Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 357 The Insidious Organization

Chapter 357 The Insidious Organization

After Bai Yunfei sorted out his thoughts, he strode forward directly, leading Heizi quickly towards the treasure.

Seeing Bai Yunfei holding the map upside down, Heizi said curiously, "Brother Bai, your map is upside down."

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "I didn't get it, you can see it yourself."

Heizi was suddenly surprised to find that under the illumination of the surrounding night pearls, the map on the treasure map had undergone new changes, and it turned into a new map.

Bai Yunfei and Bai Yunfei walked quickly according to the new map, and arrived at a very huge palace very easily without touching any mechanism along the way.

Heizi looked at this very tall palace in amazement, and said with some envy, "I really didn't expect these people to see such a big palace here, and these palaces are actually integrated, which is too amazing."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with some sighs, "These people really didn't expect that they are all masters of art."

Heizi can't wait now, wanting to know what treasures are inside the palace, the sword directly and quickly came to the door of the main hall and pushed hard on the door of the main hall, but there was no movement, the whole door was as if made of stone, Not moving at all.

Bai Yunfei walked up directly, smiled slightly, and pushed the door of the main hall vigorously, only to see that the door of the main hall really began to open slowly.

Heizi was a little surprised and said, "Brother Bai, something is wrong inside? Why did I hear some voices inside?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said seriously, "There are indeed some sounds inside, but these sounds should be caused by the activation of the mechanism."

Heizi stretched out his head to look inside, but found that there was nothing inside, it was pitch black.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and stepped in with big strides, only to see that the mechanism inside was indeed touched, and the whole hall lit up.

Heizi's eyes widened because he said sharply, "It's a huge mountain of gold. These gold, silver and jewels can make a person rich, even ten lifetimes' worth is enough."

Bai Yunfei glared at Heizi, and said, "It's just some mere gold, silver and jewelry that make you so obsessed. If you get more treasures, don't you have to give up practicing martial arts and enjoy the glory and wealth?"

Heizi shook his head hastily, and said, "No, I will never give up my path because of these external things."

Bai Yunfei looked at Heizi's sincere eyes and nodded slightly. He could tell that Heizi hadn't deceived him.

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "These gold and silver beads are just a small part here, the real treasure is still inside."

Heizi suddenly felt a little curious, and looked inside curiously, but found that there were actually some wooden boxes inside, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Heizi walked over directly, wanting to open these boxes, but Bai Yunfei slapped his hand one step ahead of him.

Heizi took a step back in pain, and looked at Bai Yunfei in confusion.

Bai Yunfei said helplessly, "Aren't you worried that there are some mechanisms inside? If you just open it rashly like this, I think you are really impatient."

Heizi was a little surprised and said, "Brother Bai, you mean that there will be traps inside. These are ordinary wooden boxes. What kind of traps can they hide?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "If you want to know everything, you must be careful, and don't be careless, because no one knows whether there is any mechanism here. If there is really a mechanism, what should we do?"

Heizi sweated a little on his forehead, nodded, took a step back, carefully looked at those wooden boxes, and said, "I know, Brother Bai, I will definitely be more careful in the future, but do we just keep these wooden boxes? Don't you want to open?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Of course it has to be opened, but I just need to find a safe way to open it."

Heizi was a little puzzled and said, "Is there any better way to open it?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Of course there is a way, and the way is very simple. It's just that you didn't think of it."

Heizi shook his head, and said in a puzzled way, "Brother Bai, I really can't think of any way to do what you said."

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "Of course there are ways. You can just watch from the sidelines now."

Bai Yunfei quickly took out a long stick, waved it quickly, and said with a faint smile, "Isn't this the way to come?"

The long stick in Bai Yunfei's hand quickly tapped on these wooden boxes, and all the wooden boxes were picked open by his long stick.

I saw these wooden boxes, as Bai Yunfei said, many fine needles flew out of them, and all of them were shot at the top. If Heizi stepped forward to open it just now, I am afraid that all these fine needles would be shot at the wooden boxes. above his head.

Heizi broke out in a cold sweat, took a few steps back, and said in a trembling voice, "There is really a hidden weapon. What is he trying to do? Since the treasure has been given, why set up such a vicious hidden weapon? Could it be that this People simply don't want anyone to get his treasure?"

Bai Yunfei slightly sighed and took out a letter from it, saying, "It's not that he doesn't want to give his treasure to future generations, but that he doesn't want to give the treasure to those who are careless."

Heizi was a little puzzled and said, "What's going on? Could it be that he has a deep hatred for those careless people?"

After Bai Yunfei carefully read what was said in the letter, he said with a slight wry smile, "It's not that he hates those careless people, but he doesn't want people who get the treasure to be like him. , almost died."

Heizi smiled wryly and said, "For such a simple reason, many people may become careless after seeing the treasure. Who cares about other agencies."

Bai Yunfei sighed and said, "Do you know what is in these wooden boxes of his? I am afraid that if the martial arts cheats in these wooden boxes are taken out, it will really allow you to build a kingdom that even the empire will take you. There is nothing you can do about it." Do you think these wooden boxes are more valuable than those gold and silver jewels?"

(End of this chapter)

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