Chapter 368 The gadgets made by hand

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Then I'm really curious, let's go, I really can't wait to meet your captain now."

At this moment, Sima Yun stood up directly, followed behind Bai Yunfei, and said coldly, "I want to see how you can change my current life."

Luo Yunfeng and the others were a little surprised, but they didn't say much, instead they all showed a hint of relief, because Sima Yun had never entered the headquarters of the base since her father died. I have been avoiding it all the time.

Bai Yunfei also showed a slight smile, and said to Sima Yun, "The moment you follow behind me, your destiny has officially changed. Get ready to welcome your new life."

Bai Yunfei and the others quickly entered the elevator, and after a while, they came to a very huge command room.

I saw a woman standing directly on the commander's position, directing everyone there, but everyone was busy there willingly, and no one complained.

Monkey said proudly, "That is our captain Dongfang Yu."

Bai Yunfei looked at Dongfang Yu, nodded slightly, and said, "Sure enough, she is powerful enough to carry the life and death of the entire human race on her shoulders, and she can bear it. She is indeed a strange woman."

Dongfang Yu also found Bai Yunfei and the others at this time, and came over directly from Dama Meteor, stretched out his right hand to Bai Yunfei, and said, "Hello, I am the captain, and Dongfang Yu is also the manager of the base here. Welcome to come Our Nirvana base."

After Bai Yunfei shook hands with Dongfang Yu lightly, he said with a slight smile, "I also entered your world by accident, and I will play around here for a while, and it won't affect you in any way, but it will bring you a lot of fun." Come to some good help, I believe that you should be very much in need of the help I give you."

Dongfang Yu looked at Bai Yunfei curiously, and said, "Then what do you want? If we can do it, we will definitely help you."

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "It is true that there were no requirements before, and it was not modern enough, but there is really a small requirement, which should not be enough for you to talk about."

Dongfang Yu didn't respond, but looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "If you have any requests, just ask, we will definitely help."

Bai Yunfei directly pulled Sima Yun to his side, smiled slightly, and said, "I plan to change his current fate for this little girl, so I need to use everything you have here, and some materials, but you can use these materials What should be more is the materials you use to make the armor."

Dongfang Yu frowned and said, "You mean you want to make an armor for Yun'er?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and said, "I'm not planning to make an armor for him or her, but a special weapon for her."

After thinking for a while, Dongfang Yu said, "Of course, but our materials are not too much. If the materials are not complete, please forgive me."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Don't worry, the materials you have here are definitely enough, it's just a small thing. After I make the thing, I will give you what I want to give you."

Ma Pingyan said curiously from the side, "You haven't said what kind of help you will give us. Are you planning to ask for nothing?"

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "Then you are wrong, I am not an empty-handed white wolf, what I said to help you is to give you a set of martial arts."

Luo Yunfeng said with some puzzlement, "Brother Bai, we don't lack any martial arts here. I'm afraid your martial arts are not suitable for us. After all, our world is different from yours, so we can't practice your unique martial arts. martial arts."

The monkey nodded at the side, and said, "Yes, there were people from other worlds who planned to hand over their martial arts to us before, but it is a pity that apart from the set of martial arts we use now, there is no other martial arts at all. Any martial arts can be used by us."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, since I intend to give you martial arts, it is definitely something you can use, and the martial arts I teach you can definitely change your current predicament, allowing you to do it without the help of external forces." Become stronger, and even be able to kill Wuwang-level beasts with bare hands in the end."

Dongfang Yu looked at Bai Yunfei slightly in surprise, and said, "Can you be sure that you are not joking? You must know that this matter is not a joke."

Bai Yunfei smiled softly and said, "I'm not the kind of person who can joke around casually, so you can rest assured that you are all capable of cultivation, and you can definitely reach the realm I mentioned."

Dongfang Yu nodded slightly happily, and said, "If what you said is true, then you can use the materials here as you like. If there are not enough materials, I will ask other people to find them for you."

Bai Yunfei looked at Sima Yun who was standing coldly beside him, smiled slightly, and said, "There are enough materials inside, girl, you are here, just wait for a while, as I said, as long as you follow me, your fate will be determined." There has been a change, and I will never lie to you."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he went directly into their laboratory, looked at the materials, nodded slightly, and began to make non-stop.

An hour later, Bai Yunfei successfully made the masterpiece in his hands. Bai Yunfei walked out with the things he made in his hands, handed them to Sima Yun, and said, "Put him on your wristband and you will be able to experience to the changes it brings to you."

Sima Yun was a little puzzled, but he still put the strange-shaped thing on his right arm as Bai Yunfei said, but when he put it on, there was a sudden clicking sound.

I saw that this strange-shaped thing actually covered her whole body and arms as if it was alive.

Bai Yunfei explained, "I made this according to your armor, but it can only be said to be suitable for her alone, because she has no potential at all, and only he can give me He built this little thing to the max."

(End of this chapter)

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