Chapter 355 Entering the Cave
At this time, Bai Yunfei brought Heizi to the middle of a high mountain. There was actually a cave on the mountainside, but this cave was very secret. If it wasn't for the instructions on the treasure map, it would have been impossible to find it. .

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "If it's not bad, this is the real treasure location."

Heizi laughed and said, "I really didn't expect to hide here, but those who followed us secretly must have suffered heavy losses."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Although they did lose a lot of people, they didn't expect them to be following us all the time. It seems that they found us by some special means."

Heizi took a closer look at himself, and said a little puzzled, "But there is nothing special about us at all. How did they manage to find us all the time?"

Bai Yunfei took out the phoenix hairpin from his body and smiled softly, "It should be based on some information on this hairpin to find us, but it's really a good plan, knowing that we can't open the treasure without this hairpin , so don’t worry at all, we will destroy the list.”

Heizi also said curiously, "But I didn't notice anything on this hairpin that could reveal our information?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "This hairpin has a very peculiar smell, but it's so bland that we couldn't smell it at all, but he must be able to smell it, otherwise, he He wouldn't give us that hairpin so reassuringly."

After thinking for a while, Heizi said, "Then can we find some other peculiar smells to cover up its smell?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said, "The useless one has no smell at all, the smell that can cover it, although the two of us can't smell it, but I know its smell must exist."

Heizi frowned and said, "Then what should we do? Are we just waiting for them to bring this real treasure?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "That's not necessarily the case, as long as we speed up, take away all the things in the treasure, and leave some surprises for him here in the end, it will definitely make them happy."

Heizi suddenly laughed, hehe said, "I really hope to see them, what kind of expression will they have then, I believe it must be very rich."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "Stop talking nonsense here, and get down to business."

Bai Yunfei and Heizi went straight into the cave, but even though they went in directly, they looked around very vigilantly, because no one knew if there would be some traps inside.

But I didn't expect that the two of them walked in very easily, and didn't touch any mechanism.

As they continued to move forward, the two of them actually came to the end. Looking at the stone walls all around, Heizi said a little puzzled, "Brother, could we have made a mistake in our analysis? There is nothing here at all, or there is nothing here. Everything has been taken away?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "The resources here do not have any mechanism, but this just shows the situation inside, because people who see here are also afraid that if someone breaks in here by mistake, they will run into the mechanism. Then everyone will know that there is a treasure here."

Heizi checked the walls carefully, but found that they were all ordinary stone walls, nothing serious.

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "If you search like this, you won't be able to find any mechanism at all, and you don't even think about how careful the person who hides the treasure is, how can he let you be so simple with so much effort? found the entrance to get in?"

Heizi was a little puzzled and said, "But if we don't look for it this way, where do we go and where is the mechanism to get in?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Didn't you always want to know why this phoenix hairpin is the entrance? Now let me show you its real function."

Heizi looked at Bai Yunfei slightly puzzled as he tossed the phoenix hairpin up.

I saw that phoenix hairpin actually floated up lightly, and slowly landed on a rock.

As the hairpin was placed on the stone, there was a rumbling sound from the stone wall directly in front of them, and the huge stone wall actually split open by itself.

Bai Yunfei and Heizi walked in directly. The moment they walked in, the hairpin was shattered into pieces, and the stone wall was restored to its original state.

The moment Bai Yunfei and Heizi walked out of the stone wall, it was as if they had walked into a garden.

Heizi suddenly asked in surprise, "Where are we now? Why are there so many flowers? And they are so beautiful, but shouldn't there be so many flowers blooming this season?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Look at these flowers carefully."

Heizi touched these flowers with his hands in some puzzlement, and immediately screamed, "How is this possible? These words are all false, and they are all made of stone. How is this possible? Their colorful colors and their fragrance , is simply too incredible?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "What a fuss, it's incredible. Remember, the world is so big and full of wonders, so you can't look at the world with ordinary people's eyes, otherwise you will never get out of your ordinary life." world."

As he kept walking inside, he gradually came to a thatched hut, Bai Yunfei sighed slightly, and said, "This should be the so-called treasure."

Heizi looked around in confusion, and said, "It's just a thatched hut, how can it be regarded as a treasure? Does his so-called treasure mean this cave?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "If you think so, then you've been fooled. This is not a cave world, but another universe."

Heizi shook his head in confusion, and said, "Isn't it just a broken thatched cottage? What's the deal with that?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "You can go and see for yourself to see if there is anything inside or if there are other organs?"

Heizi quickly searched in confusion, but shook his head helplessly, and said, "Is there nothing at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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