Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1252 White Dragon's First Shot

Chapter 1252 White Dragon's First Shot
Bailong and Tie Niu soon arrived at the place where the Tielong gang was located.

Tieniu looked around, determined that this was the target he was looking for, and said eagerly, "You just wait here. I will go in alone and take care of them all."

But Bailong shook his head and said, "Big man, I advise you to be more careful. It's not as simple as you imagined. There is a very high-level expert in it. You may not be his opponent."

Tieniu shook his head in disbelief, and said lightly, "I have already found out that they are not that powerful at all, and there is no need for you to exaggerate here, you can just wait here , I’m going to beat them all up now.”

Tie Niu directly and quickly found a very huge stone, lifted it up, and quickly smashed it towards the distance.

But at this moment, a gust of sword energy shot up into the sky, tearing his rock into pieces.

"Who is so courageous, dare to join our Tielong gang to make trouble, really impatient?" Zhao Tielong walked over with strides and shouted loudly.

Tieniu sneered, and said, "I didn't expect that your swordsmanship is really powerful. You can smash the stones I throw, and you can also detect danger. It seems that your strength has really made a breakthrough. .”

"It turns out that you are a stupid cow. You dare to come to me. I think you are really impatient. Do you really think that I am afraid of you because I don't want to provoke you? If so, you want to die , then I will give you a ride to kill me!"

I saw many disciples of the Iron Dragon Gang quickly killing the Iron Bull with their swords in their hands.

Bailong sat on the side with a calm face and watched quietly, where Tieniu was killing and killing.

Right at Tie Niu, Zhao Tielong stepped forward and stabbed Tie Niu's heart with his sword just after throwing out several Tie Long gang disciples.

Tieniu directly showed a hint of excitement, and quickly blocked his attack with his own hands.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a dangerous aura coming from behind him. Just when he thought he was about to capsize in the gutter, he suddenly felt that the dangerous aura behind him had disappeared.

Tie Niu looked back with some differences, and suddenly found that the sword in the hand of an old man was about to pierce his heart, but Bai Long caught it with his right hand very easily.

Tieniu reacted quickly, punched Zhao Tielong behind him, knocked Zhao Tielong back a few steps, and looked at the old man with some differences. He really didn't know where the old man came from, but he would put so much pressure on him.

Zhao Tielong was also a little frightened at this time. He didn't expect that he would not be the opponent of Tieniu after his strength had been improved. Fortunately, his master was still here, otherwise he would really die here.

The old man also looked at Bailong with horror on his face and said in disbelief, "What's going on? Who are you? How can you have such a powerful force? How can you touch my sword? Are you at the level of a Martial King? the strong one?"

Bailong smiled faintly, and said, "You're right, so what? Stealing someone behind the scenes, and he's also a strong military commander. Don't you feel very ashamed when you play this trick? Really! I didn't expect to meet such a despicable and shameless guy like you. According to the teaching of the master, such a despicable and shameless guy should die!"

Bailong directly and quickly punched him in the chest, and the old man flew upside down and screamed instantly.

The old man fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of black blood, and directly lost his life.

Zhao Tielong was terrified and wanted to run away, but Tieniu didn't want him to run away at all. He jumped up quickly and hit the ground heavily, and Zhao Tielong was immediately sent flying by him.

"Damn it, why do you have to come to us to make trouble? We haven't had any influence with you at all. Why do you have to do this?"

Tieniu smiled coldly and said, "Do you need me to remind you of what you did yourself? If you don't come to our place to make trouble, do you think I will come and kill you? It's ridiculous, isn't it? Have you forgotten what you yourself let your men do?"

Zhao Tielong took a few steps back, and said coldly, "Is there really no discussion? You must not push me into a hurry. If you want to know, if I were in a hurry, I would never let you do this If you make more progress, I may even kill you all, so please don't push me."

Tieniu smiled coldly and said, "Do you really think you are so good? Then you give me a good time now, I want to see how good you are."

Zhao Tielong smiled coldly, and quickly put a piece of ammunition into his mouth, only to see that some black energy emerged from his body, which increased rapidly and directly reached the level of Martial King strength.

"I really didn't expect that this thing my master gave me is really amazing, but it can make me so powerful. This kind of power, haha, I don't believe anyone can beat me again!"

Tieniu snorted coldly, and wanted to move forward quickly, but suddenly felt a pain in his chest and flew out backwards, hitting the wall.

Zhao Tielong smiled coldly and said, "Weren't you crazy just now? Why aren't you crazy now? Didn't you just want to kill me? Why didn't you kill me now? And now you are lying on the ground like a dog On the ground, it's really pitiful."

Bailong smiled coldly and said, "It's just that I just got some energy and became so arrogant, but do you really think you can dominate the world like this? It's ridiculous, and the one you took Ammunition just makes you enchanted, I am afraid that after a long time, all the energy in your body will be exhausted quickly."

Zhao Tielong sneered and said, "Of course, but you still have one thing that you may not have thought through clearly, that is, as long as I drink all your blood into my body, I will be able to maintain this powerful current forever." energy."

Bailong laughed maniacally and said, "It's really interesting, you are so interesting, do you really think you can kill me?"

(End of this chapter)

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