Chapter 249 Flying Cloud City

The leader snorted slightly and said, "I don't know what you are talking about. It is impossible for you to obtain information from me. You should kill me."

Bai Yunfei said indifferently to Liu Xianer and the others beside him, "Don't worry about him, they will die from poison in a short time, let's continue on our way now, I really want to know who is there in Feiyun City. what."

Miao Lanlan said bouncingly, "I heard that there are a lot of delicious food in it, and there are many more interesting ones. When we get to Feiyun City, we must have a good time."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "That's natural, we are here for fun, of course we have to have fun, eat well, let's go on the road."

As Bai Yunfei and the others gradually went away, the leader fell to the ground in despair, looked at the sky, and slowly recalled himself, all the things before.Slowly closed his eyes.

Just after these people died, many mysterious people appeared quickly, and these people quickly disposed of all the corpses of these dead people.

The main road returned to its previous appearance again, as if nothing had happened here before.

Bai Yunfei and the others, driving the carriage, slowly came to Feiyun City, but the guards of Feiyun City did not let them in right away.

Bai Yunfei looked at the guards blocking their way, frowned slightly, and said, "What do you guys mean? Why don't you let us enter the city?"

One of the guards laughed and said, "It's very simple to enter the city. You have to pay to enter. If you don't pay, you can go back and forth."

Miao Lanlan said angrily, "Why do they have to make us pay if they don't pay? You are bullying foreigners."

The guard snorted slightly, and said, "You're right, but if you bully you outsiders, so what? Don't accept it? Don't enter the city if you don't accept it."

Miao Lanlan's anger was aroused by this soldier, and she saw Miao Lanlan slapped the guard slightly with her right hand.

I saw a faint fragrance slowly drifting towards the guards, and the guards, after smelling the fragrance, were all in high spirits, and fell to the ground after a while.

Although they fell to the ground, their expressions were full of weird enjoyment, as if they were having a sweet dream.

Liu Xian'er nodded Miao Lanlan's head lightly, and said, "You little girl, how could you do this? Don't you know what to do if you cause unnecessary trouble?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "I think Lan Lan has done a good job. These nasty guys should have been taught a lesson a long time ago. Now it's just letting them have a good dream here, which is still cheap for them." , if I make a move, I will directly let them sleep for ten days and ten nights."

Miao Lanlan immediately said happily, "Brother Bai is right. If it had been in the past, I would have given them a good lesson. Now I just let them sleep lightly, which is already good for them." It’s been extraordinarily merciful.”

Liu Xian'er sighed softly, looked at the people behind and said lightly, "We'd better go into the city now, or it won't be good when they wake up."

Miao Lanlan said confidently, "Don't worry, they won't be able to wake up for a while. If they wake up, it will be tomorrow morning."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and walked into the city with Liu Xian'er and the others.

They went directly to one, Feiyue Inn, and stayed. This Feiyue Inn is the largest inn in Feiyun City.Moreover, in this Feiyue Inn, no one dares to make trouble here at all, because this Feiyue Inn is opened by the city lord.

After Bai Yunfei and the others put their luggage at the inn, they went shopping on the street.

I saw that the whole street was very lively and prosperous, there were jugglers and sellers, it could be said to be very prosperous.

Miao Lanlan and Liu Xian'er excitedly looked here and there and touched the whole street, they were obviously very curious, and they were all gone, their usual calmness.

Bai Yunfei watched the two of them quietly from a distance, playing around.

Bai Yunfei didn't have any thoughts of disturbing the two of them, but stood behind them, drinking some wine while walking, very chic and at ease.

But while the three of us were watching a sideshow.Suddenly, several people jumped over their heads using lightness kung fu.

I saw that these people were all armed with weapons, and they were fighting quickly, and their shot angles were very vicious.

Moreover, these few people seem to have fought to the point of forgetting themselves, and they don't care at all. The people watching the excitement are just like this, fighting non-stop. The common people were arrested and thrown in front of themselves, and were hacked to death by several other people.

I saw that all the spectators ran away in fright, none of them wanted to be like that unlucky ghost just now.

At this moment, only Bai Yunfei and the others were left in the whole street. As for the other onlookers, they had already hid in other houses, watching those few people cautiously through the windows, fighting hard.

Miao Lanlan said with some interest, "The strength of these people is not too weak, but I really don't know how much hatred they have. They actually killed each other. This is really either you or me."

However, Liu Xian'er snorted slightly, and said, "None of these people are good people, and I'm afraid they are not good people."

Bai Yunfei nodded lightly, and said, "That's right, these people are not good at all, otherwise they wouldn't have killed innocent people indiscriminately."

Miao Lanlan smiled and said, "Do you want me to give them something fun? I think they are too boring to bet like this. Add some food to them, so that they can play more excitingly."

Miao Lanlan took out a small bottle and threw it directly at the feet of these people.

None of these people noticed that this small porcelain vase suddenly appeared at their feet, but they were still fighting intently.

But as time passed slowly, the smoke in the vial began to disappear slowly, but the few people who had been fighting all the time felt that something was not right.

(End of this chapter)

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