Chapter 1223 The Killer Attacks

Qi Tianli said with a wry smile, "What are you talking about? How can we make you treat us like this? Our strength is much worse than yours. I'm afraid we will need your help at that time. If we meet in the future If we are in trouble, we may have to ask you for help, I hope you can solve the trouble for us."

Bai Yunfei and the others continued on their way talking and laughing, time passed slowly, half a month passed by, and now we only have half a month left to reach the imperial capital.

Just when they found an inn to rest.An old man in black brought two young children to the inn where they lived.

A bodyguard from Hengyuan Escort stood up quickly, saw the old man in black and the two young children, and said with a surprised expression, "What's your business with the three of you coming to our place? We don't have any Other things, and did not do other bad things, do you want to do something to us?"

A white jade bodyguard next to him said slightly puzzled, "What's wrong with you? Why are you so worried about who they are, and why are you so scared?"

The bodyguard said in a low voice, "The three of them are a combination of old children. Although the two children in the front and back are young, they are actually the same age as the old man in black in the middle, and the three of them Anyone who wants to kill personally, no one can organize, and the three of them are moody, and they can kill whoever they want."

Bai Yu escort said with some puzzlement, "Then the three of them are really too rampant. They can kill whoever they want. I'm afraid that even the government can't do such a thing. Is there really no one?" Can you handle them?"

A bodyguard behind shook his head, and said in a very soft voice, "Whoever can beat them also knows that the three of them are all strong at the Wuzun level. It's really easy to kill people, so look at them." Seeing that the three of them are like seeing their ancestors, no one dares to offend them."

At this moment, the old man in black said lightly, "I heard that one of your bodyguards took over the task of protecting a little girl named Ouyang Mu. Now I'm here to take the life of that little girl, so you'd better get out of here." , If anyone dares to stop, I will kill him."

Mo Da came out, snorted coldly and said, "What a big tone, do you really think that our Baiyu Escort was frightened?"

The old man in black suddenly laughed, and said to the two young children next to him, "Two brothers, look at our reputation for yourself, but it's not enough, otherwise, no one would dare to speak to us like this."

The children on the left and right said in unison, "That's right, we really haven't made them all fear us, otherwise no one would dare to speak to us like this, so we have to kill everyone in the entire inn."

Mo Da was very angry immediately, directly and quickly took out his sword, and stabbed at the old man in black with a sword.

The old man in black directly and quickly resisted for a while, then took a few steps back.

"Good boy, I didn't expect that you are also at the level of Wu Zun. You can reach your current strength at a young age. You are really rare, but my favorite is to kill a genius like you."

The children on the left and right also said in unison, "Let's fight three times and kill him one by one!"

Zhang Tianwang Bo stood up directly and quickly, and his aura burst out instantly, fighting with the children on their left and right.

The 6 people fought with each other directly and quickly. All the fighters who appeared suddenly were a little puzzled, but after watching the battle, all of them stared wide-eyed. No one thought that this was actually a battle at the level of Wu Zun.

After fighting for hundreds of rounds, the 6 people were all out of breath, but no one dared to take advantage of any relaxation, because whoever relaxes first will die first, so all of them have no strength to stay there. Stop fighting.

The old man in black and the three of them are gradually exhausted at this time. After all, they are very old, so they have some disadvantages in terms of physical strength. On this day, they are very strong, and they have been fighting until now. Without any feeling of fatigue, on the contrary, he became more powerful and brave.

At this time, the children on the left and right were even a little physically exhausted, and all of them changed their expressions, and quickly said loudly to the old man in black next to them, "It's not their opponent, retreat quickly!"

Mo Da snorted coldly, and said, "Since you are here, please stay here for me obediently. If you want to leave, do you think it is possible?"

Fighting to be injured, the old man in black threw a black smoke bomb directly and quickly, and instantly a black smoke quickly enveloped everyone.

The three of them left here directly and quickly, but just when the three of them flew into the air, three darts quickly penetrated their bodies, shooting all three of them down.

Wang Xiaorong walked over slowly, and said with a faint smile, "Don't underestimate us girls. Although they have all reached the level of Wu Zun, I am not bad. We girls will definitely be able to surpass them. .”

Wang Xiaorong is the eldest sister among these female bodyguards, and her strength is also the strongest. Although there is still some gap in strength with Mo Da and the others, but relying on hidden weapons, a strong fighter at the level of a martial artist may not be able to win her.

"It's so despicable. You dare to use hidden weapons to hurt people. You are really too despicable. You all have such great strength, yet you are so despicable. You people in the Baiyu Escort are really sinister and vicious."

Wang Xiaorong chuckled and said, "Then you are really wrong. It's not that the people in our Baiyu Escort are so insidious, but because you are too careless. Besides, you came here to kill us and protect us." Is there anything wrong with killing you? And the three of you are not good people, killing innocent people indiscriminately, you really deserve to be blamed.”

At this time, the old man in black showed a sinister smile, and after patting the bodies of the two companions next to him, with the help of their bodies, he quickly flew away towards the distance.

"If I let you go, would I really lose face?"

Xue Wuzhan held a spear in his hand and quickly blocked the way of the black-clothed old man from a distance. He pierced his body with one shot and nailed him to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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