Chapter 201 Repelling the Enemy
Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "But I don't regard you as true friends yet, and maybe we will be enemies in the future, so it's too early to say we are friends, you should obediently find a way to block some Enemy."

Liu Hongyan looked at Bai Yunfei with some puzzlement and said, "Could it be that you still can't stop the attacks of these soldiers? Or is it that the enemy has already infiltrated?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "It's not that they infiltrated, but they have already ambushed inside and thought they could hide it from my eyes and ears. Then they really underestimated me, but I don't want to prematurely deal with them."

Liu Hongyan nodded slightly, and said, "This is a good opportunity for us to earn battle points, so thank you for giving us such an important news, now we will go and kill all the people who sneaked in there .”

Bai Yunfei waved his hand slightly, and said, "Then hurry up, I've already asked someone to write out the specific list, and then you can find someone based on the list."

After Liu Hongyan left, Bai Yunfei focused his attention on the battlefield, and saw that his black ax soldiers were still fighting the enemy bravely, and their numbers hadn't decreased too much. There is no way.

However, Bai Yunfei knew that he could temporarily suppress the enemy army, but after a long time, these black ax soldiers would also be direct and face many dangers.

But these soldiers are actually Bai Yunfei's abandoned sons, just to delay their attack on the city.

However, the fighting power of these black ax soldiers exceeded Bai Yunfei's expectations, and they directly killed the entire army.

But at this moment, countless arrows quickly shot at these black ax soldiers.

In such an instant, 5000 of the 3000 black ax soldiers were lost at once.

But the remaining 2000 black ax soldiers did not retreat at all, but rushed towards the bows and arrows quickly.

Those archers had no room to resist at all, and were quickly beheaded by the 2000 black ax soldiers. Afterwards, only the sound of horseshoes was heard.

I saw many war horses rushing towards the Xuanfu soldiers quickly, knocking down all the Xuanfu soldiers to the ground.

The surrounding infantry quickly slashed at the fallen black ax soldier with their weapons.

In just a short time, within an hour, all of these 5000 black ax soldiers were lost.

However, Bai Yunfei didn't have any worries. Instead, he waved his hand lightly, and saw the remaining 5000 archers on the city wall shooting upwards quickly.

In an instant, arrows rained down on the enemy side.The soldiers who didn't have any shields to defend them all turned into hedgehogs in an instant and fell to the ground.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, because he found that the opponent's generals were also very powerful in manipulation, countless soldiers holding shields quickly formed, protected, and blocked the rain of arrows from the sky.

At this moment, there were bursts of screams in the city. Apparently, Liu Hongyan and the others had already killed all those lurking in.

Moreover, the soldiers outside the city did not continue to attack the city at this time, but all retreated quickly. After all, they had lost a lot of soldiers in the battle just now, and they couldn't figure out how many soldiers there were in the city. So they dare not act rashly now.

Bai Yunfei let the 5000 soldiers continue to stay on the city wall, carefully guarding against the enemy, and then returned to his room to rest slowly, and slowly thought about what kind of troops he would use to attack the enemy tomorrow.

This is Liu Hongyan walking in carelessly, and said happily to Bai Yunfei, "Thank you so much, I really didn't expect that these people who came in are really rich enough, and the fighting points given can be said to be good. Let us Big bucks."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "I always feel that something is not right, why do these soldiers only attack from this side, while the rest of the city wall did not launch any attacks, so I need you, now use Show me your method to see if there is any conspiracy."

Liu Hongyan looked at Bai Yunfei slightly surprised and said, "How did you know that we would have other ways to investigate? I don't seem to have told you about it, nor revealed it in front of you. How did you notice it?"

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, pointed to the sky and said, "There are always a few eagles flying by in the sky. If it takes a day or two, I don't care, but it happens every day. Then you say, these few eagles fly by." Is there a problem?"

Liu Hongyan laughed a little, and said, "You really observed carefully, and you even noticed this. Yes, those elites are indeed ours. I'll let them go to scout now to see what these enemy troops are planning to do."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, then took out a very weird statue from his bosom, threw it to Liu Hongyan and said, "You got this weird statue from Fang Ziyu, as long as you throw it out, it will be fine." Hua Cheng, the soldiers will protect you, I have seen the strength of the soldiers, they are not bad, they are at the level of generals."

Liu Hongyan blinked her big eyes, looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden? Didn't you say you wouldn't be friends with me?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "The main reason is that you need to do one thing, so I want to give you some benefits. Otherwise, I'm afraid someone will say that I took advantage of you."

Liu Hongyan smiled slightly, and said, "What do you need me to do? To give me such a big gift, I'm afraid this matter is not easy."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Actually, this matter is difficult and easy to say, because I need you to guard the city gate selfishly. No matter what happens, you can't open the city gate. If there are other soldiers If you want to open the city gate, kill Wushe."

Liu Hongyan said somewhat differently, "Don't you even let your soldiers go out?"

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, and said helplessly, "Except for the soldiers I summoned, the other soldiers are absolutely not allowed to go out, because if they go out, it means that they are definitely traitors."

Liu Hongyan nodded slightly, but then said worriedly, "But don't forget one thing, there are so many people in the city who need to eat, and there may not be much food left in the city."

(End of this chapter)

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