Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 268 Opening the Battle of Lords Eating Chicken

Chapter 268 Opening the Battle of Lords Eating Chicken

Bai Yunfei nodded, and said, "If that's the case, just open it for me directly. Anyway, I can't go out for a while now, and I can only go out when I reach a new plane. During this period, it's better to go in and play."

The old man nodded, and directly activated the exciting battlefield, teleporting Bai Yunfei into it.

Bai Yunfei realized that he was actually from the perspective of God at this time, and all the one hundred soldiers belonging to him were standing there, but it was a pity that these one hundred soldiers did not have any equipment at all.

Bai Yunfei quickly manipulated the hundred soldiers, searched the surrounding area, adjusted the supplies, and all ten soldiers were equipped with equipment.

The ten soldiers controlled by Bai Yunfei took the lead, while the remaining 90 soldiers walked cautiously behind.

However, Bai Yunfei's luck was obviously very good. A small village appeared right in front of them. Although the village looked very small, it still had ten houses.

The hundred soldiers controlled by Bai Yunfei quickly searched all the houses in the whole village. It can be said that his current soldiers are very powerful. At least every soldier has learned a kind of martial arts. However, Bai Yunfei found that the martial arts here are very monotonous. Among the hundred soldiers, at least five of them have the same martial arts.

But the hundred soldiers under Bai Yunfei's control had just left the village and went outside, and found that the village was once again being searched by a hundred soldiers. Obviously, someone else manipulated the soldiers to come here.

After Bai Yunfei predicted where they were going to walk, he quickly controlled the hundred soldiers who set traps on the road and waited for the arrival of the hundred soldiers in the distance.

I saw the hundred soldiers on the other side, after realizing that the village had been sealed off, they left here directly, and chased after the traces left by Bai Yunfei and the others, and the location happened to be where Bai Yunfei set up a trap.

When the hundred soldiers had memorized the location of the trap, Bai Yunfei, don't let his hundred soldiers activate the trap, only to see that the hundred soldiers of the enemy had all fallen into the trap.After a scream, all the soldiers died.

Bai Yunfei checked the remaining number from 3000 to 2000 now.Obviously, in this short period of time, many people have already fought fiercely.In just one day, 1000 people have died. Obviously, everyone is not used to this new model.

Bai Yunfei controlled the hundred soldiers for him, quickly cleaned the battlefield and picked up all the packages that had fallen there.

At this time, Bai Yunfei's one hundred soldiers were all at the second level.

Bai Yunfei was not careless, but escaped the hundred soldiers, and quickly walked towards the place where no one was walking, but while walking, Bai Yunfei sent out ten soldiers to search quickly. Look around for signs of traps.

However, there were really no traces of enemies around, so there were no traps. The hundred soldiers under Bai Yunfei's control easily found a very dangerous place and rested.

Just as Bai Yunfei was resting under the control of a hundred soldiers, a few more soldiers suddenly appeared, but these soldiers were obviously still in a state of being surrounded, and they did not find the hundred soldiers controlled by Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei quickly controlled ten soldiers, and assassinated those soldiers in an instant.After killing those soldiers, the other soldiers who quickly controlled them set up layers of ambush circles around them, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

But after waiting for a long time, no soldiers came. Bai Yunfei directly sent a soldier, and quickly searched for the place where the soldiers came. After this search, Bai Yunfei was speechless.

Because the deaths of those soldiers did not attract the attention of the other party, and the other soldiers who were still under the control of the other party were busy setting traps there.

Bai Yunfei quickly controlled the other soldiers, approached cautiously, and while he was still scrambling to control the soldiers to make traps, he quickly let these soldiers attack the remaining soldiers.

When the other party reacted, before he controlled it, several soldiers found that all his soldiers around him were dead.

Just when he wanted to desperately kill Bai Yunfei's soldiers, he found helplessly that his soldiers were not as strong as Bai Yunfei at all, and the opponents of those soldiers were directly slaughtered.

After Bai Yunfei finished cleaning the battlefield, he rearranged the traps that this person had set up before, made a loud noise, and left here.

Just when the hundred soldiers under Bai Yunfei's control left the forest area and came to a small town, the entire forest was burning with flames.

At the same time, the number of survivors directly became 1500, and obviously 500 of them were lost in this forest area.

Bai Yunfei quickly controlled the hundred soldiers and entered the small town. After searching the town quickly, Bai Yunfei controlled the soldiers. Two groups scattered in each house and quietly waited for the others. Soldiers arrive.

Among Bai Yunfei's 20 soldiers at this time, [-] soldiers are all armed with third-level weapons.

But in terms of current strength, this already belongs to the level of invincibility. After all, even if the enemy can get a set of weapons beyond the third level, it will not be too strong, so Bai Yunfei plans to wait here. Get more benefits.

With the slow waiting, when the night fell, 30 soldiers quickly came to the town. They quickly scattered and searched the town, but when they entered the house collectively.At the same time, they were all killed by Bai Yunfei's soldiers.

At the same time, one less surviving person represents this person, and there are only these 30 soldiers.

Bai Yunfei quickly manipulated these soldiers to search all the packages, then hid them again, quietly waiting for the next batch of people to arrive.

As time passed and waited until dawn, no soldiers arrived, but Bai Yunfei did not relax, but carefully observed his surroundings.

Because Bai Yunfei believes that such a large area of ​​houses will definitely attract many people to search here.But they saw that they came here a little later, so the longer they stay here now, the more people they can wait for.

(End of this chapter)

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