Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 1286 Blue Phoenix's Surprise

Chapter 1286 Blue Phoenix's Surprise
Bai Xiaoxiao waved the weapon in his hand, beheading all those people in an instant. Those people all stopped their movements and fell to the ground.

Lan Fenghuang said in surprise, "Why are you doing this? Why do you have to kill them all? Isn't this a bit too much? They are just blocking the way, and there is no need to kill them all." kill it."

Bai Xiaoxiao said indifferently, "Are we going to keep them from coming to trouble us? You are really too kind, but your talents will only bring you more troubles. Only cutting the weeds and rooting them out can solve everything." Trouble."

Everyone continued to walk, the carriage drove slowly, and soon arrived at Qingyang City.

When Bai Yunfei and the others had just entered Qingyang City, they were once again blocked by many people.

"Where did our people go?" the leading man asked directly.

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You are really interesting. We don't know who you are at all, so how can we know who you are? You are really interesting. I think your spirit is really There is something wrong, if you want to touch porcelain, there is probably no way, because no one will believe what you say."

The man gritted his teeth and said, "You are really ruthless. They are just talking about business with you. You can make them disappear completely. There are so many of you. Don't you worry? Someone found out The truth, when the time comes, will you no longer be able to hang out in the city?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "You are really interesting, I have already said that we have never met the people you mentioned, and we have met many people along the way, how do we know? What kind of people are your people? If someone of you is lost, then you should look for it yourself, don't go to other people here, trouble, this will cause unnecessary troubles for other people of."

Watching Bai Yunfei and the others leave here, the young man snorted coldly, and said loudly, "Don't be complacent, I will definitely find the evidence, as long as I find the evidence, I will definitely let you know how powerful I am. "

Bai Yunfei and the others walked directly and quickly in the direction of the Yinhun Tower, not caring what the guys behind said.

"Could it be that such mentally handicapped people prevented them from transporting those supplies before, then the people in the Heroic Soul Tower are pretty bad enough." Liu Xuexing said with a smile on the side.

Lan Fenghuang shook his head slightly, and said helplessly, "I've never seen these guys before, but I didn't expect them to be so mentally handicapped. How can such a mentally handicapped guy take on such a heavy responsibility? There will be some small problems, but it’s really hard to say what kind of problems they are.”

Tian Yu'er said softly, "These people should be just his subordinates. The people behind the scenes should not have come out yet. These guys can clearly see that they are all equal, and no one is in the leadership position, so They're definitely not the last ones."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "If the person behind the scenes can come out so easily, then it will be called a real ghost. Generally, the people behind the scene will never come out. If you don't investigate, you There is no way to save it, but this guy should be very easy to find, after all, these guys will definitely report to him, as long as they follow behind, they can find out who this guy is."

Lan Fenghuang said a little puzzled, "But why do you look like you are not in a hurry at all, and you don't have any intention to investigate? Aren't you curious about who wants to control all this?"

Bai Xiaoxiao said with a faint smile, "I'm really sorry. We didn't intend to investigate this way, because we didn't want to go to their muddy water at all. You went there, after you arrived in Tianyang City, our mission has been completed, as for the future, does it have anything to do with us?"

Lan Fenghuang was stunned for a moment, then he said with a smile, "You are right, it really has nothing to do with it."

Bai Yunfei and the others had already arrived at the Heroic Soul Building, but they didn't choose to go in immediately.

Because there is a middle-aged man blocking their way in front of the Yinghun Building at this time, if they want to enter, they must pass this man to enter.

"How about we make a deal? You sell these goods to me at a high price so that you can get money again, and I can also trade in it, so that everyone can benefit from each other. What do you think of this idea?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "I'm very sorry, we really don't lack the money, we just want to leave here after completing the mission, as for the subsequent things have nothing to do with us, so don't worry about us I don’t want to waste any time and energy on my body, because you are all wasting in vain, so I advise you to get out of the way and stop making trouble with us, otherwise it will not be fun to get burned.”

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and said softly, "That's right, a person with such high strength as you shouldn't care about these petty gains, I'm afraid you should have brought them here too, well, I hope You can keep your promises."

The middle-aged man actually gave way directly, which was quite different from what Lan Fenghuang had thought before. According to his idea, the middle-aged man should directly fight with Bai Yunfei and the others before talking about other things, but there was no Thinking of it, he just stepped aside so flatly.

After Bai Yunfei and the others finished the task, they took the soul coins and walked out of the Heroic Soul Building.Lan Fenghuang couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Why were you so plain just now? I thought you were going to fight. Why did he believe you after just saying a few words? Could it be that he is so easy to deceive?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said with a faint smile, "Although a person's level can't represent anything, it can also let the other party know that you are not easy to mess with. We are all level 20, so you think the other party is willing to take risks?" Is this risk against us? And we don't live here permanently, so there is no conflict of interest."

(End of this chapter)

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