Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 284 Illegal Formation of a Team

Chapter 284 Illegal Formation of a Team
Not long after Bai Yunfei and the others left, the woman from before quickly came here with three other people, but it was a pity that all they saw were two empty boxes.

The woman frowned immediately, and said to the other three people, "According to the traces at the scene, the two of them should have no power to resist, so they were killed directly. It seems that the other party should have advanced martial arts, or It's advanced equipment."

Only the wretched man nodded slightly, and said, "Elder Sister, you are right. If we can make them sneak attack and die, then we can really get advanced equipment."

The woman nodded slightly, and led the other three people to chase in the direction Bai Yunfei left.

Liu Xian'er checked the remaining number of people at this time, and when she found that there were only 50 people left, she smiled slightly and said, "Brother Bai really didn't expect that this time it would be so fast this time, how long has passed? There are 50 left."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said, "Isn't this better? It ends earlier, and I can go back to rest earlier. I don't need to stay here, it's too much of a waste of energy."

Liu Xian'er curled her lips slightly, and said, "Brother, do you have a new love in another plane?"

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, and said flatly, "Then you are wrong, I am still wandering around, and haven't found an accurate plane to land on yet."

At this moment, suddenly a leopard flew towards Baiyun from a nearby tree.

But Bai Yunfei had expected it earlier, and directly and quickly kicked the leopard back with a super strong kick.

I saw the leopard crashed into a tree and died directly.

Bai Yunfei didn't bring Liu Xian'er close, but let Liu Xian'er hide from the side, while Bai Yunfei himself, with a hidden weapon in his right hand, walked cautiously forward to the right.

Not yet, when Bai Yunfei approached, he saw a man jumping directly from the tree and saw that he was holding a big knife, and he cut directly at Bai Yunfei's head.

Bai Yunfei quickly shot out the hidden weapon in his hand, and shot the man instantly.

The man fell directly to the ground, but he did not die, but got up in pain.

And this is Liu Xian'er who was hiding in the dark and quickly fired several hidden weapons, hitting a very hidden haystack.

The man who was shot by Bai Yunfei suddenly screamed and died, obviously there must be his companion in the grass.

Bai Yunfei and Liu Xian'er quickly picked up all the things dropped by the two of them. Among them, Liu Xian'er picked up a special cheat book. This special cheat book is to domesticate these beasts so that they can obey their own words.

Liu Xian'er said thoughtfully, "It seems that this wild leopard is controlled by them, so it will attack us."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "It should be about the same. You can learn this cheat book. It should be of great help to you. After all, you need manpower on your side, but I don't need anyone here." manpower."

Liu Xian'er nodded and did not refuse, and directly learned the secrets of animal taming.

At this moment, a rustling sound suddenly came from around.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and led Liu Xian'er to quickly lie down next to the dead person before, because this place is very hidden, most people would not find it here.

I saw four people quickly drilled out from other places, and all four of them quickly searched around, and then gathered together again.

And these four people are the four people who have been following Bai Yunfei, and the woman said to the other three people, "Why did I not find any traces of them when I followed here? Just now I saw there were noises and fights here." Why did the voice disappear so quickly?"

The wretched man said worriedly, "It could be that the person we are looking for has been killed by someone else, then the equipment we want will be ruined."

The woman snorted and said, "What are you worried about? Could it be that four of us can't beat one person? Even if it's two of us, we'd have leftovers in four versus two. Besides, I'm all two now." Level [-] equipment, level [-] martial arts, I believe that the opponent should not be much higher than me, even if they have level [-] martial arts and level [-] equipment, so what?"

One of the men who hadn't spoken all this time said coldly, "Don't underestimate these people. No one knows what the enemy we will encounter next. Even the four of us may die."

The wretched man frowned, some didn't like this cold man very much, snorted, and said, "How do you know how to pour cold water on us, don't you know something else nice to say? I just watched you coldly along the way." Standing there and watching us make a fool of ourselves, don't you feel very happy now?"

The cold man immediately launched an attack on the wretched man, and his attack was not to scare the wretched man at all, but to kill the wretched man.

The wretched man panicked and hid behind the woman, but the woman frowned and said coldly, "Feng Bing, what do you mean? Could it be that you want to betray the organization?"

Feng Bing shook his head slightly, and said seriously, "Mu Yan, get out of here and wait for me to kill this bitch, and I will go and explain clearly to the president."

The wretched man immediately pointed at Feng Bing angrily and said, "Like the president explained, what are you explaining to the president? Do you explain why you killed me? Do you really think you can cover the sky with one hand in the meeting?"

Feng Bing's eyes became even colder, staring at the wretched man, he directly stabbed the sword in his hand towards him quickly, but it was a pity that Mu Yan blocked it.

Mu Yan frowned and said, "Calm down, both of you, and we'll talk about it later if you have anything to say. Just pretend you didn't see what happened today. After all, we're in the same battlefield now, and we're all brothers back to back. If the two of you insist on a duel, then we will really be alone. How can we compete with other people for the first place? I believe that if we don’t get the first place this time, the president will definitely It will be blamed, and whichever of the two of you will take the blame."

Both Feng Bing and the wretched man fell silent at the same time, because the two of them really understood the importance of what Mu Yan said, so they both chose to remain silent.

(End of this chapter)

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