Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 361 The dilemma of the chicken-eating system

Chapter 361 The dilemma of the chicken-eating system

Bai Yunfei and Heizi officially and completely separated here. After the separation, Bai Yunfei rode directly on the purple lightning, left here quickly, and rushed towards the town where Heizi was before.

As for what to do in the past, of course I went to find those Ye Mingzhus. People here don’t know the value of Ye Mingzhus. It can be regarded as not letting them cast their pearls secretly.

When Bai Yunfei came to this small town, he directly summoned a few of his subordinates, and asked them to collect these luminous pearls wantonly, and the price of these luminous pearls was pitifully low, so Bai Yunfei only spent three days, So he bought all the night pearls in the whole town.

After Bai Yunfei left the small town, he quickly rushed towards Xianyun Valley, but when he was walking halfway, the energy he got before was absorbed by the chicken eating system again.

Bai Yunfei immediately said helplessly to the old man, "I said old man, isn't it a little too much for you to do this? You have absorbed this reverse energy that I have obtained with great difficulty."

The old man didn't care about it, instead he said with a smile, "Master, if you get this, it's useless for you, and after the system absorbs it, some new functions can be added so that you can improve yourself more quickly. strength."

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, snorted, and said, "Let's gossip, tell me, what's new in the system this time, please don't tell me, after absorbing these energies, there are no changes."

The old man said with a faint smile, "Of course there are new changes, and the changes are very big, and a new model has been added."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said, "What new model has been added, let's hear it?"

The old man chuckled and said, "The newly added mode is called Death Hunt Mode."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said helplessly, "What kind of mode is this death hunting mode? Tell me and listen to it?"

The old man explained, "The mode of death hunt is actually very simple. There are a total of ten players who can learn any martial arts cheats at will, and can also subtract any props, while the remaining 2990 players are all in the so-called zombie mode. They can't have anything at the same time, they can only kill those ten players with their bodies."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said, "You mean that ten people can learn anything, but these ten people have to help each other to escape the pursuit of these 2990 people, and in the end, they must be killed." Kill them all."

The old man nodded and said, "That's right, it is indeed like this and the reward is also very big. Whether it is the ten people or the 2990 people, as long as one side wins, they will get the reward."

Bai Yunfei said thoughtfully, "Although those 2990 people can't pick any props, so when they win, they shouldn't get any martial arts cheats, but they have a chance to win a lottery, which is their best chance." Chance."

The old man nodded, smiled softly and said, "Yes, this model was developed to train all fighters."

Bai Yunfei immediately frowned slightly, and said, "What do you mean by that? Could something new be happening, otherwise, I wouldn't be so kind to train everyone."

The old man sighed and said, "Because more than 100 players have completely died so far, our income has also decreased a lot, so for long-term planning, we plan to train them so that they can quickly improve. With my own strength, I won't be directly killed by others."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "You guys are really considerate enough, but this is fine, but can you tell me, if you absorb the inverse energy next time, can you directly pass us to eat chicken?" The system locates them and teleports me directly to their world."

After the old man hesitated for a while, there was obviously some pause. After a while, the old man shook his head at Bai Yunfei and said, "I'm sorry, master, I can't tell you what will happen later. If you want to verify it, just Please obtain inverse energy to improve yourself."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly. Although the old man didn't tell him the result directly, he could figure it out through some data analysis. Now everyone is in danger, and it is even possible for everyone to die completely. That's why the eating chicken system will make such a choice.

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said to the old man, "Then do you know what caused the current situation? According to the normal theory, no one will be provoked to check the abnormalities of these people. Even if it is the way of heaven, it should not be discovered, what is going on?"

The old man thought for a while and said, "The main reason should be that after they gained some strength, it seemed that they were all exposed, and even some people directly challenged the word of heaven and earth, wanting to defeat the son of heaven and earth, challenge the successful Or it was unsuccessful, and all of them attracted the attention of Tiandao, which is why the current situation is caused."

Bai Yunfei nodded thoughtfully, and said, "If you want to solve this kind of difficulty now, I'm afraid there is only one very simple way, and that is to improve everyone's strength."

The old man nodded and said, "That's right, this is the only way to solve the current predicament, because the sky can't directly intervene, and those sons of heaven and earth or people with great luck will indeed keep looking for players like us." You have to strengthen their strength so that they don't have to worry about anyone's challenge, so they can stabilize."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "I understand, it seems that I should solve all the things here as soon as possible, and then go to other worlds to continue to gain some strength of the reverse energy enhancement system."

The old man nodded and said in agreement, "Good master, as long as the system is strengthened again, and new functions can be activated, I believe that this predicament will be resolved very well by then, and this world is indeed gone. If you mess up anything, the way of heaven has been disabled by you, so there shouldn't be any reverse energy."

(End of this chapter)

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