Chapter 294
Bai Yunfei sighed softly and said, "Now that you have the strength to protect yourself, you don't have to worry so much, as long as you leave here, you will be able to live a happy life and walk on the top of the world. "

At this moment, many people in ragged clothes rushed towards this side quickly with weapons. After seeing Bai Yunfei and the others, they launched an attack without saying a word.

Bai Yunfei snorted coldly, and quickly flew out many hidden weapons instantly, killing all of these people.

Geer was a little surprised and said, "Brother Bai, why don't you ask them why? Why don't you just tell them to kill them all?"

Bai Yunfei said flatly, "You don't need to ask, I know who sent them. They are your so-called Smarkle's subordinates."

Charles frowned and said, "If that's the case, then he must be nearby, why didn't you see him coming here? Could it be that he is planning some strange conspiracy?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said, "No matter what schemes he has, they won't have any effect under his absolute strength."

"I want to see how powerful your so-called absolute strength is." A strong man walked slowly from a distance, but he held a mace in his hand.

Charles said quickly, "That's Smuckle."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Smuckle really didn't expect you to be so daring, and slowly came to me from behind."

Smuckle said coldly, "If you kill my subordinates, you will have to pay for what you have done. I will use this mace in my hand to smash you into meatloaf."

Smuckle directly waved the mace in his hand, and quickly hit Bai Yunfei.

A sledgehammer appeared in Bai Yunfei's hand, directly blocking the mace.Smuckle took a step back from the recoil.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "It seems that your strength is really much weaker. I gave you two hands."

Smuckle frowned, jumped into the air with a mace in both hands, and quickly smashed towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei quickly threw the hammer in his hand.I saw the hammer hit the mace like a shooting star in an instant.

Smucker suddenly screamed, flew upside down, and hit the ground heavily, but he didn't die, he was only seriously injured.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei did not directly kill Smarker, but quickly came to Charles and Geer's side, and told them to leave here quickly.

Just where the three of them had just left, a huge strange beast came out of the ground and swallowed Smuckle into its stomach in one gulp.

Gordon was taken aback and said, "What kind of beast is this, how can it be so scary?"

Bai Yunfei looked at the huge beast, hehe laughed, and said, "This is the messenger of death you mentioned earlier? Isn't it scary?"

Charles was taken aback and said, "How is this possible, this beast is the messenger of death?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Is this body big? But I killed a few of them who were smaller than him. I'm afraid this big one came here for revenge."

I saw the Death Angel growling, and opened it towards Bai Yunfei, and the **** bite it.

Bai Yunfei quickly threw Geer and the others into the distance, while he himself quickly jumped onto the back of the Death Angel, and quickly pierced his body with the spear in his hand.

The scorpion tail behind the messenger of death quickly stabbed towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei quickly turned his head to the side, walked past him this time, a sword appeared in his hand, and cut off its tail in an instant.

But Bai Yunfei knew that the recovery power of this death messenger was amazing, the injury that seemed to have just been deep, could be restored in the blink of an eye.

Bai Yunfei didn't dare to relax any more, quickly took out a few weapons again, pierced through the body of the Angel of Death in an instant, and then jumped up quickly, a faint green flying knife appeared in his hand and quickly pierced into his body. inside the body.

I saw a lot of thick smoke coming out of the death messenger's body, and there was also a very unpleasant smell coming out of his body.

Bai Yunfei stood beside Geer and the two of them, and said calmly, "Stop looking here, get out of here quickly, otherwise, if the Black Wind Rider comes after him again, we will continue to fight."

Charles looked at the Angel of Death with some concern and said, "Will he come to attack us again? Or we will wait for it to die completely before leaving."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Don't worry, he's already dead, so there's no need to worry so much, it's just some physical reactions now."

But before Bai Yunfei could finish speaking, the Angel of Death, who was supposed to be dead, stood up again, and his aura also changed.

Bai Yunfei immediately frowned, but he didn't expect that the messenger of death would be so difficult to get rid of, and he was injured so badly, and he was not dead yet.

After the death messenger uttered today's roar, he actually rushed towards Bai Yunfei again. Seeing his posture, he planned to swallow Bai Yunfei in one gulp.

Bai Yunfei immediately took out a big knife and quickly connected to him, cutting the God of Death in half with one knife.

But what Bai Yunfei didn't expect was that after the death messenger died, a scimitar fell out of his body, and the aura of this scimitar was very powerful.

As if attracted, Geer took the scimitar in his hand in an instant, and saw a huge change in his aura in an instant, and Bai Yunfei could clearly feel that the aura on his body also changed. Instantly changed.

Charles looked at the changed Geer in surprise and said to Bai Yunfei, "Brother Bai, what happened to Geer? How could such a thing happen? He won't be in any danger, right?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head lightly, and said, "Don't worry, he won't be in any danger, and this matter is a great opportunity for him, as long as the two of you don't wanton to die now, you will be able to Standing on top of the world."

This is Geer's aura, which is even more vigorous. He actually directly broke through the military commander and reached the level of military commander.

(End of this chapter)

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