a city lord at all."

Lao Zhou smiled slightly and said, "If this is the case, that would be great, we can finally rest here in peace."

(End of this chapter)

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