Chapter 280 Obtaining the Ruby Order

Bai Yunfei smiled coldly, and said, "Do you think you alone can kill me? I haven't shown my real skills yet, let you see my best skills?"

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly flew a few throwing knives towards Qi Moyu.

These few throwing knives all shot at Qi Moyu quickly, and the flying trajectories of the few flying knives were very strange, and they were not so easy to defend against.

Qi Moyu's expression changed slightly, and he quickly pulled out a soft sword from his waist, quickly blocked a flying knife directly in front, and finally blocked a flying knife behind with a quick rotation, but the other few The flying knives didn't have time to defend, and were scarred by those flying knives in an instant.

Seeing the scars on her body, Qi Moyu immediately looked at Bai Yunfei with a gloomy expression and said coldly, "You really pissed me off completely, so I'll let you have a look. The real Martial Emperor's level of strength is not made by you ants." insulting at will."

Qi Moyu's aura changed drastically in an instant, but his aura was not at all the aura possessed by Emperor Wu at the peak, but even more profound.

Tu Hongyu's face changed drastically, and she said to Bai Yunfei, "Little brother, you must be careful, he must have used a secret method to temporarily break through the strength of Emperor Wu."

Bai Yunfei looked at Qi Moyu seriously, he knew that if he followed normal methods, he would really be killed by Qi Moyu.

A flying knife appeared in Bai Yunfei's hand, and this flying knife was accompanied by a green light. Jian Ran, this knife is not simple.

Bai Yunfei closed his eyes silently, quietly feeling Qi Moyu's aura, at this moment Bai Yunfei and Qi Moyu launched an attack at the same time.

The flying knife in Bai Yunfei's hand flew towards Qi Moyu directly and quickly.

Tu Hongyu looked at the flying knife that Bai Yunfei flew out with a little despair, and said with some despair, "Why didn't he use the previous secret method, and used such a common method, isn't it just a chance for others to dodge? "

Zheng Tianyu, however, noticed something amiss and shook his head, saying, "We all underestimate this little brother, I'm afraid the knife shot by this little brother is definitely not that simple."

Sure enough, as Zheng Tianyu said, Qi Moyu could only watch helplessly as the flying knife pierced into his body, but there was no way to dodge it.

Qi Moyu fell to the side, looked at the flying knife on his chest, pointed at Bai Yunfei weakly and said, "Who the hell are you? Why can't I dodge your attack at all?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "My name is Bai Yunfei, and I'm just a traveler from another plane. As for why you can't dodge my throwing knife, that's because I sent it out with the power of my soul."

Qi Moyu looked up to the sky and screamed, "And I didn't expect that after years of planning, it would still come to naught. I am so unwilling!"

After Qi Moyu finished speaking, he fell to the ground and died.

Bai Yunfei also sat on the side a little weakly, and said to Zheng Tianyu and the others, "I killed your senior brother, so why don't you two also come to seek revenge on me?"

Tu Hongyu shook her head slightly, and said earnestly, "Whatever you say, little brother, you saved our lives, how can we repay our kindness with revenge? And a hypocrite like this will die as soon as he dies. Death is not a pity."

Zheng Tianyu walked to Qi Moyu's side with a painful expression on his face, and said with some sighs, "Brother, if you want to pursue immortality, no one will say anything bad about you, but you should never take such an evil path." .”

Zheng Tianyu knelt down and took out a token on Qi Moyu's body, threw it to Bai Yunfei and said, "This token is the Hongyu Token. This is my thank you to you. I used the corpse. I will kill him now." Brought it back. Junior brother, you can do it for yourself, if you continue to kill innocent people because of your petty hobbies, I will definitely chase you to the ends of the earth."

Tu Hongyu shook her head slightly with a sigh, and said, "Brother, let me go back with you. I have figured it out after wandering outside for these years. In fact, what I hate is not our teacher, but Qi Moyu alone." It's just people."

Zheng Tianyu paused for a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay, there is no one in the master's school now, only me, a lonely old man, is left. It would be great for you to come and be my company."

Holding the red jade token, Bai Yunfei shook his head in admiration when he saw the disappearing figures of Zheng Tianyu and Tu Hongyu, and then carefully looked at the red jade token in his hand.

After checking, Bai Yunfei suddenly looked different, which meant that there was actually a storage space in the Hongyu Token.

But when Bai Yunfei checked the storage space for real, he opened his mouth in surprise.

Because this storage space is full of rubies, and what's even more incredible is that Bai Yunfei still felt a breath of reverse energy in it.

And Bai Yunfei also clearly noticed that the red jade inside is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

It was only at this time that Bai Yunfei really felt that this trip was really a great harvest, and in the future, it may be difficult to encounter such a space again.

Bai Yunfei left here directly. He now wants to go to the city and make some ordinary throwing knives. When you run out of use, it is better to prepare more than usual, so as to save you from worrying when you can use it.

Bai Yunfei quickened his pace at this time, and quickly came to a nearby city. He couldn't help but quicken his pace, because he could clearly feel that the time he stayed in this world was getting shorter and shorter. If he didn't leave again, will be rejected by this world.

When Bai Yunfei came out of the blacksmith's shop in this city, he looked a bit dumbfounded.Because he originally just wanted to find a blacksmith to make some ordinary flying knives, but who would have thought that for the blacksmiths here, the most common flying knives are these jade knives.

Bai Yunfei didn't know how these blacksmiths made them, but they were able to turn these jade stones into throwing knives and other weapons. Bai Yunfei directly took out 100 taels of gold, and turned his entire blacksmith All the concealed throwing knives and other weapons in the shop were bought.

Although Bai Yunfei has lived in this world for a few months, there are still some things that are not suitable for the market here, after all, it is really too cheap.

(End of this chapter)

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