Chapter 339 Liu Zongyan

Heizi was a little puzzled and said, "Is there any other factor needed in the fight? It just needs to be head-to-head, can't it be enough?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "A real warrior can make good use of any surrounding environment, because every battle a warrior faces is a life-and-death battle, and they don't have any choice, either die or live, there is no other choice." choose."

Heizi frowned in confusion, he never thought that martial artists would be so dangerous, it was a world he couldn't understand.

Although Bai Yunfei knew what Heizi was thinking, he didn't take it to heart. He is now testing Heizi to see if he can bear the slaughter after becoming a warrior. If he can't bear it, Bai Yunfei will never Bringing him into the martial arts journey, if he can bear it, then Bai Yunfei doesn't mind doing a small one-day experiment again, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

However, the unexpected gain that Bai Yunfei mentioned was actually that if this Heizi could really become a martial artist, then he would be saying that he changed his life against the sky, and it was tantamount to saying that the reverse energy was condensed from Heizi's body.

But if you want the inverse energy to be completely born, then I am afraid that Heizi needs to kill the son of heaven and earth, or someone with great luck to make the inverse energy completely appear.

However, if this Fang Tiandi gets to know all of this, I am afraid that he will even have the intention of committing suicide. He finally recovered after changing his fate against the sky last time, but he has already felt that the whole world is very different. There are so many people who should not appear now that he has been terrified. If he knows that this one has appeared again, I am afraid that he will immediately stir up the general trend of the world and drive Bai Yunfei away completely.

But it's a pity that he didn't know that all of this was done by Bai Yunfei. He just instinctively knew that these people who shouldn't change their fate had something to do with Bai Yunfei, but What is the specific relationship, but he couldn't find out at all, so he could only keep probing, but unfortunately, over the years, he didn't have time to produce anything at all, so he could only acquiesce to Bai Yunfei. What he did in this world, and he can clearly feel that Bai Yunfei has not been in this world for a long time, but it will take a few years before he will leave this world automatically, so he will indulge.

It's just a pity that the result of his indulgence is that he was fooled again by his own carelessness. I'm afraid he will be completely dead when he reacts again. Because there are too many people against the sky, so this world is also If you can't stand such an impact, you can only wait until a new Heavenly Dao is born again in the future.

Heizi opened his eyes at this time, and said firmly, "I am willing to accept this kind of life, because I can imagine what Qing'er has suffered all these years, and I can't let her suffer like this again by herself. I will definitely be by her side and protect her."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "But I didn't expect you to be a lover, but since you have made a choice, then I respect your choice, and I will help you become a warrior."

Heizi nodded firmly, and said, "Brother Bai, I will never let you down."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said calmly to a middle-aged man behind him, "Your Excellency has been listening to the two of us talking for so long, don't you want to say something?"

The middle-aged man chuckled, and said, "I'm just curious about how you can completely train a person with no talent to become a warrior, but from what you said before, I don't know why there is always a kind of you who can The feeling of doing it, so this makes me more curious."

Heizi glanced back at the middle-aged man, and suddenly said slightly happily, "Brother Liu? When did you come back?"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and said, "Me too. I just came back recently. I came back to take a look, but I didn't expect that there was a martial arts contest here, so I took a look curiously. I didn't expect to see you and this gentleman together." Talking here, I listened curiously."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Actually, you should be worried that I would lie to him, right, because you and I both know that his talent will not make him a warrior at all, but I can make him a warrior, so that's why he is aroused." your doubts."

The middle-aged man clasped his fists slightly, and said to Bai Yunfei, "It's true that Liu Zongyan just said, just as your Excellency said, that he had some doubts about you, because my life was saved by Brother Heizi, so I can't just watch him being murdered." cheat."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "My name is Bai Yunfei. It's not surprising that you have such thoughts. After all, you are a majestic Martial King-level powerhouse. You can't help it. It's Heizi who became a warrior, so I said that he can make him a martial artist, you will definitely doubt it."

But Liu Zongyan looked at Bai Yunfei in shock, and said with a wry smile, "I really didn't expect this, I really underestimated Young Master Bai, I really didn't expect that Young Master Bai is really young and promising, and his strength is beyond my imagination. It seems Brother Heizi can It is really his luck to be appreciated by you."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "It's just fate, and there is no other reason, but I didn't expect that he, an ordinary person, would have a big brother at the level of a Martial King, but if he relied on your strength, He should be able to live well, it seems that he rejected your help."

Liu Zongyan nodded with a wry smile, and said, "That's why you're right. I wanted to bring him back to my territory and give him glory and wealth, but he rejected my proposal and insisted on relying on his own efforts." Go to become a warrior. But with his physique and talent, I think you should have seen that no matter how many miraculous medicines he takes, he will not become a warrior, but his life will be endangered."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Of course I know what you said, but don't worry, I won't make fun of his life. I said that if I can make him a warrior, I will definitely make him a warrior, and He will never put his life in danger."

At this moment, Heizi said earnestly from the side, "Brother Liu, although I have only just met Brother Bai, but I feel a little kindness from him. I believe he will never harm me."

(End of this chapter)

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