Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1283 The strength is improved again

Chapter 1283 The strength is improved again
Tian Yu'er smiled slightly and said, "Actually, 10 points is good between you, because in this way, you can continuously improve your own strength, and you don't have to worry about it. When you draw the second one, your strength will not increase. Of course, the weak point Yes, I am afraid that your strength will not be too high if you increase your strength, why don't you try to transform yourself."

The three of them directly and quickly started the transformation. Sure enough, they all shook their heads helplessly, and they did become 10 points stronger. All of them changed from a combat index of 1 to a combat index of 10, but This can only be compared with Tian Yu'er who has not yet drawn the second battle hero.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "It's not bad to score 10, but it's actually increased by 10 times. When you draw the third one, you should be able to reach a combat index of 3 million. This should be a good score for you." A very good thing."

However, Bai Xiaoxiao shook her head helplessly and said, "If it really turns up ten times and ten times, it would be a very good thing, but I'm afraid it won't be like this."

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "None of us know what the truth of the matter is, but I believe it will be a good result, so there is no need to worry so much."

Bailong smiled slightly and said, "Master, you haven't drawn it yet, let us see how powerful your second battle hero is."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, smiled slightly and said, "Okay, then I will start drawing now to see how my luck has changed this time."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly started his summoning, only to see a golden light shroud the golden rooster's body.The golden rooster let out a very loud cry, and it turned into a golden phoenix, flying in the sky.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, very satisfied.

Bai Xiaoxiao said curiously, "Brother, quickly change your body and see what your battle index is. I don't think it's too big. After all, my sister-in-law's strength has only reached 10. You Golden Phoenix , break through the sky and only have a combat index of [-]."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and immediately activated the transformation, and the golden phoenix quickly merged into his body.A golden phoenix battle armor appeared on his body.

A gleaming golden spear appeared in his hand, and at the same time his combat index exploded instantly.

I saw that his combat index had directly reached 500 million.

Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes widened immediately, and she said in disbelief, "It's really easy, he can't believe it, how is it possible that Golden Phoenix's combat index can reach 500 million, while Fire Phoenix's is only 10?" , is this simply impossible?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "There is nothing impossible. The main reason is that Fire Phoenix has not really grown, so it is only the most basic 10 combat index. This time I believe he should be able to become even stronger."

Tian Yu'er chuckled, and also activated the summoning, and a very powerful flame burst out from the body of the fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix turned into a red egg burning with flames, and then broke out of the egg, which is obviously the rebirth of the phoenix.

Tian Yu'er directly and quickly activated the transformation, fused with the fire phoenix, and a very powerful combat index burst out instantly.

Tian Yu'er's combat index actually directly reached 500 million, which is exactly the same as Bai Yunfei's.

Tian Yu'er frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled, "It seems that this is his highest combat index, and 500 million is their limit."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Everyone has their own limit. We have reached their limit just the second time we summoned them. It seems that there should be new ones when we summon next time." The heroic soul of the battle."

Bai Xiaoxiao said helplessly, "This is really unfair, why is it that we only have a combat index of 10, but you have directly reached a combat index of one million? This is simply too helpless." , this is really unfair, you guys are not really cheating, are you? Did you secretly use your energy?"

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, knocked Bai Xiaoxiao on the head, and said lightly, "That's your own bad luck, would you like to win anyone? Besides, is your current 10 combat index low? Why do all the people in the entire town think that their strength is too low?"

Liu Xuexing was also a little helpless, curled his lips and said, "If we can beat invincible players all over the town, then we can only be regarded as ordinary masters in the city, but you are extremely capable of being kings in big cities .”

Tian Yu'er smiled faintly and said, "I believe that you will be able to summon a more powerful fighting hero next time, so don't be discouraged."

Bai Yunfei laughed at the side and said, "Anyway, you don't have much shortage now. If you avoid it, you might as well kill all the fighting spirits on your body and then summon new fighting spirits. Maybe you can summon more powerful ones." What about the heroic fighting spirit?"

But Bailong shook his head slightly and said, "Aren't I doing such a thing? No matter how low their strength is, they are still my partners. How could I not want them because their bodies are the first? Then in the future, if I have a companion, I must see that he is stronger than me, and those who are weaker than me will be kicked out, that is so inhuman."

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded in the same way and said, "Yes, we are not such unreasonable people, we are not willing to do such a thing, and the combat index of class 10 is not too low, we just need to work harder After a while, maybe we can also enter the million-level combat index, so why should we care about this moment."

Bai Yunfei yelled, nodded and said, "It's not bad, your concept is the best, I'm still worried that you won't think about it, let's go, now we should leave here, let's hand in the task, just fine Get some more soul coins, you should be able to get a lot."

A few people went back to the town quickly and came to the Heroic Soul Tower, and walked in with strides. The staff was still the same, but when he saw Bai Yunfei coming in, they all showed a little surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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