Chapter 274
Bai Yunfei waved his hand and asked Xiaoer to go to other things, and he sat here quietly.

Bai Yunfei played with the chopsticks in his hand and smiled slightly. He really didn't expect the chopsticks here to be so finely crafted. If they were placed in other worlds, probably only some high-ranking and powerful people could use them.

But here it is only used by ordinary people. This is really different in different worlds.

At this moment, several waiters quickly put the wine and dishes in front of Bai Yunfei, and then quickly left here. The waiter who served Bai Yunfei before stood aside and introduced Bai Yunfei. these meals.

Bai Yunfei looked at the white jade-like food in front of him, smiled slightly, and said, "What's the name of this dish, and why is it the same as these white jade?"

Xiao Er smiled slightly, and said, "This is our signature dish here."

Bai Yunfei looked at the dishes in pairs and smiled slightly, and said, "That's right, it does look like a happy marriage, it's really good, but what's your wine called?"

Xiao Er quickly said, "Our wine is called Yuxin Wine. It is made from thousand-year-old cold jade, and after making it, it can keep you very cool in this hot day."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, put his hands on Xiao Er's body, and immediately gave Xiao Er a slightly surprised look, and said, "Don't you have any other reactions after drinking this wine?"

Although Xiaoer didn't know why Bai Yunfei asked such a question, but after all, the guests were the biggest, so he didn't care about it, and quickly said, "Of course there is no other reaction, it's just that it's very refreshing after drinking, why is the guest officer suspicious of us?" Is there a problem with the wine?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Then you must not misunderstand that I am just curious. But where can you buy the wine here in large quantities?"

After Xiaoer frowned slightly, he said, "How much is your bulk purchase? If it is within a hundred altars, then our inn can meet your needs, but if you want more, then I'm afraid we can only go to Jinyu Winery, the largest winery here."

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "Okay, I don't have anything else to do here, I need you to guard here, you can go to other places."

Xiao Er saluted slightly, then quickly went downstairs to entertain other guests.

Bai Yunfei slowly tasted the food here, but he was very pleasantly surprised to find that all the food was contained in the white jade, so it was full of aura.When he took it, he found that these auras could be turned into energy, slowly nourishing his body.

However, the reason why people in this world take these meals and drink these wines has no effect is because they were born here, they will not absorb any spiritual energy to enhance their own strength, if they can absorb If not, I am afraid that they have already appeared here with a strong martial artist.

Bai Yunfei knew that this was a good opportunity for him to become stronger. Although he was now at the peak level of the Martial Emperor, he still needed to work hard to break through the Martial Emperor, but with these white jades, he might be able to shorten this time a lot.

While Bai Yunfei was enjoying these delicacies, there was a sudden sound of ping-pong-pong on the first floor of the inn, apparently a fierce battle took place below.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, because what he hated the most was being interrupted when he was enjoying the food. Bai Yunfei drank slowly with the wine and walked down.

When he walked to the first floor, he found that all the guests on the first floor had left, and all the surrounding tables had been smashed to pieces, and the two young people who were fighting were still fighting. fighting each other.

The strengths of these two people are all at the level of martial arts masters. For a while, neither of them can gain the upper hand, so it is difficult to tell the outcome, but the surrounding things have suffered. net.

All the surrounding people watched the two fight from a distance. Obviously, this wonderful fight was a very good excitement for them.

After Bai Yunfei finished drinking the wine in his hand, he casually threw the wine glass out.

When throwing it out, Bai Yunfei complained slightly, "If other people know that I treat this white jade cup as an ordinary cup and throw it out to beat people, I'm afraid they will definitely be envious and jealous."

I saw the cup hit the weapons of the two people quickly, and with a clang, all the weapons in the hands of the two people flew out, and both of them covered their hands and took several steps back.

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "If the two of you want to fight, you can fight outside. Don't you know that fighting here will affect other people's meals?"

Those two people didn't care about Bai Yunfei's tone, but looked at Bai Yunfei in surprise, and said, "There is still a master like you here. Today, the two of us will give you face and stop fighting here."

One of them took out a large piece of gold from his pocket and threw it to the innkeeper, saying, "This piece of gold is enough to compensate you for the damage caused by the two of us, right?"

The innkeeper was very happy, and said to the two of them, "Enough, enough, definitely enough, any young man who wants to come to our inn for dinner will definitely give you free bills."

The two of them smiled at the same time and left directly.After the two left the inn, one faced east and the other west, and left directly.

"It's really interesting. Although the two people fight each other mercilessly, it's really interesting that they can have such a stable mentality when they are not fighting."

Bai Yunfei looked at the figures of the two leaving and said calmly.

The innkeeper smiled and said, "This is your first time here, so you don't know the situation of the two of them. They are the most famous north and south heroes in our Baiyu City. The one going east is Nanxia The one going west is Beixia."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "It seems that these two people should often fight with you, and I think you are all accustomed to it."

The innkeeper nodded slightly, and said, "Isn't that right, the two heroes of the North and the South, as long as they eat in my small shop, they will unconsciously fight after eating to see who is the real strongest!" Yes. But until now, it has not been distinguished as the strongest."

(End of this chapter)

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