Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1254 The key to the Longmen Grottoes

Chapter 1254 The key to the Longmen Grottoes

Jin Laosan shook his head, sighed slightly and said, "I'm afraid the next days will definitely not be as comfortable as they are now. If you go out, you must be more careful, and don't cause any trouble again."

Bai Long said nonchalantly from the side, "There is no need at all. If the other party really intends to cause trouble, no matter how low-key you are, it will be of no use. Besides, haven't you noticed? 4 of your small shop A lot of people are staring at Zhou, I'm really curious who you provoked, how could so many people be willing to stare at you here?"

Leng Hanbing smiled slightly and said, "That's because he has attracted the attention of many people here. After all, he has sold a lot of treasures from here, so someone will definitely notice here."

Tieniu smiled and said, "Master Xiaobai, you don't know. We will go out to fight in a short time, and all these guys seem to be invincible. If you kill them, there will be another one." Approval. But it is precisely because of this that I am very happy, because it is precisely this that can improve my strength."

Jin Laosan coughed lightly and said, "But it is precisely because of this that now I can almost say that I have provoked many enemies. Many enemies dare not do anything to me, but they have made many enemies now. Many people came to test me."

At this moment, an old man walked in quickly and looked around furtively.

Jin Laosan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a soft smile, "Old man, is there anything you want to come to my place? Or do you have something to sell here? You can take out your things Show me, if it is worth money, I will definitely give you money, you don't have to worry so much that I won't give you money here."

The old man carefully took out a token from his pocket and said: "I picked this up in a certain place, it should be worth 10 cents according to his appearance, but I am illiterate, so I don't know what is written on it, and I don't dare to show it to other people, look, how much is this worth?"

Jin Laosan took the token and was taken aback because there was a dragon drawn on it.And there is a very huge stone gate behind the dragon.

"Where did you get this token?"

The old man vigilantly wanted to snatch the token, but was easily let go by Jin Laosan.

"What are you doing? You are trying to steal my things. Believe it or not, I will go out and shout now, so that everyone will know that you have broken your promise!"

Jin Laosan shook his head, and said seriously, "You will definitely not lose any money I brought you, but now I just want to know where you got this thing from, do you know what it means? ?”

The old man shook his head and said, "I don't know what he will pay for it, but I know this thing must be very precious. You just need to give me the money. I don't care what it means?"

Jin Laosan shook his head and said seriously, "If you don't tell me where you got his token, I won't accept it. You can sell it elsewhere. I can guarantee that you won't be able to get out of it." No matter how far you go, you will be killed."

The old man was taken aback immediately, and quickly said, "Is this thing really bringing death like this? I said I picked this thing up near a water."

"Which waterside is it?"

"I picked it up in the creek ten miles away from here. If you want to go there to pick it up, I'm afraid you won't be able to pick it up, because there is nothing there. If there is, I will definitely be able to pick it up. I just picked up this one."

Jin Laosan nodded humbly, took out a tael of gold and threw it to the old man, and said flatly, "It's best not to say what happened today, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable."

The old man picked up the one tael of gold and immediately left here happily.

Leng Hanbing frowned and said, "You are really generous today, it's just a 10-point token, is it necessary to give him so much money?"

Jin Laosan shook his head slightly and said, "What do you know? Do you know what this token represents? This means that the key to enter the Longmen Grottoes has a total of seven keys. I didn't expect to get it here. Got one."

Bai Long asked curiously, "What's that in the Longmen Grottoes? How could it make you so excited? Could it be that there are treasures in it?"

Jin Laosan nodded, smiled softly and said, "Of course, if there is no treasure, I would not be so excited. As long as we can find the location of Longmen Grottoes, we can find the other 6 keys to enter." , as long as you go in, you can get wealth that is incomparable to the country."

Tieniu shook his head in confusion and said, "I can't understand it at all, it's just an ordinary token, how can it be so powerful, and there are 6 others, where can you find them?" , I’m afraid you can’t find the remaining 6 in your lifetime, right?”

Jin Laosan showed a slight smile, and said with a soft smile, "If this is in the hands of other people, it will not be of much use, but if it is in my hands, this is a rare treasure. Now I have five keys to the Longmen Grottoes, and now I only need to find the last one, so I can find the location of the Longmen Grottoes."

Bai Long laughed and said, "So you opened this store to collect these things. You are really good, but you have collected 6 of them now, and there is the last one. Do you know what to do when you go to the store?" Where can I find this last one? If you can't find it, then you will have to wait forever."

Jin Lao San said with a smile, "I am just a hobby, so I don't really want to look for it at all. If I really get it, then I will look for it. If I can't get it I just collect other treasures, so I leave everything to God's will."

Bai Long suddenly showed a smile, and said with a soft smile, "If you can exchange some food with it, you should be able to exchange a lot of candy, anyway, most of the things in your store are fake, so it's hard to come here." Let me take this thing out and see if I can exchange it for how much money I can return it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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