Chapter 421 Training Ground

As time passed slowly, a year passed by. One year later, Bai Yunfei had officially healed all his injuries, and his strength had also improved a step further, but it is a pity that , has not yet entered the martial arts level.

Bai Xiaoxiao was able to walk normally on the ground, and he actually consciously learned some martial arts with Bai Yunfei. These people surprised Bai Yunfei even more.

Bai Yunfei picked up Bai Xiaoxiao, handed it to the old man, and said lightly, "Now open the training ground for me. I want to see what's so good about this training ground. There are actually a lot of them. People choose to go to the training ground."

The old man nodded, hugged Bai Xiaoxiao and said, "Master, then I will open the training ground for you now."

With a flash of white light, Bai Yunfei directly appeared in the training ground.

Bai Yunfei looked around curiously, feeling a little strange, looking at some standing people in front of him, but he found that these people had no intention of moving at all.

At this moment, the training ground began to remind, "Please select the training mode, which is divided into offensive and defensive speeds."

After Bai Yunfei thought for a while, he said lightly, "Then give me the choice to attack."

After Bai Yunfei finished his selection, he realized that the surrounding scene had changed, and he appeared on a ring, and a person appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw this person punched Bai Yunfei and said, "Please choose your best martial arts and attack me. If you have time, if I defeat you, I will enter the next level. If you can't defeat me If I say it, then you will always accept my whipping here."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "This is really interesting. It obviously forces people to unleash their potential. If you don't unleash your potential to defeat the enemy in front of you, you may be crushed hard by the enemy in front of you."

Bai Yunfei quickly unleashed his strongest martial arts and instantly defeated the person in front of him, but then two more people appeared and attacked Bai Yunfei, and Bai Yunfei was unable to resist the attack of the two for a while. .Got beaten up by these two men.

Bai Yunfei appeared on the ring again and sighed helplessly, because the pain just now really reminded him that even though it wasn't real just now, he would still suffer real pain.

Bai Yunfei started the challenge again, this time he easily defeated the two enemies in front of him, but before he could catch his breath, three enemies appeared again.

The attacking methods of these three enemies were very strange, obviously they often practice formations, Bai Yunfei was directly trapped in the battle formation by the three of them.

Bai Yunfei exploded with all his strength in an instant, and quickly eliminated these three people, but at this time four more people appeared, seeing Bai Yunfei trapped together again, Bai Yunfei had no choice but to resign himself to his fate and choose to give up.

As time slowly passed, Bai Yunfei was gradually able to adapt to the attack of four people, the attack of five people, and even in the end he was able to persist until the attack of nine people. But it is a pity that he still took this Nine people, there is no way.

Because the last nine people attack very tacitly, the nine people are like one person, and their attack range is very tacit, which is simply not comparable to those before.

Bai Yunfei didn't know how many times he failed, but he never had any thought of giving up, and he kept failing, but Bai Yunfei also gained a lot, because now he can persist for a long, long time under the siege of nine people It's time, and he just needs to practice for a little more time, Bai Yunfei can definitely believe that he can defeat these nine people.

Bai Yunfei launched an attack on the nine people again, and he is now fully confident that he can defeat the nine people, because he is now very chic and comfortable in dodging the siege of the nine people.

Today's Bai Yunfei also grasped the weaknesses of these nine people, as expected, Bai Yunfei easily fixed these nine people in place and won the victory.

At the moment when Bai Yunfei won the victory, the voice of the training came again, "Congratulations, the training of attack is now starting. Please choose defense or speed?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "Choose defense for me, I want to see what defense training is."

The surrounding scene changed again, Bai Yunfei actually stood in a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there were many dummies in front of him.

After Bai Yunfei learned some things to pay attention to in terms of defense, he started training.

Even if you give up the training, it's very simple, you just keep accepting the beatings of others, as long as you can stand on the stage without being beaten down, you will be successful if you persist for more than half an hour.

But the more you get to the back, the more difficult it is. When Bai Yunfei could only support six people at the beginning, he couldn't continue, so he directly chose to fail. With continuous training, Bai Yunfei could clearly feel that his body was getting stronger and stronger. It is getting stronger and stronger, and even the speed is very lucky to increase a lot.

With a bang, Bai Yunfei finally finished his training.

Bai Yunfei still had the last training left, so he directly chose to start it.

Recently, many cliffs have appeared on his side, and there is a rope between the other end of the cliff and this one, but this rope is very weird, no matter how you destroy it, this rope will still be there If you stay there, you will never be destroyed by anyone.

After Bai Yunfei understood the rules of the last training, he directly started his last training and ran on the rope to the other side at the fastest speed.

Bai Yunfei tried a few times at first, but it was a pity that each time he was blown off by a strong wind halfway through.

After Bai Yunfei tried a few more times, he found that there was really no way to reach the opposite side quickly, and every time he fell halfway through.

After Bai Yunfei failed again, he sat aside, thinking carefully about how to quickly pass the first test, but as he continued to think, Bai Yunfei found that he had no way to continue.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei suddenly felt a breeze, and instantly understood that if he wanted to reach the other side, he had to understand these winds and be friends with these winds, understand when they will come and when they will not come, and when they will arrive there When the time comes, the challenge will surely succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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