Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1231 One-eyed Dragon Xu Tianlong

Chapter 1231 One-eyed Dragon Xu Tianlong
Wang Bo said curiously, "This Ji Yanran must be a relative of the emperor, otherwise, why would you take it so seriously, Boss?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "You are really right, he is a princess, now you should know why he is so serious, and the identities of the other four people are not simple, so There must be no mistakes."

Mo Da nodded and said, "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely protect Tian Feng."

Wang Bo also said in the same way, "Yes, don't worry boss, I will definitely be able to protect Liu Fei."

Zhang Tian said with a faint smile, "Li Yuanfeng, I will definitely let him return to the academy unscathed."

Xue Wuzhan said calmly, "No one can hurt the person I want to protect in my hands, so I will definitely protect Wu Yinglong well."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Now you all know the person you want to protect, so you must protect me well. I don't want to talk about other things. I only need one thing. Then It’s just that we can’t let them suffer any harm, as long as they don’t suffer any harm. As for other things, we have nothing to do with them.”

Bai Yunfei led everyone to the academy directly, saw Lei Qianqiu led all the students, and rushed directly to the endless forest.

Wu Yinglong looked at Xue Wuzhan with some curiosity and said, "Why haven't I seen you in the academy? Why did the dean so much believe that you can protect our safety, but he didn't tell us your background? Is there something wrong?" Some don't trust us?"

Xue Wuzhan shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Because I saw you here, I just need to know that I will protect your safety. Do you have this problem? You don't need to speak, you must know your Life, it won’t suffer any problems, it’s fine.”

Liu Fei snorted and said, "We don't even know yours, how can we trust you, don't kill us all by then, and no one knows who is protecting us, then we Isn't it really unfair?"

Wang Bo shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Are you questioning my ability? Then let you take a look at my strength at that time. You only need to know how to hurry, and the rest , you don’t need to know.”

Ji Yanran didn't have any airs, instead she smiled and said to Wang Xiaorong next to her, "Sister Wang, can you really be 10% sure that you can protect my safety? You must know that there are many people who are willing to Aren't you afraid of someone who wants to kill me?"

Wang Xiaorong shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "don't worry, little girl, you will never be in any danger. You just need to know that you are 10 points safe with my protection, and that's it. As for other things , you can see it, but our boss has already explained that there are indeed many people who killed you, so you'd better not leave my sight."

Tian Feng slapped the fan in his hand, and said hehe, "There are only so many of you, can you really protect the safety of the 5 of us? You must know that if there is something wrong with the 5 of us, it will be true." The sky is falling apart, and the whole country may fall into war, don't you really worry that you can't protect us?"

Mo Da directly took out a sword, and stabbed at a stone next to the person. After a burst of sword energy, the stone was split into pieces.

"Don't worry, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they are definitely not our opponents. You only need to know that with our protection, if you feel 10 points safe, that's enough. As for other things, you don't need to know at all. So now all of you are obedient, just follow us on the road."

Everyone rode their horses and galloped on the road, at this moment, Bai Yunfei suddenly stopped the horse and slapped forward.

After hearing a rumbling sound, many deep pits appeared in front of them. If Bai Yunfei hadn't discovered it in advance, I am afraid that all the people and horses would fall into these deep pits.

"My boy, to be able to discover so many traps, and you should destroy my traps, you are really courageous, and your bodyguards are even more courageous, and you dare to pick them up. Such things are nothing but supernatural powers." The academy has nothing but a name." A one-eyed man came out from behind a hidden tree and said sarcastically.

Tian Feng's face changed slightly and he said, "I just didn't expect that the person who encountered a sneak attack for the first time was so powerful. He is the well-known one-eyed dragon Xu Tianlong in the world."

Xu Tianlong said with a faint smile at this time, "Since you already know my name, you should know my methods. If you go back from here, I will not kill any of you. If you continue to go forward Don't blame the knife in my hand for not recognizing people."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a smile to Mo Da who was beside him, "Teach this guy a lesson, and then bury all the traps for me. If you can't bury them, just bury them in it." .”

Mo Da nodded, jumped down quickly, sneered a bit, and did not use any sword skills, but directly grabbed the one-eyed dragon with his bare hands.

Xu Tianlong's face changed slightly, and he swung the knife in his hand quickly, slashing at Mo Da, and the purpose of his knife was to cut off Mo Da's hand.

Mo Da's hands were very flexible, he quickly dodged his approach and quickly grabbed the handle of his knife with his right hand, and his left hand directly and quickly hit Xu Tianlong's head with a fist, and Xu Tianlong fell directly to the ground. On the ground, fainted.

Mo Da shook his head, and said lightly, "This is too careless. I just fell to the ground with just a light blow. I thought it was so powerful. I really took it for granted."

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "I didn't ask you to knock him out, I just asked you to fill in all the traps after you beat him, but you knocked him out now, so these traps you Fill it in for me."

Mo Daton felt a little helpless, and kicked Xu Tianlong quickly.

"If you are still sleeping now, I will really throw you into these traps and bury you in them. If you die in them, no one can be blamed."

(End of this chapter)

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