Chapter 210 The Perfect Sneak Attack

Wanfu was a little curious and directly punched the wall next to him, directly smashing a big hole in the wall, and suddenly said in surprise, "Could it be that this house is a bean curd project? It's so easy to smash out a big hole." Big hole, if those huge black shadows directly attack the house again, I am afraid that no house can withstand their fists."

Bai Yunfei frowned and said, "Why didn't I notice this situation before, it seems that the countermeasures we discussed just now can't be implemented, because the surrounding walls can no longer have any impact on those huge black shadows, So now we must find a real safe place to hide, or find those hidden people immediately and kill them all, otherwise if we are surrounded by these huge black shadows, we may really have There is no life left."

Sun Ziyun was slightly a little bit annoyed, and said angrily, "It's really disgusting. Why did such a thing happen? Before, when participating in competitions, it was always a battle between people. Why did you add some strange things this time?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "I think this kind of setting should be quite fun. After all, it's already a team of four people, and it's not a time to fight alone, so those huge black shadows can be said to be for the sake of fun." We sent the equipment, didn't you find that what we have been searching in our shoulders until now, it is better to kill these black shadows?"

Song Miaozi nodded thoughtfully, and said, "That's how he is. The things we got from the houses we picked up are really not as good as killing a few huge black shadows and giving more things."

Wanfu suddenly said happily, "Does that mean that if the gathered black shadows are more powerful, the things they carry will be more powerful, so we must find a way to kill a huge black shadow and try it. "

Sun Ziyun rolled his eyes, punched Wanfu on the head, and said, "You money fanatic, don't you think about the risks inside? If it's just a huge black shadow, with our current With his combat power, he should be able to kill him easily, but if there are many such huge shadows around, then we can only run away."

After carefully studying the progress of the entire town, Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I have a crazy plan, I wonder if you guys dare to try it."

Sun Ziyun looked at Bai Yunfei in surprise and said, "What do you have? Let's hear about your new plan. I want to see how crazy your plan is."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "At night, I will lead all the black shadows to this position, and then I will quickly throw the thunderbolt bullets under their feet. I believe these thunderbolt bullets should be able to put these huge black Shadow kills."

Sun Ziyun nodded and said, "The idea you mentioned is indeed, yes, but there is nothing crazy about it?"

Bai Yunfei laughed a little, and said, "What I mean by madness is that I tried every means to lure all the black shadows here, because those black shadows will never enter here by themselves."

"There are a few figures outside. It looks like someone has come here." Song Miao keenly spotted the enemy's traces and said quickly.

Bai Yunfei stood up immediately, followed Song Miao's line of sight to observe those figures, and after calculating silently, he laughed and said, "This is God helping me. With these few people here, I can definitely Let our plan be completed, and be able to kill them all."

Wanfu said with some puzzlement, "Brother Fei, do you have any ideas? Can you really kill all those people?"

Bai Yunfei smiled wickedly, and said, "Just wait quietly for those people, and send them to their deaths."

As the night slowly fell, the few people who had just come here during the day all hid in their respective houses and did not dare to come out. Obviously they also knew the strength of those huge black shadows, so they did not dare to take risks .

As night fell, those huge black shadows appeared around everyone.I saw these huge black shadows walking back and forth constantly, but they didn't make any moves to attack the house.

Bai Yunfei came to the roof cautiously, buckled a Thunderbolt bullet upside down with his right hand, and quickly threw one of them into the hidden house.

Hearing a loud bang, the person inside the house quickly jumped out, but before he could run far, he was surrounded by all the surrounding black shadows and punched him to death.

Looking at the man who had been beaten into meat paste, Wan Fu said with a little shock, "What a terrifying attack, to beat a person into a meat loaf with just a few fists, the strength of this huge black shadow is indeed stronger than There are many powerful ones such as the huge black shadows we encountered before."

I saw these huge black shadows, after beating that person to death, they quickly slammed into other houses, and all the other people who were hiding in the house were all hit by these huge black shadows. out.

And those people hiding in the house suddenly looked at the house in ruins in surprise. They really didn't think about why the house could be destroyed?

Those few people also knew that it was impossible to escape individually, so they united together and quickly fought those huge black shadows.

Bai Yunfei took out a few more thunderbolts, quietly waiting for the final result, but he was not too anxious, at this moment, the huge black shadow and those few people could be said to be fighting It's hard to tell.

Bai Yunfei shot quickly, and those few thunderbolts fell to the feet of these people in no time.

After listening for a while, after the booming sound, those huge black shadows and those people were all blown to pieces and died completely.

Bai Yunfei faced, and Sun Ziyun and the others said loudly, "Hurry up and pick up the corpse, and get out of here quickly after picking up everything."

Bai Yunfei and the others quickly picked up all the belongings of these people, but they didn't see anything, so they quickly left.

Gao Yunfei and the others quickly found a very remote house and hid in this house. Although it was only dilapidated, there was no threat around it.

Moreover, there was a huge noise in the town where they escaped just now, and all the houses were pushed down by those huge black shadows, turning them into complete ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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