Chapter 424 Crazy Combat

Bai Yunfei and Zi Yuan were back and forth, and in an instant, the two had fought for hundreds of rounds, and everything around them had already been smashed into pits, but the two had already fought so passionately, They won't be distracted by the things around them at all, because the two of them can be said to be intense now.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei bent the long stick in his hand vigorously, and instantly bounced it in front of Zi Yuan.

After Zi Yuan quickly resisted with the long stick in his hand, but because of the huge strength, he took a few steps back, and Bai Yunfei took advantage of this time to get the long stick again.

And Bai Yunfei used the inertia of the long stick in mid-air to directly hit the purple ape's sky cap again heavily. If this stick hits, the purple ape may instantly turn into a pulp.

But Zi Yuan didn't have any fear, instead he threw the long stick in his hand to the ground and then spun his whole body, dodging Bai Yunfei's stick as fast as a whirlwind.

At this time, Bai Yunfei can be said to have truly adapted, becoming the strength after becoming a martial spirit, and he can even use all the exercises even more, with extraordinary agility.

Bai Yunfei quickly waved the long stick in his hand again, like a poisonous snake, it instantly touched Zi Yuan's body.

The purple ape slammed heavily on the nearby tree, but the purple ape quickly got up from the ground, and instantly smashed the trunk of the broken tree flying with a stick.

But at this time, Bai Yunfei was in mid-air, and he had no time to dodge, and was directly hit by the trunk of the broken tree.

Although Bai Yunfei resisted with a long stick, his terrifying strength still knocked several cloths away.

Zi Yuan took this opportunity to quickly launch a crazy attack on Bai Yunfei. The few simple routines hit Bai Yunfei's surroundings like a whirlwind, completely driving Bai Yunfei crazy all of a sudden. retreat.

Zhang Jun said worriedly from the side, "I really didn't expect that their strength has become so strong, but Brother Bai seems to have fallen into a disadvantage now, and I'm afraid it won't take long for them to fail."

But Baihu shook his head slightly, and said, "There is not much difference in strength between the two of them. If we want to decide the winner, I am afraid we have to continue to fight, and now that Bai Yunfei seems to be at a disadvantage, but he will fight to the death, boss." Not necessarily able to resist."

Just like what Baihu said, Bai Yunfei is fighting with his back right now, directly concentrating his whole body's strength into the stick, making every move of the stick look very powerful, and directly crushing Zi Yuan's attack for a while. After coming down, even Zi Yuan couldn't resist Bai Yunfei's terrifying strength.

Zi Yuan quickly backed up a few steps, stepped aside, and Bai Yunfei's aggressive attack, taking advantage of Bai Yunfei's attack weakened a bit, held a long stick again, and surrounded him like a whirlwind.

But Bai Yunfei didn't back down this time, instead he smashed down the long stick in his hand quickly, but because of Bai Yunfei's pass, it seemed that many phantoms appeared around him very quickly, just like Bai Yun Fei holds many long sticks.

The long sticks of Bai Yunfei and Ziyuan collided with each other in an instant, and there was a bang, and an explosion occurred directly.

It's just that neither of the two of them retreated, but kept hitting each other with the long sticks in their hands. The sound of explosions in the air spread to the surroundings, and the wave-like momentum also spread to the surroundings. For a while, the surroundings of the two of them seemed to be taken care of by the typhoon, and everything seemed so embarrassing.

Zhang Jun said slightly enviously, "I really don't know when I will be able to have their strength. If I had their strength, I believe that things like today would not happen, and people would not be able to do it because of some unreasonable things." things, and paid such a heavy price."

The white fox snorted slightly, and said, "It's not because of your human greed. If it weren't for your human greed, so many things would never have happened, and my people would not have died tragically. Now look at it because of your human greed." Greed, how terrible the consequences are."

Zhang Jun sighed slightly, and said, "I have no way to intervene in the past, and the current world, although it is true that there is no way to compare it with the past, is also a good thing for us at least Now I can have the right to speak for the entire human race, so I will not let such a thing happen again, and because of such a catastrophe, everyone has also started the road of evolution. I believe you should also feel your own strength. In the past, such strength really would never have appeared."

The white fox sighed slightly, and said, "This is because everyone knows that the rest of you are innocent and those who caused harm to us have all died, so we didn't really launch an attack on the rest of you humans." , otherwise, even if it is the risk of becoming a dark beast, we will definitely let you humans be completely exterminated."

Zhang Jun sighed slightly, and said, "Although the masterminds have all subdued the law now, there are still many dark beasts that cannot be dealt with, so we will need to join hands with each other to eliminate all these dark beasts." Beasts are completely wiped out from the world we live in."

The white fox nodded slightly, and said, "I hope you humans can do what you say, but don't wait until you eliminate the dark beasts, and then deal with us in turn, otherwise, even if we fight to the death, we will pull you humans down completely." on the path of destruction."

Zhang Jun smiled slightly, and said, "You can rest assured about this point. Even if all the dark beasts are wiped out, we will never turn against you. We are the most steadfast allies, and we must trust each other."

At this time, the battle between Bai Yunfei and Zi Yuan had reached its final stage. Recently, the two of them had already opened up their aura to the maximum, and their aura actually affected the surrounding environment.

Bai Yunfei directly jumped into the air, and quickly smashed towards Ziyuan, at the same time, Bai Yunfei shouted loudly, "Ziyuan, take me with one move and one stick to rule the world!"

I saw the long stick in Bai Yunfei's hand, like a giant tortoise, quickly covering the surroundings of the purple ape, oppressing the purple ape, making him dare not make any effort to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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