Chapter 371
Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said, "Is there another possibility, that is, the people who choose to support will be more dangerous after going there?"

The old man chuckled, and said, "Don't worry, I've already thought about this issue. Those who provide support must be at least twice as strong as those who need to be rescued."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "It's really possible when the time comes, and it's best to be a person who asks for help and write down the strength of the person in crisis, so that we can provide better support."

The old man nodded slightly, and said, "The changes have been completed, and now sometimes they haven't entered for several months, and the people who went into the space also started to enter crazily. Now it can be said that the harvest of the whole system is not bad."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Remember, if there is something they can't support, just remind me and I'll help you. After all, we can't just ignore our potential customers when they are in danger."

The old man nodded and said, "Don't worry, if there are really unstoppable enemies, I will notify you. For the time being, you won't encounter too much trouble. After all, they haven't attracted the attention of real masters. So it’s good to be slowly developing now.”

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with some doubts, "Do you think that after obtaining one or two cheat books, no one will start the chicken-eating space anymore? I also think that I just gave them some martial arts, and then put All of them have become masters in their current world, and those who have obtained our chicken eating system, I believe they should be able to do it too."

The old man shook his head and said, "They can't do it at all, it's as amazing as you gave it to those people before, because that's your privilege, and do you really think there is a free lunch in the world? Once they are caught by this chicken eating system After being selected, they will not improve their strength at all through their own efforts, only by constantly entering the chicken eating space can they improve their strength. This is why there will be such a dangerous crisis this time."

Bai Yunfei frowned and said, "Then why can I practice outside without any hindrance?"

The old man smiled faintly, and said, "Because you are the master of the entire chicken eating system, and they are just players. This is the biggest difference."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and ignored the old man. Instead, he lay down on the bed and began to rest quietly. After all, he hadn't slept in a long time, and now he could have a good sleep.

While Bai Yunfei was sleeping soundly, other people in the entire base were also working hard to improve their strength, because now they were all obsessed by the martial arts that Bai Yunfei handed over to them.

In return, their strength is growing rapidly, and even people like Luo Yunfeng whose potential is almost exhausted have directly entered the strength of generals.

The improvement of Dongfang Yu is even more frightening. The strength of the Martial Commander level has been stabilized directly, and it is still improving slowly. It has just achieved such a terrifying effect after practicing, which makes them practice even more crazily.

Of course, there are very exceptions, that is, one of the men with triangular eyes, no matter how much he cultivated, he found that his strength had not improved at all, which made him a little puzzled, but he dared not When he went to Bai Yunfei, he didn't dare to tell anyone else, because he was afraid that others would discover his abnormality.

But everyone's strength is improving, and he is not improving when he is alone, so there is no way to hide it when he wants to.

Dongfang Yu frowned, and said to the man, "Zhang Tianhe, what's the matter with you, why don't you practice?"

Zhang Tianhe said bitterly, "Captain, it's not that I don't want to practice, but that I tried it, and there is no way to practice. Seeing that your strength is improving, but I have no way to practice. Do I have to be a useless person for the rest of my life?" Yet?"

Dongfang Yu frowned, and said to Zhang Tianhe, "Could it be that you were injured last time, and was caused by the strange liquid that was poured into your body by a stranger? After Mr. Bai wakes up, let me ask for you. What is his solution."

Zhang Tianhe immediately nodded happily, and said, "Thank you, Captain, but I really don't know when Mr. Bai will wake up."

Dongfang Yu shook her head and said, "Before he comes out by himself, no one can disturb Mr. Bai without my order. After all, he is the hope of our whole world. We must not make him feel disgusted with us. Otherwise, it would be a disaster for us."

Everyone stood up and replied, "Understood!"

Dongfang Yu then returned to her podium and continued to practice the Killing Art.

At this moment, suddenly the alarm bell rang.

After Dongfang Yu checked, he found that a strange person suddenly appeared around the base, but he didn't know what he wanted to do, and this person's strength was not too strong, only at the level of a military soldier.

Zhang Tianhe stood up directly, and said to everyone, "You guys should continue to practice, anyway, I can't practice for the time being, I'll go and deal with that damned alien."

Dongfang Yu nodded and said, "If that's the case, then you should make a quick decision."

Zhang Tianhe nodded, and went out directly, but when he found the alien, he found that the alien was not afraid, and did not launch any attack on him, but seemed to be waiting there for something?
Zhang Tianhe directly activated the armor transformation, holding a big knife, and slashed at that person quickly.

But what surprised him was that when his big knife crossed the alien, the alien didn't dodge or evade, and was cut in two by him.

Although Zhang Tianhe was a little puzzled, the alien had already been eliminated. When he was about to turn around and return to the base, he suddenly felt a piercing pain that entered his body.

Zhang Tianhe involuntarily uttered a terrifying scream, and because of his scream, it also attracted the attention of Dongfang Yu and the others who had been watching the battle scene.

Dongfang Yu and the others hurriedly checked, but they only saw Zhang Tianhe rolling back and forth on the ground alone, while the body of the alien he had killed before disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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