Chapter 1298 Ji Tianhao

The leader frowned slightly and said, "You were chased and killed just now, what's going on? There are still people who dare to chase and kill people on this official road, don't they want to live?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "We won't bother you here anymore, we have to continue on our way, so we have to leave now, see you later."

The leading man frowned slightly and said, "Don't you want to say it? Forget it, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it, but where do you want to go, if you go along the way, I can let my soldiers protect you .”

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled lightly, and said, "Then there's no need, we can go on our own way, thank you for your kindness."

Bai Yunfei and the others bid farewell to the man, quickly left, and walked towards a nearby secret realm.

The man was slightly stunned, and said to a subordinate next to him with a wry smile, "I really didn't expect that I, Ji Tianhao, would sometimes be disgusted by others."

The subordinate smiled and said, "That's because they don't know your identity, General. If they knew, they would never do this, and they would definitely flatter the general severely."

Ji Tianhao shook his head slightly, and said softly, "According to their previous performance, I'm afraid they will never do this, because they are definitely not the kind to be compared with others easily, they all have their own arrogance, absolutely not I will force others, let's go, we have to continue on our way."

Bai Yunfei and the others had come to the side of the secret realm at this time, but seeing that this secret realm had already been explored, they were a little helpless, but even if they had explored it, they could gain some new gains once they entered, but there were no newly developed gains. Rich only.

They walked in directly and quickly, only to see that something different happened to all of them. There were actually flowers everywhere in the secret realm.

Lan Fenghuang frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "It's really strange, why are there flowers everywhere here, so what kind of benefits can we get? And these flowers don't seem to have any lethality, I'm afraid this It’s a secret place to watch.”

Bai Yunfei looked at all the flowers, and said with a smile, "Don't underestimate anything with more beautiful flowers, maybe it can bring more deaths."

Tian Yu'er frowned slightly at this time, a fire appeared in her hand, and quickly moved towards those flowers, burning them.

I saw that all the flowers were burning with flames, and at this moment everyone heard screams, but in the end all the flowers in the entire secret realm withered, and Yunfei and the others were inexplicably left the secret realm.

At the same time, a 10-point delicate flower appeared in everyone's hands.

Bai Yunfei looked at this very delicate flower, smiled softly and said, "Interesting, these flowers are really interesting, and you haven't seen this very delicate flower, it's even more interesting, and he can actually make people Create an illusion, this one can save a life."

Bai Long was playing with the flowers in his hand, and said a little boringly, "This is too boring, what use are these flowers, but they just make people fall into an illusion, and they don't have much effect at all."

Lan Fenghuang shook his head slightly and said, "I feel that these flowers should be of great use. Haven't you seen his introduction? Anyone with a combat index below 1000 million can fall into his illusion."

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "I also think these activities can definitely play a big role, so let's keep it for now, and we will continue to the next secret realm, which is not too close or too far from here." It only takes two days to get there.”

Everyone started on their way again, and it took two days to finally arrive at the new secret realm. However, this secret realm has not been developed by anyone, and it belongs to an undeveloped secret realm.

Lan Fenghuang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Finally, there is a secret realm that no one has ever developed. At least they didn't count on cheating me. This is an unexpected gain."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't be too happy for now, you should be careful inside, no one knows if there is any danger inside, everything is unknown, so you must be more careful, never If there is any carelessness, otherwise it will be really easy to have some dangers inside, and it will be 10 points not worth it if you die."

At this moment, Bailong looked at the surrounding environment curiously and said, "Master, there is something wrong around you. You can see that all the places around you seem to have been visited by someone. This is obviously very strange." Yes, but why no one enters the secret realm?"

Lan Fenghuang was a little puzzled and said, "Is this so strange? Could it be that he didn't sell me anything before, so he must come here to check it out. I think it's normal."

Bai Yunfei also noticed it at this time, shook his head slightly and said, "No, someone should have been here, but those people probably couldn't enter here, or they all died inside after entering, so here It will always be shown that it has been explored, because none of them have successfully explored, so they have not brought out anything, so this place has always been unexplored."

Tian Yu'er said softly, "If this is the case, doesn't it mean that it is very dangerous inside, and many people have all failed in it, otherwise so many things would not have happened. It seems that this There shouldn’t be a good person inside, we have to be more careful.”

Bai Yunfei and the others walked in directly and quickly, but they were all very careful. After entering, they stayed where they were and did not touch anything.

After they fully adapted to the environment inside, they found that they appeared on a very huge chessboard, and what made them even more puzzled was that they were all standing on a white grid, and around them, There are a lot of black grids here.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, took a step forward, and stepped on a white grid, but nothing happened.

But just as they were taking a step forward, they suddenly heard a clicking sound.I saw Bailong accidentally stepped on one of the black grids.

(End of this chapter)

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