Chapter 1221 Fierce female guards

Lao Zhou nodded slightly, and said thoughtfully, "But there is really such a possibility. If it were placed on us, we might be so vigilant, okay, I will tell everyone Everyone be careful, after that, nothing will happen when we separate tomorrow."

When the sun rose slowly on the second day, all the people woke up, and all the people quickly cleared their luggage, and then began to separate, wanting to continue on their way, but it was a coincidence What's more, the Hengyuan Escort and the others actually walked the same way as Bai Yunfei and the others.

Qi Tianli walked to Bai Yunfei's side, hehe said with a smile, "I'm really sorry, we also want to take this path, so it seems that we need to continue to be each other's companions."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "It's not a big deal. After all, we are all of the same class, and we should all take care of each other, so don't worry about it so much. Let's just keep walking and help each other. .”

Qi Tianli nodded slightly, hehe, looked at the children playing in the car behind with a smile, shook his head slightly and said, "But Brother Bai, why did you bring so many people there together? Don't you If you are going to live there, then you have worked hard all the way, and it is really amazing to ensure the safety of these children and go through so many dangers."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Don't underestimate these children, maybe our Escort will be supported by these children in the future, they are the future of Baiyu Escort, so bring them out to experience It’s a rare experience for them too.”

Qi Tianli clasped his fists in admiration and said, "You guys are really there. I really didn't expect that you have trained these children so early. It seems that they will definitely become very promising in the future, and I see the aura they sometimes show. Obviously, all of them are released with a very good foundation, it seems that they will be able to become real warriors in a short time."

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said softly, "Of course, otherwise, I wouldn't be wasting my efforts to bring them out to experience. After all these trials, they have become 10% calm now. It’s still like kids now, but it will help them a lot in the future.”

Everyone talked and laughed directly, and the two sides continued to walk in harmony, and no one asked the other party what kind of goods they wanted to deliver.

"Stop! This mountain was planted by me, and this tree was planted by me. If you want to live on from now on, leave the road money!"

Many thieves ran down the mountain quickly, blocking everyone's way, and what they said were old-fashioned blocking words.

Qi Tianli rode his horse forward, clasped his fists slightly and said, "Hengyuan Escort is delivering goods, please make room for me, friends."

A bandit said carelessly, "It doesn't matter whether you are a very far or a constant escort agency, quickly leave me your money, otherwise, the men will kill the women and rob them."

Qi Tianli frowned slightly, and said with a cold snort, "I think you are 10 points out of face, or do you think that we are afraid of your failure, I advise you to get out of the way quickly, otherwise you will lose face." Blame us for being rude to you."

All the bandits laughed, obviously they didn't believe that the opponent could beat them, and they all aimed their bows and arrows at all the bodyguards.

Bai Yunfei shook his head, smiled lightly, and said to the people behind him, "Who are you going to get rid of them all? Like them, they are probably all vicious people, and they have no idea of ​​staying , so let’s kill them all without mercy.”

Although Bai Yunfei said it plainly, all the bodyguards of Hengyuan Bodyguard Bureau felt a chill.

The bodyguards behind Bai Yunfei flew up quickly, all the weapons in their hands quickly appeared in their hands, and quickly killed the bandits.

However, most of the shots this time were female bodyguards. Obviously, they were very angry at what those bandits said just now.

So these female bodyguards are also very vicious in their attacks. I saw that all the bandits died from the bottom up. Let them feel the pain below them before canceling their luck. The bodyguards of Hengyuan Escort all involuntarily tightened their legs.

Bai Yunfei was also a little helpless, he curled his lips, he really didn't expect this, the female bodyguards would be so ruthless.

Qi Tianli swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with a trembling voice, "Isn't it enough to kill them? Why bother to torture them like this, after all, they are human lives, so there is no need to torture them like this."

Bai Yunfei shook his head helplessly and said, "The blame can only be blamed on their own cheap mouths. If they didn't say that sentence, I guess they would die happily at most, but they said that sentence, That means they can only die in pain, so sometimes people really can't talk casually, and talking too much will only bring endless troubles to themselves."

Qi Tianli looked at the female bodyguards who were still killing and shook his head slightly and said, "There is another word, that is, you must never offend a woman. If you offend a woman, I'm afraid the scene will be very angry. I really don't want to Dare to offend people again, those women, it is really terrifying."

All the people in the back also shook their heads and nodded quickly in agreement with what their own escort said, and they all made up their minds that they must treat their daughter-in-law better when they go back, and they will never dare to command casually like before. They do this and that to serve themselves, and they must treat them well, otherwise, if they do this to themselves one day, it will be truly miserable.

At this time, Bai Yunfei coughed softly, and said to the children behind who wanted to come out to watch, "The current scene is not suitable for children, you all go back to me, whoever dares to come out to watch, I will Just hang him on this mountain and let him have a good look at it."

All the children were startled, and quickly hid in the carriage. They really didn't dare to come out to watch again, because they were really worried that Bai Yunfei would hang them on the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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