Chapter 410 Purple Ape
Bai Yunfei said lightly, "Regardless of whether you will encounter any demons in the future, let's find out the secrets of this world first."

Bai Yunfei quickly continued to walk towards the depths of the forest. Along the way, he also found many traces of human habitation, but they were at least several decades old, and there were no new ones.

The savage beasts around obviously couldn't bear it any longer. Obviously they were unwilling to watch Bai Yunfei continue to walk forward, so they all ran out quickly and attacked Bai Yunfei, but unfortunately, Before they really launched an attack, many flying knives suddenly appeared and pierced their throats, taking their lives.

And the ones who killed them were Bai Yunfei's soldier killers.These soldiers of Bai Yunfei had already hidden in the surrounding area, and when these wild beasts were about to attack, they quickly launched an attack on these wild beasts.

Bai Yunfei walked forward slowly, he was walking completely by his own feeling now, because he could feel a very powerful force ahead, like a guiding light in the dark, placed there , so it is difficult for Bai Yunfei not to sense it.

The old man said seriously, "Master, have you really made a complete plan now?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said, "Of course, I'm fully prepared now, so I'm not afraid of any challenges now."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, the aura on his body exploded in an instant, and he walked towards the front quickly. As he continued to walk, the aura on his body became more and more concentrated. It was obvious that Bai Yunfei was Gaining momentum.

The wild beast on the opposite side seemed to have sensed the threat, and the momentum on his body burst out instantly, and the momentum between Bai Yunfei and the mysterious beast had collided for a while.

All the wild beasts around quickly avoided, and this place was obviously opening up a place for Bai Yunfei and the mysterious wild beast.

Bai Yunfei's fighting spirit was not intimidated by the strength of the opponent, so Bai Yunfei walked forward step by step, and stopped in front of the mysterious beast.

Bai Yunfei looked at the mysterious savage beast in front of him slightly differently, and after carefully sizing it up, he said, "Are you the most powerful savage beast here?"

The mysterious wild beast nodded slightly, looked at Bai Yunfei, and said curiously, "Yes, I should be the strongest here, but humans, haven't you all perished? Why are you still showing up? "

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said, "What do you mean by that? Didn't human beings be wiped out by you?"

The mysterious beast said differently, "It seems that you are not a human being in this world. All the human beings in this world died by themselves. We did not do it at all, and even we often have some inexplicable deaths among our tribesmen. I'm afraid it won't be long before we go down, and our savage beasts will die completely."

Bai Yunfei looked at the mysterious beast with some surprise and said, "This is impossible, I am in another world, but I have discovered a lot, your beasts are constantly destroying other worlds, and the human beings in that world are now I have been almost forced by you wild beasts, and I entered this world with one of you wild beasts."

The mysterious beast shook its head immediately, and said seriously, "This is simply impossible. All of our family are here, and we have never left this forest."

At this time, a wild beast like a fox came out and said to Bai Yunfei, "We Master Purple Ape will never lie, our wild beasts have never left this forest, and there is no one who covets the world outside this forest." It was driven out by a savage beast, because after going out, it will face death. The outside environment is all highly poisonous, and there is no way for us to survive outside."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said, "No, I didn't feel any poisonous gas outside. How could you feel that there would be a poisonous gas outside?"

Zi Yuan shook his head slightly, and said, "You humans may not have sensed it at all, but we can instinctively feel that the outside is full of all kinds of weird energy, as long as it touches it, we will definitely die, and you just said that you followed Our savage beasts came in, but this world is simply impossible."

Bai Yunfei frowned, threw out one of the brutal beast corpses, and said, "Isn't this from your clan?"

I saw the white fox carefully inspected the corpse of this wild beast, then shook his head slightly, and said, "This is not from our family at all, our family is not so huge, and their physical strength and energy have other powers." It is very different from us in every aspect, and it can even be said that everything is the opposite of us.”

Bai Yunfei said slightly puzzled, "Everything is against you, which is really strange. If it's not from your family, wouldn't there be other existences in your world?"

At this time, Zi Yuan said to Bai Yunfei seriously, "I think I know what's going on. In the world you live in, it should be those goddamn bastards outside the forest who are causing damage everywhere. They are all real dark men. The beast clan is very different from our savage beast clan."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said, "Dark Beast Clan? What's going on? How could there be another race?"

After a moment of silence, Zi Yuan said, "Do you know how we were formed?"

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, looked at Zi Yuan and said, "You don't mean to say that everything you have done today is caused by human beings, right?"

Ziyuan nodded slightly, and said, "Actually, I was just a test product for you humans at the time. I witnessed the whole tragedy with my own eyes. At that time, I didn't know where you humans got some very dangerous energy. , These energies exploded in an instant, shrouding the entire planet, and we animals also bore the brunt, and directly mutated, becoming the current savage beast race."

Bai Yunfei interrupted and said, "If you want to say it like this, then why don't you dare to go outside the forest, and you also said that there are all kinds of strange energies outside, but why doesn't it have any effect on me? How can you make such a big impact?"

(End of this chapter)

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