Chapter 343 Preparation
Regarding everything about Yu Sanxiao's place, Bai Yunfei didn't pay too much attention to it. After punishing Zhou Kun, he brought Heizi to Heizi's house.

Heizi finally couldn't bear it this time, and said to Bai Yunfei, "Brother Bai, why didn't you just kill him directly, instead let him suffer such pain?"

Liu Zongyan said hastily, "Brother Heizi, Young Master Bai did nothing wrong in doing this. Now that Zhou Kun has committed a heinous crime, this punishment for him is the most appropriate."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said, "You don't have to worry so much. I won't blame you for anything. I am a person who behaves like this. Everything depends on my own preferences. I think he is very upset, so I just He will be severely punished."

Heizi frowned and said, "But isn't that too harsh? Just a few times, he has already scratched himself to bloody flesh, and looking at him like that will scratch himself to death. Isn't it a most horrible punishment?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "My point of view is really different from yours. My point of view is to deal with the wicked, and let them know what will happen if they do evil. I will never hurt those who did not really do evil. .And if someone is killed in a normal martial arts competition, even if it offends me, at most I will give him a good time, but the punishment for such a heinous person is just right."

Liu Zongyan nodded in agreement, and said to Heizi, "Although the punishment of this young hero is indeed cruel, you may not know it, Heizi, and you have not seen the pain of those women who were fired by him, almost none of them People who can accept such things will all bite their tongues and commit suicide.”

Heizi became dull for a moment, then said, "We are all human, so why do you have to do such a thing?"

Bai Yunfei looked at Heizi seriously, and said, "When you have high-strength martial arts, which path will you choose to take?"

Heizi frowned, thinking about Bai Yunfei's words, and after a long time, he looked up at Bai Yunfei and said, "Brother Bai, I know my future path, no matter how strong I am in the future, I will never bully the weak , and I will definitely wipe out all these evil people."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "Since you have already made up your mind, I will of course help you realize your path, but you have to prepare in advance, once you step into the martial artist, your life will be very different from before , and the path you chose is full of killings, so I hope you can always be firm in your heart and don't get lost in the killings."

Heizi nodded seriously, and said, "I will definitely stick to my own path, and I will never be fooled by any temptation. I will never let a villain like Zhou Kun continue to harm the people of the world."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Since you want to make such a great contribution to the people of the world, then I can't improve your strength according to the previous method. I will take you to a stronger place now." Make you stronger, but how strong you can become depends on yourself.”

Liu Zongyan looked at Bai Yunfei in awe, and said, "Then I don't know where Bai Shaoxia plans to take me, a black brother, to improve his strength?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, I won't take him too far away, it's in his house, but I just want to change the way, are you willing to guard us here?" ?”

Liu Zongyan said seriously, "Bai Shaoxia, don't worry, even if I risk my life outside, I will protect you well, and I will never let anyone come to disturb you."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, nodded, and said, "I didn't expect you to be so loyal to your friends, but don't worry, it's not so exaggerated, you can just watch outside for a while, and it probably won't take an hour to come out Well, at this hour, I don't think anyone will come here to make trouble, it's just to take precautions, you don't have to be so nervous."

Liu Zongyan nodded, walked directly to the outside of the door, and after closing the door, he directly held the weapon in his hand and stood there, but the aura on his body was erupting at any time.

Bai Yunfei saw all of this, and said to Heizi with a faint smile, "I never thought you, Big Brother Liu, are really kind to you."

Heizi smiled slightly, nodded, and said, "It's precisely because of this that I didn't dare to drag brother Liu down, and I didn't even tell him about me."

Bai Yunfei glanced at Heizi, chuckled, and said, "It looks like I underestimated you a little bit. You should be. Then you, the sect of your childhood sweetheart, has almost inquired about the strength of the sect."

Heizi nodded slightly, and said, "I can't hide everything from you, Big Brother Bai. Yes, I have indeed inquired about the strength of her sect, and the main reason is that many people know their strength, so It’s not a deliberate probe.”

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a slight smile, "Their sect should be very strong, otherwise you wouldn't be so careful not to reveal your true thoughts or go there, please trouble Liu Zongyan."

Heizi nodded, and said with a serious face, "It is said that the strongest of Qing'er's sect is their suzerain, and his strength has reached the level of Emperor Wu. This can already be said to be a peak master."

After Bai Yunfei thought about it for a while, he chuckled and said, "I really don't see it, but it's a good chance that your childhood sweetheart is attracted by the third-ranked Ziyun Sect."

Heizi suddenly looked at Bai Yunfei in surprise, and said, "Brother Bai, how did you figure it out? Just based on the few clues I gave, you can guess where his sect is."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Whether it's the Suzerain or the Emperor Wu level, there is only Ziyunzong."

Heizi was a little puzzled and said, "Aren't they the first and second largest forces?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said, "They are all at the level of Martial Lords, and the suzerain of Ziyun Sect is at the level of Martial Emperors."

Heizi was a little puzzled and said, "If that's the case, then why are they still able to rank as the third largest power?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "It's very simple, that's because they also have masters at the level of Wu Zun, but the master at the level of Wu Zun is not willing to come out and take care of things."

(End of this chapter)

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