Chapter 1277 Ask for information
At this moment, the few people behind all ran quickly, blocking Bai Yunfei's path.

"Hand over everything you have experienced in the secret realm, as long as you tell us all of them, everything is easy to talk about, and no one will make things difficult for others, otherwise you can only be obedient and be ordinary people for a few days gone."

Bai Long smiled coldly and said, "Then if we really don't say anything, are you going to do it? Then let's see who is the best?"

"Boy, if you really want to seek death, that's good. Now I will help you, and let you know how powerful I am."

The man in the lead started his watch directly and quickly, and the aura on the man's body began to explode in an instant.

Those dog legs behind him laughed and said, "Scared, our boss's battle index has reached 1000 points, and he is a well-known master here. I think you guys are so unfamiliar, I'm afraid you are not very strong. Hurry up!" Yes, otherwise, be careful.”

Bailong suddenly said helplessly, "Could it be that a 1000-point combat index is 10 points strong? Why do I feel that you are all very weak, and you dare to come out with your strength. I really don't know how you survived." Now."

The leading man snorted coldly and said, "Stop talking nonsense, transform yourself, and let me see how powerful you are."

Bailong turned directly and quickly, holding a big knife, he laughed a few times and said, "Come on, let me see how powerful you are. Since you are so arrogant, I see you and the others behind will also go up together." Bar."

The people behind were all very angry, and they all transformed quickly, but their rhythm index was about 500 to 600.

Bailong stepped forward quickly, and the knife in his hand slashed towards them very quickly, only to see a cyan light of the knife flying towards those people quickly.

These few people immediately showed their greatest martial arts and briefly resisted, but only heard a click, and all the energy in them was completely shattered, and everyone has become an ordinary person.

This is tantamount to killing them all in seconds, and they all watched all this happen in a daze.

Tian Yu'er shook her head helplessly, and said, "It seems that you are all 10 points violent, which makes me helpless."

At this time, Bailong lifted his transformation and looked at those people coldly and said, "You should already know by now, it's really beyond your control that you dare to trouble us with your appearance."

"Why is your strength so high? Your world is so high, why do you still have to take these low-level tasks, you can go and pick up higher-level tasks, why do you want to compete with us here for business." The man was still a little unconvinced Said.

Bai Long sneered and said, "Even if you are still unconvinced, so what, I think you should obediently answer our few questions and let you go, otherwise, I'm afraid no one will kill you here." knew."

"If you dare to kill us, you will be responsible for the consequences. You know that no matter how powerful you are, you will never escape the tracking of those pickets. When the time comes, you will definitely be sentenced to death."

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "The picket team? Then can you tell me, who is the strongest among them? What is the combat index?"

The situation is stronger than the people, so those few people said very bachelorly, "The most powerful person in the whole town is the captain of the rescue team. He has a combat index of 1."

Bailong asked curiously, "What is his fighting spirit? How can he reach 1 points of combat index? Don't tell me you don't know. Since he is the most powerful here, you should all treat him well." Understand it with 10 points, otherwise he should not have any way to suppress you."

The man shook his head slightly and said, "I really don't know, I only know that his combat index has reached 1 points, but I haven't really fought against him, so I don't know its real combat index at all." How many there are, but everyone who saw him fighting has all died, that's why we are so afraid of him."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "You said just now that killing people at will is a violation of the law, so how can he kill people at will?"

The man shook his head slightly, and said, "He usually won't kill people, but he won't do it either. He will only do it when those people violate the law and must die. If that person Worst of all, he will only let those under him take action, and he will watch from the sidelines."

Bai Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "I feel something is wrong inside, maybe this guy is lying to us, since the most powerful one is the 1-point combat index, why does it even have a combat heroic soul?" I don’t know, so why do they think he is the most powerful? I think there must be something wrong here, we have to investigate carefully, maybe we can find out some shocking secrets.”

Liu Xuexing shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "We don't have any need to meddle in other people's business. We just need to live our own lives well. Now we are still hungry, so we have the time to take care of other things." things."

Bai Long chuckled, and said directly to those people, "We don't need to embarrass you, now quickly hand over all the money you have on you, don't worry, you won't be asked for too much money, as long as you first Just hand over the money you carry with you.”

Those few men looked at each other, and they all shook their heads helplessly, each took out a few black coins and gave them to Bai Yunfei and the others.

"We only have this and no matter how much we have, we really don't have any more, and you just said that we can give you all the money we have, but you must not give it away, instead we are leaving here now. "

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, touched the man's head with his hand, and said with a smile, "Don't offend people casually in the future, because you don't know how powerful they are, and you will suffer in the end." The only thing that matters is you, and your family members probably don't want to see you taking such risks, so it's best to be obedient and pragmatic."

(End of this chapter)

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