Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 270 The Moment of the Decisive Battle

Chapter 270 The Moment of the Decisive Battle

But as time passed, Bai Yunfei gradually discovered some problems, that is, no matter how the soldiers present fought, it was very strange that no one was eliminated.

At this moment, among those who were fighting each other, only one soldier was left alive, and the rest of the soldiers were all dead. I saw that this soldier was quickly searching for all the soldiers' belongings.

Bai Yunfei smiled thoughtfully, he was now very sure that the fighting of these soldiers was just a round, waiting for others to come in.

Sure enough, after a while, hundreds of soldiers rushed in quickly, and after snatching things, fierce fighting broke out again.

When these hundreds of soldiers were almost fighting each other, countless arrows swept them quickly.

After all the soldiers were dead, all the soldiers who released the arrows stood up, and they rushed down quickly. These soldiers all searched for the packages of the soldiers below in an orderly manner.

Bai Yunfei could clearly see that those soldiers belonged to different people, but there was a tacit understanding between them, and there must be an agreement between them not to offend each other.

Not only Bai Yunfei noticed this situation, even people hiding in other directions also noticed this situation, but no one attacked these people rashly.

But watching them keep picking up supplies there, the two people in other directions were obviously not as patient as Bai Yunfei, so they couldn't bear it and sent soldiers to test it out.

But it's a pity that those things that were picked up from below had been expected, and the bows and arrows in his hands were shot out quickly, and all the soldiers who came to spy were shot to death soon.

I saw that the soldiers below were divided into two teams.A group of soldiers all held bows and arrows and looked down on guard.The other team quickly picked up supplies.

But it is a pity that the actions of these few people provoked public outrage, and many soldiers came one after another, but these soldiers did not attack each other, but made a collective appointment, and launched an attack on the soldiers below. All of a sudden, all kinds of attacks started again.

The people were below, and those soldiers were still able to stand firm, but as more soldiers entered the battle, all of these soldiers were killed immediately, and all of these people were also eliminated.

Then the soldiers fought each other with a tacit understanding.After all the soldiers were killed, there were only ten soldiers left, and they became the final winners.

But at this time, Bai Yunfei also found that there were only ten survivors left.

The ten surviving soldiers searched quickly and left immediately, but they accidentally fell into the trap just as they reached the edge.

Then dozens of boulders fell under the desperate eyes of the ten soldiers, causing them all to be crushed to death.

However, Bai Yunfei found that when the ten soldiers died, no one went to pick up the belongings of the ten soldiers, but all stared at the battlefield.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, directly controlled a hundred simple soldiers, quickly came to the place where the ten soldiers died, carefully avoided several traps, and picked up all the resources dropped by the ten soldiers When he got up, he found that he was really rich.

Just when Bai Yunfei controlled his soldiers to return to the previous place, he was surprised to find that the battle started again below, and at this time there were only five people left.

Bai Yunfei calculated silently, and found that there was another person who did not appear here, and the soldiers fighting below should all belong to the other three.

Bai Yunfei was not in a hurry, but chose to wait silently like that person.

The soldiers below are still fighting non-stop, and everyone has displayed their strongest means, but it is a pity that with the continuous fighting, there are fewer and fewer soldiers.

When there were only 30 soldiers left on the battlefield, Bai Yunfei and another person actually launched an attack at the same time, but Bai Yunfei never expected that all of that person's soldiers were hidden underground, and broke through the ground directly. And out launched an attack on the remaining 30 soldiers.

Although the 30 soldiers were startled by the sudden attack, the person who quickly controlled these soldiers quickly counterattacked with the 30 soldiers.

All of a sudden, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides, but all of Bai Yunfei's hundred soldiers were left aside.

Bai Yunfei saw the opportunity and launched an attack directly.I saw countless arrows quickly entering the battlefield.

For a while, dozens of soldiers from both sides who fought all died under the densely packed arrows.

I saw the two of them controlling the soldiers at the same time, quickly killing Bai Yunfei's hundred soldiers.

But it's a pity that Bai Yunfei controls the soldiers like flying a kite, slowly flying these soldiers.

And those two people were obviously too anxious to kill, and they didn't realize that Bai Yunfei's one hundred soldiers were actually ten less.

The ten soldiers under Bai Yunfei quickly returned to the battlefield. After picking up all the supplies that fell on the battlefield, they lay in ambush, waiting for the two of them to return.

Bai Yunfei realized that the timing was almost up, so he directly let his remaining 90 soldiers fight with these people.

All of a sudden, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides. Although Bai Yunfei's soldiers were one against two, Bai Yunfei still had the upper hand in terms of total numbers.

As time passed slowly, gradually both sides were left with few soldiers left, Bai Yunfei only had more than 30 soldiers left, and the other side only had 20 soldiers left.

And the person with 30 soldiers left before has been eliminated, and now only Bai Yunfei is left to fight the final battle with this person.

At this time, all the armors on the soldiers of that person were already in tatters, and Bai Yunfei's side was almost the same.

That person directly assigned ten soldiers to quickly kill Bai Yunfei, and he controlled the ten soldiers to quickly return to the battlefield of the previous decisive battle.

Bai Yunfei didn't do anything to stop him, but instead manipulated his remaining 30 soldiers to encircle and kill the ten soldiers.

Although the man was a little surprised why Bai Yunfei didn't follow him, he didn't think too much about it. Instead, he controlled his ten soldiers to run quickly, trying to return to the battlefield to search for supplies before Bai Yunfei caught up.

(End of this chapter)

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