Chapter 219 Fighting in progress

After a while, the others also finished the competition, but this time, they didn't rush to start the next round of competition, but waited for an hour before continuing the competition.

But this time the game was very different.I saw that the remaining 750 people had all gathered together.

But this time it was a chaotic contest, everyone fought together, and only when there were 100 people left, would it be over.

When the password for the competition was given, everyone frantically attacked the people around them, and no one wanted to, so they were eliminated.

However, Bai Yunfei did not participate in their chaotic contest, instead, he stood in a corner, watched them quietly, and fought with each other.

But there are always people who are not good at looking for Bai Yunfei, but these people are so weak that Bai Yunfei didn't even catch a single move, and they were killed by Bai Yunfei.

At this moment, a cold arrow suddenly shot at Bai Yunfei's back, Bai Yunfei spun the whip in his hand quickly, caught the cold arrow, and instantly turned the cold arrow back.

The person who shot the cold arrow never imagined that the arrow he shot could still come back. If he didn't check, he was directly shot between the eyebrows by the cold arrow and died directly.

The death of this person did not bring any impact to this contest, and some people continued to fight non-stop, and some people continued to die.

There were quite a few people who had the same idea as Bai Yunfei, all of them were hiding in the corners, they didn't take the initiative to attack other people, but waited quietly.

These people are waiting for those who are exhausted, they are equivalent to prey, and those waiting are hunters, they are all waiting for them, and they will pick the fruits directly after the fight is over.

Although Bai Yunfei didn't intend to do this, but out of consideration for self-protection, he also cleaned up all the people around him.

The battlefield was very interesting at this time. In the four corners of the arena, Bai Yunfei occupied the east corner, a bald man occupied the south corner, and two women occupied the west and north corners.

In the center, there are many people fighting non-stop. As for the four corners, no one rushed over.

Because all the people who came here have died.So these people would rather fight in the center than run to the four corners to die.

As time slowly passed, fewer and fewer people survived the ring.But Bai Yunfei and the others, these four corners were still the same as before, no one came to disturb them.

At this moment, the competition ended suddenly, and everyone passed to the competition field.

It turned out that there were exactly [-] people left at this time, so this contest was considered to be over.

After waiting for everyone to wash, but ten rings appeared, and this time the rules have also changed.

This time the competition is called defending the ring. After the challenge of the last person is over, the remaining ten people on the ring will officially advance.

After silently calculating, Bai Yunfei stepped directly on the first ring, quietly waiting for others to challenge.

The bald man from before and the two women also made a choice very quickly and stood on the ring.

In the end, one after another, people brought them to other arenas. There are ten arenas, which are completely and fully occupied. If other people want to enter the arena, he must challenge.

But the rest of the people are all entangled, because they don't know who to choose now, it's delicate, if they choose the wrong one, they will be eliminated, so no one dares to act rashly.

The scene was awkwardly deadlocked for a moment.At this time, the new rule appeared again: "After ten hours, those who are still in the ring will advance directly, and those who have not challenged will also be considered as failures."

As soon as the new rules came out, several people couldn't sit still any longer, so they quickly went to the ring to challenge.

However, no one came up to Bai Yunfei's arena at all. Obviously, during the chaotic contest, Bai Yunfei's strength had already been hooked in their hearts, so no one was willing to challenge Bai Yunfei, and all of them challenged other people. people.

However, Bai Yunfei was not happy at all, because it meant that he would no longer be able to obtain other people's martial arts to strengthen his own strength.

Of course, there were some people who wanted to take a sideways approach and become a group of dark horses. So, while Bai Yunfei was sitting down, they went directly to the ring and attacked Bai Yunfei without saying a word.

But Bai Yunfei didn't stand up immediately, but threw the sword in his hand in an instant.

Before the man could attack, he saw that a sword was stabbing towards him, and the sword was so fast that he didn't even have a chance to react.

When everyone in the audience saw that person died tragically, they immediately became more desperate to challenge Bai Yunfei, and focused on challenging other people.

As time passed slowly, Bai Yunfei watched the competitions in other arenas a little bored, but there was no one on his side, so he was very bored for a while.

Finally, this boring contest ended in Bai Yunfei's anticipation, but Bai Yunfei saw that he had become very powerful, and the other nine people were also slightly speechless for a while. Originally, he could crush their existence, but now It has become, and their strength is almost the same.

But Bai Yunfei didn't take it too seriously, because no matter how strong the enemy was, he could strengthen his belief and defeat them.

In fact, the most important thing is that he got a trump card.This trump card was given to him by the person who killed him before.

The trump card is a set of very insidious acupuncture methods.Anyone who is pierced by this needle will feel itching all over their body, and then they will use their hands unconsciously to dig out the flesh on their body until their heart is dug out.

This set of acupuncture can be said to be cruel to the extreme.Fortunately, it fell into Bai Yunfei's hands. If it fell into the hands of others, it would probably cause more tragic deaths.

When Bai Yunfei got this set of needling techniques, he had already decided that he would never use such needling techniques unless it was necessary, after all, such needling techniques were really harmful.

"Boy, you really stole the show in front, but you will never be allowed to continue to show off in the back." A gray-haired old man said darkly.

Bai Yunfei looked at the old man with slight disdain and said, "I'm afraid that if you practice for the rest of your life, you won't be able to catch up with me. You'd better go home obediently and hug your grandson. However, a person with a face like yours probably won't There will be no grandchildren."

(End of this chapter)

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