Chapter 1269 Bet
At this moment, Lao Mo slightly raised his brows, and said softly, "But how long are these guys going to fight? Should we just watch them till the end?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "If we keep waiting like this, wouldn't it be too boring, we can fight more than one, and see whoever chooses can win in the end."

Lao Zhan nodded slightly and said with a smile, "This is a very good idea, then let's start choosing now, I will choose this guy."

I saw that Lao Zhan chose a man with a black spot on his face, and his name was Dark Spot.

It's because he picked up a lot of materials and martial arts very quickly at this time, improved his strength, and quickly tore a companion in front of him to pieces.

After observing for a while, Lao Mo smiled and pointed to one of the women, and said with a soft smile, "I chose her, Lan Li."

Tian Yu'er shook her head slightly and said, "I won't participate, you can see for yourself, I'll just be the referee."

Bailong hopped his feet and said softly to him, "Then can I choose one too?"

Tian Yu'er knocked on Bailong's head and said coldly, "What are children doing to participate in this matter? Just let me obediently stay here and watch you."

Seeing Bai Long's aggrieved face, everyone smiled slightly. At this time, Bai Xiaoxiao directly and quickly selected one of them, a shirtless middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man named Mo Zhan is a guy who makes a living by fighting, and it can be said that he has the most powerful fighting consciousness in it.

Liu Xuexing patted his head, pointed to one of the thinner men in a somewhat erratic manner, and said, "Then I'll choose him, Mencius Yan."

Bai Xiaoxiao said a little pessimistically, "Why did you choose him? This guy looks like a sinister guy at first glance, and he may not be able to win the final victory. It's better to choose this magic war. I believe he will be able to fight to the end." In the end, and absolutely no one is his match."

Liu Xuexing shook his head slightly and said, "Then you are wrong, only a sinister guy like this can really survive to the end, your magic battle is really too rampant, I am afraid it will be directly destroyed in a short time. People were killed, if you don't believe it, you can continue to watch here."

Bai Yunfei, this is the old god who said, "Is there anything to argue about? The guy I want to choose, you would never have thought that you haven't discovered that there is a guy with a special identity? This is what I want to choose Guy, Lei Qiankun."

Everyone looked over curiously and quickly, and they were all a little surprised, because at this time Lei Qiankun had actually found several very powerful weapons and equipment, and it has become even more powerful now. If you want to talk about the equipment in everyone, this Lei Qiankun is actually the most luxurious existence.

Bai Xiaoxiao was a little surprised and said, "How is this possible? How could he find so many advanced equipment? It's simply impossible. It's like cheating. Brother Bai, don't you mean to help him on purpose? ?”

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled slightly and said, "Do you think I will be as boring as you? And do you think I will be so boring when I do things? Don't worry, they all rely on their own luck. The reason why he was chosen is that this guy's luck is really great, even I have to admire his luck."

Liu Xuexing shook his head slightly, and said in disapproval, "I don't think so, I believe that the one I chose, Meng Ziyan, will definitely be able to persevere until the end."

At this moment, Lao Zhan smiled faintly. Looking at the dark spot he had chosen, he was walking cautiously forward. There were two enemies in front of him, who were constantly fighting there. And the dark spot he chose, It is slowly going to attack the two of them.

But at this moment, suddenly a sword qi pierced Anban's body in an instant.

Dark Spot was killed directly like this.

And the culprit who killed him turned out to be Lao Mo's Lan Li.

Lao Mo smiled slightly and said, "This is called the end at the beginning. I didn't expect that the first one to be eliminated was actually chosen by you. You are really unlucky, but who made him so insidious?" , wanting to attack others without looking at the surrounding environment, this really deserves to be attacked by others."

Lao Zhan sat aside helplessly and continued to watch the battle. He had no choice but to admit that he was unlucky. The person he chose was so stupid to be attacked by others.

I saw that the black air in that world was still shrinking, many people stopped fighting, and all of them quickly ran towards the center.

The Demon War that Bai Xiaoxiao chose didn't do this, instead, he ran quickly and slowly following the black air, but it was always a bit faster than the black air.

I felt that suddenly several people were also running fast, and before they had time to react, Mo Zhan grabbed their collars and threw them into the black air.

Both of them screamed and disappeared.

Almost everyone looked at Mo Zhan's actions in admiration, but Bai Xiaoxiao said helplessly, "Can I apply to change the character I chose now? This is really too stupid. He did this I can’t get any materials at all, but the gap between myself is getting bigger and bigger, and I can only be slaughtered in the end, this guy is really stupid, I have never seen such a stupid guy.”

Liu Xuexing said proudly, "Then who let you choose him? Look at my Mencius Yan, how luxurious and safe the equipment is now, and you don't have to worry about anything at all, so the character I choose is the best!" It's possible to win."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "When you choose people, I'm afraid you haven't really observed their personal qualities. For example, the Lei Qiankun I chose has a very calm personality and is very lucky. Now he can win the first place no matter who he fights against, but he didn't act rashly, but waited quietly, and the position it is now in is the most central position of all, which means that all people Everyone has to run towards him, so you can imagine, who will win in the end? You must know whoever stands in the last position will take the lead."

(End of this chapter)

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