Chapter 395 Yan Wushuang

The rest of the Gale Warriors also quickly climbed onto the body of the giant ape and continuously attacked him with the weapons in their hands.

Maybe it was annoyed by these wind warriors, the giant ape let out a roar that shook the sky, and quickly hit his chest with both hands, only to see bursts of strange sounds coming from around him, and those wind warriors , everyone was buzzed by this weird voice, and they all fell down involuntarily.

I saw that the giant ape did not kill them all, but directly took the huge tree root in his hand and walked towards the city quickly. Obviously his purpose was to destroy the city.

And those Gale Braves all shook their humming ears vigorously, and continued to run quickly in the direction where the giant ape left.

Just as the giant ape was about to approach the city, two people wearing masks and wearing black clothes appeared on its only way.

The giant ape stopped in its tracks, and looked at the two men in black with some taboo.

The man in black on the left sneered and said, "Although I don't know who sent you here, this city can't be destroyed yet. Where did you come from?"

The giant ape roared, stared fiercely at the two men in black, and then kept waving the huge tree in its hand.

The man in black on the right said coldly, "What are you doing talking so much nonsense with him, just kill him."

The giant ape stared at the two men and then quickly threw the huge tree in his hand towards the two men in black.

I saw that the two people in black clothes shot quickly without even blinking their eyes. Just like that, the giant ape flew out and hit the ground.

The man in black on the right quickly pulled out his weapon, specifying that a very strange claw instantly penetrated the heart of this giant ape, and directly dug out its heart.

At this moment, those Gale Warriors also quickly caught up. If they saw the dead giant apes, they were all stunned, and then they saw the two men in black clothes.

Especially when they saw the masks on the faces of the two of them, all these blast warriors stared at the two of them angrily, but they didn't say anything.

The man in black on the left smiled and said, "The speed is not bad, but can you go faster? If you keep going at the same speed as you are now, the whole city will be destroyed when you come."

One of the Gale Warriors stood up, pointed at the man in black and said, "Although we are indeed not the opponents of those wild beasts, we will defeat them through our own efforts, not like you who sold your soul to gain strength, even You can defeat them now, so what?"

The man in black on the right said coldly, "Before you say this again, you should think about what happened just now. If it wasn't for the two of us, do you think you can stop this beast?"

Bai Yunfei, who was behind these people, smiled at the newly appeared woman standing beside him and said, "Can this beauty ask me? Who are those two people wearing masks and wearing black clothes?" ?”

The woman said coldly, "They are all fallen people who sacrificed their souls in order to gain invincible power."

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "But didn't they protect the whole city just now?"

The woman sneered and said, "What do you know? You are just a foreigner. You have no idea what these people are thinking. The reason why they stopped the giant ape must be some kind of conspiracy." Trick, otherwise they would like the city to be destroyed."

Bai Yunfei looked at the woman curiously, and said, "How did you know that I am a foreigner? Could it be that Meng Tianhao told you?"

The woman nodded slightly, and said coldly, "I am Yan Wushuang, the deputy commander of the Gale Base."

Bai Yunfei laughed and said, "I never thought that you would be the deputy commander at such a young age. It's really amazing."

Yan Wushuang snorted slightly and said, "Why do you see that I am a woman, do you think I got the position of deputy commander because of other things?"

Bai Yunfei quickly shook his head and said, "I don't think so, don't you discriminate against women if I think so, okay? I treat everyone equally. Since you can be the second-in-command, That must be your strength enough to prove that you can sit on it."

Yan Wushuang nodded slightly, and said, "Sure enough, you talked well with that old fellow Meng Tianhao, and you are an interesting person."

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "I really didn't expect him to think highly of me, but don't you really worry that I'm like those fallen people?"

Yan Wushuang chuckled, and said, "You are not the same as them, those fallen people are all selfish people, but I don't see any selfishness in you, and if it wasn't for you, those Gale I am afraid that many brave people will be seriously injured directly, instead of just suffering some minor injuries now."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "The most important thing is that they are more aware of my temper, so they will help them. But are you sure you don't plan to come forward? Those fallen people seem to want to do something."

Yan Wushuang sneered slightly and said, "Even if you give them ten guts, they wouldn't dare to do anything here. At most, they're just intimidating. They're all irrelevant things, which can just give these young people a little Small lessons, let them train harder."

Bai Yunfei touched his chin, and said with a slight smile, "So you planned to use these two fallen people to train these few Gale Warriors. I really didn't expect that you people have really unique ideas. Using the enemy to It really is a good way to polish your own soldiers."

Yan Wushuang shook his head slightly, and said, "The situation of human beings is very critical now, and the race may be wiped out at any time, so even for these, the guy who sold his soul would not do such a thing, only a fool would do it." things that came out."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "Then what you said is not bad, but haven't you thought about it? Will these fallen people have deeper plots?"

(End of this chapter)

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