Chapter 1245
Bailong clutched his buttocks, and screamed very quickly, but he didn't dare to relax any more, instead he wanted to escape even more quickly. After all, he mainly practiced lightness kung fu, as long as he could escape Bai Yunfei's attack is considered to be his victory.

But just when he was about to jump up again, he saw his butt was hit a few more times, and he screamed and jumped back and forth while holding his own butt.

"I won't come, I won't come, master. If I continue like this, my ass will be blown open by you." Bai Long begged for mercy, and gave up resistance and sat on the ground.

Bai Yunfei showed a smile immediately, and said with a soft smile, "You said it yourself, then you really lost. I will teach you new martial arts after you have practiced Qinggong for a few more days. .”

Bai Yunfei just turned around, Bailongdian stood up quickly, and quickly fled towards the distance, while walking, he said loudly, "I didn't really admit defeat, I just lied to you, now I win You didn't catch up with me."

"is it?"

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly appeared in front of him with a smile on his face, but the stick in his hand hit his ass mercilessly.

Looking at Bailong who was beaten so hard that he ran away with a headache, Tian Yu'er stopped Bai Yunfei directly and quickly with some distress, and said reproachfully, "I'm just a child now, why be so strict, you can see that even the beating is red all over Yes, you are too cruel."

"It's okay, he has thick skin and is not afraid of being beaten, and it's better for his body. Don't you find that hitting him with my stick is very helpful for his physical improvement?" Bai Yunfei said a little Said helplessly.

Tian Yu'er snorted coldly, took Bai Long back to the house, and ignored Bai Yunfei.

Bayan Feidun shook his head helplessly, and when he saw the white dragon sticking out his tongue, he immediately gave him an annoyed look, but then smiled slightly, sat aside and drank his own wine .

"Uncle Bai, Uncle Bai!"

I saw a 10-point thin man with a beard on his face running over quickly, but his appearance can only be described as a mouse-eye.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Jin Laosan, what made you come here in such a hurry? Could it be that you have caused some trouble again and came here to take refuge with me?"

Jin Lao San smiled and said, "Then how can it be, if it wasn't for the help of Uncle Bai last time, I would have been chopped into meat sauce by them, so since that time, I will never do those things again." Something happened. I am here now because I have investigated some things that you asked me to investigate, so I can't wait to send it to you. "

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, took out the information he gave, and after reading it for a while, shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "I have guessed his life experience a long time ago, it is definitely not that simple, but it is not. I thought it was really not that simple, but these things, he is still young, I can’t tell him yet, let’s tell him when he grows up, but I’m really curious about the Longmen organization you mentioned, who does he belong to? To rule?"

Jin Laosan shook his head, and said with a slightly embarrassed face, "I don't know, and it is precisely because of my investigation of this matter that the disappearance of several of my subordinates is probably more ominous now."

Bai Yunfei raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "I see, it seems that you are going to take refuge with me, you can find a room to live in, but don't disturb the villagers, you can wait for rest. Don't let people know our identities, I still plan to stay here for a few years."

Jin Lao San smiled and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Bai will never cause you any trouble, and even if they want to find me, they will never find me, because they don't even know that I asked me to Those people in my office went to investigate. I asked other people to entrust my subordinates to investigate these things, so they only knew that someone was investigating, but they didn't know who it was. I'm afraid they are still in the dark. "

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "Can you really trust your subordinates? Anyway, I don't trust your subordinates, all of them are treacherous guys. I really don't know what you think, but still Willing to use these guys."

Jin Laosan shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "Master Bai, then you don't know. Although these guys don't have any credibility, they can investigate all the things they investigate." Come out, it is precisely because of their two-faced and three-handed approach that they can obtain more information, and it is also because of this that I can inquire so much information for you."

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said lightly, "It's fine for you to know. However, regarding this information, you must not let Bailong see that he is still young, and you cannot let him accept these things. I don't want to let myself know. The apprentice who has worked so hard has completely become a big devil who endangers the world."

Jin Laosan was a little puzzled and said, "Master Xiaobai, he probably doesn't have such a powerful ability, how could he become a hazard? As for the whole Jianghu, he is at most just making trouble in the Jianghu. He doesn't have such a great ability to Cholera Jianghu!"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "If you think this way, you are very wrong, because if you really let him know these things, he will definitely have a way to make the whole world It's all completely messed up, and the whole world will probably be in chaos at that time, you must not underestimate him, because there is a very powerful energy in his body, just because I have been helping him maintain it, That's why he didn't erupt, but if he erupted because of extreme anger, I have no way to suppress him back again. When he has gained a strong strength, what do you think he will do? What about the matter?"

Jin Laosan shivered, and said with a dull gaze, "People from Longmen are all over the Jianghu, so if he knows that people from Longmen killed his relatives, then he will definitely kill all the people from Longmen in the whole Jianghu." If it is completely clean, then the whole world will really be in chaos, and no one can stop it."

(End of this chapter)

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