Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 345 The difference between a rookie and a veteran

Chapter 345 The difference between a rookie and a veteran

Bai Yunfei realized that he was still in the safe zone, so he was not too anxious to leave here. Instead, he let all the soldiers make some noise, set up many traps, and left here.

Heizi said somewhat incomprehensibly, "Brother Bai, can such a simple trap work?"

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "Not everyone is like me, who can control all soldiers very well. You know, most people can only control ten to fifty soldiers at most. As for other soldiers, it is very easy to control all soldiers." It's hard to take care of."

Heizi immediately nodded his head in understanding, and said with a slight smile, "So even if you can control a few traps here to avoid them, not all soldiers can avoid them. There will definitely be new gains."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "You're right. It's precisely because of this that sometimes it should be a trap and you have to set it up. Maybe there will be an unexpected surprise for you at some point."

Bai Yunfei quickly controlled all the soldiers, left here, and came to a very small town in a short while, but at this time all the houses in the town have been opened, obviously they have been searched just now .

Bai Yunfei directly controlled all the soldiers, quickly bypassed the town, and searched in other directions.

At this moment, Heizi suddenly said, "Brother Bai, we are no longer in the safe zone, we should go to the safe zone now, it is safer."

After Bai Yunfei looked at it, he chuckled, and said, "There is still time, don't rush into the safe zone, let's search first, and talk about it in four weeks."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he directly and quickly controlled all the soldiers, slowly gathered little by little from other directions, and slowly walked diagonally towards the park from the forest.

As he kept walking, he came to a new town again, but no one had been to this town, so Bai Yunfei sent a few soldiers to search the town quickly, and found that it was really a small town. No one came, and there were no traps, so all the soldiers were asked to quickly enter the town to search for supplies.

Soon after all the materials were searched, all the soldiers were at the second level of combat readiness, and now Bai Yunfei was no longer afraid of confronting the enemy head-on.

The moment Bai Yunwei and the others stepped into the safe zone, Bai Yunfei discovered that there were some soldiers resting in front of them.

Bai Yunfei quickly hid all the soldiers from his tracks, and slowly moved towards them.

Because Heizi didn't need to control those soldiers, he could check the surrounding environment very leisurely and provide Bai Yunfei with the surrounding situation.

Heizi whispered, "Brother Bai, there are some places around that are not quite right, there must be someone hiding inside."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "You're right. These people are all just a small hook, waiting for us to take the bait. There are traps around these people. Anyone who dares to go rashly will fall straight away." Trapped."

Heizi raised his brows slightly, and said, "I really didn't expect that these people are really good enough, but if they just rest in place, they won't be so troublesome. Can they be sure that someone will come and attack them from behind?"

After Bai Yunfei told all the soldiers to hide their actions, he was not in a hurry to let them attack, but waited slowly aside.After arranging all the soldiers, he answered Heizi's question.

"This is the difference between a veteran and a rookie. A veteran will never feel that this is a troublesome thing, because such things can make him survive better."

At this moment, an attack suddenly came from a distance, but the target of their attack was not the place where Bai Yunfei and the others were hiding, but the soldiers who were resting.

I saw that these soldiers who were resting took out their shields from nowhere, and they all blocked them in front of them, resisting those arrows.

After blocking the sudden attack, these soldiers quickly evacuated towards the rear.

The side that launched the attack was a little anxious, and they all rushed out. It's a pity that when they rushed halfway, they all fell into the trap and lost half in an instant.

Apparently, this player never thought that there were traps around, and he was a little annoyed. He directly and quickly manipulated the controller, and the remaining soldiers continued to kill towards the front.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said to Heizi, "This is a rookie, he thinks he is so powerful, but in fact he is the stupidest one, and most people will definitely choose to evacuate quickly if they encounter this kind of situation, but But he chose to continue moving forward, which is equivalent to leaving no trace of retreat for himself."

Heizi nodded, and asked curiously, "Why haven't the people hiding around launched an attack yet? Aren't they afraid that these people escaped just now? Or is it because they didn't intend to kill all of them for the sake of half of them?" die."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Naturally, it is to preserve strength. If he launches an attack rashly, even if he can kill the remaining half, he will also lose troops, but if the opponent retreats directly You can obtain this half of the things unscathed, and enhance your own strength."

Heizi chuckled and said, "It seems that this rookie caught them by surprise, otherwise they should have set up more traps."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "The most important thing is that this rookie is not with his teammates. If he were with his teammates, he might be able to fight back, but it is a pity that he is alone, and There are still 50 soldiers left, which is equivalent to fighting 50 with 200, which is simply asking for a dead end."

Sure enough, just as Bai Yunfei said, the 50 soldiers controlled by each player quickly killed those soldiers who were fading forward, but it was a pity that just halfway through the rush, they were ambushed by the 20 soldiers around. The quick appearance harvested nearly half of the soldiers, and when there were only about [-] soldiers left, the rookie player also felt that something was wrong.

The rookie player hurriedly let the remaining 20 soldiers break out quickly, but unfortunately, there was no way to get out, and all of them died here.

(End of this chapter)

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