Chapter 1295 Tiger Crazy
Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I'm not trying to destroy your world, I just want to study the rules of your world, it seems that the rules of your world are helpful to me, I just discovered Yes, it is really an interesting discovery. It has been a long time since there was no way for me to improve my strength. This is really the best way for me to improve my strength. I have to thank you. If it weren’t for what you said just now, I would still Really didn't think of it."

Bai Xiaoxiao sighed slightly, and said with some helplessness, "Brother Bai, are you planning to leave this world again? We have just finished this world, and we haven't really played with sex yet. Don't you think so?" Are you going to leave here now?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said softly, "Don't worry, I'm not planning to leave this world, but I'm planning to thoroughly experience the rules of this world. He can help me a lot."

Tian Yu'er said with some concern, "You seem to be able to improve your strength now, but is this okay? Your current strength seems to be very high. If you improve again, will you encounter some bad things?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Then do you think there is any way to avoid such a thing? What should come will still come, there is simply no way to avoid it."

Bai Xiaoxiao said a little puzzled, "According to my brother's current strength, is there anyone who can deal with it? My brother can't do it. My brother's current strength is already the strongest existence in this world, right?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "That's not necessarily true, because no one knows whether your strength is the strongest, so you must always maintain a humble heart. Only in this way can you continue to improve and not swell. There will be no other negative effects. If one day you feel that you are really invincible, then you will be affected by loneliness and other bad emotions, and in the end you will be directly defeated by time. hands."

Tian Yu'er nodded slightly, and said softly, "It's like when I was under the control of Dao, I didn't dare to relax because I knew there were many people who were equal to me."

Lan Fenghuang chuckled and said, "Things are not as complicated as you think, right? The higher the strength, the more able to protect ourselves, but the higher the strength, the more we can't protect ourselves. Then we are still improving our own strength. What's the use?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "That's right, we only need to improve our strength to deal with the dangers that will appear first, if we don't improve our strength in order to avoid these dangers, then we are deceiving ourselves Woolen cloth."

Bai Yunfei and the others talked and walked, very happy, but something unpleasant happened immediately.

They saw a man with a painted face blocking their way.

"Where do you go back and forth to the road ahead, you are not allowed to go from here again."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Why do we have to go back and forth from where? And we promised a person, so we have to escort him there, and why do you have to block our way?"

The painted-faced man frowned slightly and said coldly, "Don't be ignorant. I let you go back for your own good. If you insist on going forward, then you will risk your own life. There are not many people in front of you." Anyone who can talk like me, leave quickly, and don't make it difficult for me to be a human being."

Lan Fenghuang frowned slightly and said, "Why do I seem to have seen you there?"

The painted-faced man frowned slightly, and said with a cold snort, "There are many people who have seen me. It is normal for you to have seen me. Then you should have heard of my name."

Lan Fenghuang shook his head slightly, and said coldly, "I remembered, it was you and a few other people who threw me into that small town on the edge, it was you, why did you do this?"

The painted-faced man frowned slightly and said, "I really didn't expect you to recognize me, if that's the case, then I'll tell you the truth, all you need to know is that you will never be able to return to Tianyang City. "

"Why all of this? If you have a grudge against me, why didn't you kill me and throw me into that small town? What do you mean? Why can't I go back to Tianyang City! "

The fighting index on the painted-faced man exploded directly, and he said coldly, "I don't want to tell you, you don't need to know if you have passed, you just need to know that you can't go back, now you get out of here immediately, whoever If I dare to get close again, I will kill anyone!"

At this moment, Lan Fenghuang frowned slightly, and the combat index on his body exploded directly. Suddenly, the combat index of 20 and the combat index of the painted-faced man's 20 quickly collided with each other.

"Your combat index has actually reached 20, which is indeed terrifying, but with your strength, there is no way you can get past me. Wherever you go, this is your only chance to survive. !" Although the painted-faced man was a little surprised, he said coldly without any superfluous expression.

At this time, Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "It turns out that this is the case. I finally understand now. The reason why he thinks that he can send him back safely with a combat index of more than 10 is probably because of the information you gave him. Illusion, but you guys are really good at thinking, you can actually hide so many combat index, just to prevent him from entering, what is the purpose of this?"

"You don't need to ask any more questions! The more you know, the faster you will die." The painted-faced man said very coldly.

Lan Fenghuang moved for a while, and said coldly, "Then I really want to know, what kind of strength do you have that can actually feel that you can defeat me?"

The painted-faced man said softly, "They call me Tiger Maniac. I think you should know my name, so don't try to challenge my prestige. If you challenge me, I won't care about anything. Kill you with your own hands, if you die, all of this will be completely over, and the so-called curse will also disappear completely, so don't force me."

(End of this chapter)

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