Chapter 292 Black Wind Rider

The person above said coldly, "This is our territory for hundreds of miles, so all these things belong to us. For the sake of your children, get the hell out of here, or you two will be killed." They were all buried in the yellow sand."

And all the people around laughed, obviously agreeing with what the person said just now.

Geer couldn't bear their humiliation for a moment, and ran towards them directly and quickly.

But before he ran to them, he was quickly stabbed by the spears in their hands.

Moreover, several of them threw out the spears in their hands, and quickly stabbed at Bai Yunfei and Charles.

Charles turned over with a carp, quickly dodged the attack of the spear, grabbed the spear that fell on the ground, and threw it upwards, killing one of them in an instant.

At this time, Geer also rushed to the top quickly, and instantly took the scimitar from one of the people's waists, and quickly chopped the others under the knife.

Although Bai Yunfei didn't make a move, he was always guarding around the two of them. Once there was any danger, he could quickly make a move to help the two of them through the danger.

But the situation did not have any accidents, and all those people were quickly beheaded by Charles and Geer.

Bai Yunfei looked at the two who were vomiting beside him and smiled slightly, and said, "It seems that this is the first time for the two of you to kill someone, otherwise you wouldn't vomit so much, but after you get used to it, you'll be fine." .”

Charles, feeling a little better at this moment, said with a slight frown, "We killed Smackel's men, and he will definitely not let us go. Let's hurry up and get some meat and leave here."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Don't worry, don't worry if he won't come here first, wouldn't it be better to wait for him when he's full first?"

Geer said with a worried face, "This Smucker is very cruel. If he knows that we killed their subordinates, he will definitely kill us."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "He's just one level higher than you, what do you have to be afraid of? Don't you have any confidence in me?"

Charles frowned and said, "Although we don't know how strong you are, it should be very simple to deal with Smackel."

Geer continued to say, "It is very easy to deal with him, but his master's strength is unpredictable, and we don't even know how powerful he is, so it is we who can deal with Smak But you may not be able to deal with his master."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "It's better for you not to worry so much, anyway, things have already happened, so you should enjoy your life now, but it's really impossible to stay here quietly if you call me like that." , then let’s change direction now and walk in the direction of Middle Earth.”

Bai Yunfei quickly left here with Charles and Geer, and continued to run towards Zhongtu.

But before they had gone too far, they heard the sound of horseshoes, and saw a group of people riding black horses, chasing them quickly.

Charles said worriedly, "No, that's the Black Wind Cavalry. Why did the Black Wind Cavalry appear here? Don't they want to bloodbath the entire desert again?"

Bai Yunfei was slightly surprised and said, "What is the Black Wind Rider you are talking about?"

Geer quickly explained, "The Black Wind Riders are a group of very mysterious cavalry, and they are also very cruel. Wherever they pass, not a single blade of grass grows."

Charles said with a little despair, "But looking at their direction, they are coming towards us. We can't even hide in time. It seems that we can only obediently resign ourselves here."

After speaking, Charles directly dug a ten-deep hole in the ground and planted it, leaving only a few small holes for breathing outside.

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and looked directly at the so-called Black Wind Rider arriving, ignoring Geer's desperate gaze.

At this moment, all Heifeng stopped in reluctance, and one of the Heifeng riders held a black spear in his hand, pointed at Bai Yunfei and said, "Boy, you are really brave. Our Black Wind Riders still haven't escaped yet."

Bai Yunfei tilted his head and said, "Why should I run away? Don't you guys still eat people?"

The person who spoke before laughed, and said, "I don't eat people, but I can kill people. Haven't you heard of the reputation of our Black Wind Cavalry?"

Bai Yunfei casually took out a spear, which was dropped by those people before, and he took one for self-defense when he was idle and bored.

Bai Yunfei waved the spear in his hand, and said indifferently, "I just want to test how powerful you are as a Black Wind Rider. Although the weapon in your hand is a bit difficult, it should be no problem to barely deal with you."

All those black wind riders were waving their long spears and stabbing towards Bai Yunfei quickly.

Bai Yunfei blocked their attack, smiled lightly, and said, "It's really good, I didn't expect you to know the art of combined strikes so much, it's something I never thought of, but although you have thought of it, it's a pity What's worse is that you have no way to exert its true strength at all, even if you truly exert its full strength, you may not be able to defeat me."

Those black wind cavalrymen all seriously stabbed the spears in their hands towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei saw that none of them were affected by his words, so he shook slightly. The spear in his hand was like a dragon swaying around him, and all the black knights flew upside down. .

Bai Yunfei didn't show any mercy, instead, he used the spear in his hand to quickly cut their throats across their throats, taking their lives.

Charles said with some pity, "Brother, why did you kill them all? You should leave one alive. Let's ask them what they want to do?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said, "No matter how much you criticize them, you will never reveal their purpose. If they can speak out, there will be no meaning for the existence of the Black Wind Rider. "

Geer frowned and said, "Now that we have killed the Black Wind Cavalry again, we really didn't expect that we have provoked so many powerful enemies before we left. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for us to leave here alive."

(End of this chapter)

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