Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 430 Shen Ruyue Apprenticeship

Chapter 430 Shen Ruyue Apprenticeship

After the several soldier commanders looked at each other, they all shook their heads and said, "Mr. Shen seems to have never heard of this Bai Yunfei at all. We should know about famous masters, but there is no one named Bai."

Shen Ruyue smiled lightly, and said, "He is really an interesting person, you should take your time to inquire about it, if you can inquire about it, inquire about it, if you can't, I won't blame you."

Those soldiers nodded slightly, and left here with the Night Demon.

Shen Ruyue shook her head slightly, took out a book and read it, but his eyes were not on the book.

After Bai Yunfei left here, he directly found an inn to live in, and released the two little brats, Bai Xiaoxiao and Liu Xuexing, as well.

Bai Yunfei looked helplessly at the two little kids jumping back and forth on his bed and said with some headaches, "Why are you not playing with the old man in the space?"

Bai Xiaoxiao said with an aggrieved face, "Master, grandpa is boring, and we are already bored with the training ground and the trial tower, so come out to play, don't you want us to come out to play?"

Bai Yunfei looked at the two people who were about to cry, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Of course you two can come out to play, anyway, I'm bored by myself, you two can have a good time with me, but in advance Say yes, don't cause trouble for me, otherwise, watch out for the asses of the two of you."

Liu Xuexing smiled cutely and said, "Don't worry, master, we will definitely not cause trouble for you, and we don't have much strength, how could we cause trouble for you."

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes and said, "The strength of both of you is at the level of military generals, and the people in this world are generally at the level of masters, so why do you have no strength?"

Bai Xiaoxiao quickly said, "Don't worry, master, we will never cause you trouble. Of course, if someone troubles us, what should we do? Can't we just let them bully us?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "If someone bullies you, of course you can resist, but if no one bullies you, you are not allowed to use martial arts at will and bully those honest people."

Liu Xuexing also said pitifully, "The two of us have never seen the real bustling world since we were born. We are both in that kind of cold world. Although the people around us are not bad, we haven't really seen so much here. We don’t have any interesting things there, so master, you can take us to have a good time tomorrow.”

Bai Yunfei nodded with some headaches, and said, "Is it okay for the two of you to go down with my two subordinates tomorrow? It's absolutely safe for you two to protect you two."

Bai Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and snorted, and said, "I don't want them two wooden men to follow, and they can't talk, they just follow behind, it's too boring, it's more fun to follow you, Master."

Bai Yunfei patted himself on the head slightly, and said, "You two are troublesome, there is really nothing we can do about you two, then let's go out for a stroll tomorrow, if you really cause trouble, I will Lock you up in a dark room."

But these two little guys didn't hear Bai Yunfei's threat, instead they were jumping around quickly, obviously very happy, they can go shopping tomorrow.

Bai Yunfei said helplessly to the old man, "I just realized that I have buried such a big thunder for myself. I am afraid that the leisurely days will be far away from me in the future."

The old man snickered and said, "Master, isn't this more lively? Usually, you are indeed a little too leisurely. Only when you are lively can you feel the joy of life."

Bai Yunfei snorted slightly, and said, "I have some doubts now, whether you did this on purpose."

The old man smiled awkwardly, and said, "Master, you'd better accompany the two of them well, otherwise they will definitely go out to make trouble again."

Bai Yunfei sighed slightly, and said, "I really don't know, what earth-shattering things will happen after their strength increases?"

Early the next morning, Bai Yunfei was quickly pulled up by the two little fellows, came to the street, and began to wander around.

As he kept wandering around, Bai Yunfei followed the two little guys even more bored, but Bai Yunfei had made preparations in advance, and his killers were all around him.

But in such a whole day, the two little guys were so energetic that they went around the whole city and bought a bunch of useless things.

When the three of them returned to the inn, Bai Yunfei was surprised to find that there was an unexpected guest in the inn.

Bai Yunfei looked at this unexpected visitor curiously, and said, "Shen Ruyue, do you have any business?"

Shen Ruyue said with a little embarrassment, "Brother Bai really has a feeling of ruthlessness. I think your strength is very strong, and you will definitely be able to help me with this little favor."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said, "Let's listen, there is something that is called a god catcher, you are in a dilemma."

Shen Ruyue said with a little embarrassment, "I want you to ask me to practice martial arts."

After Bai Yunfei was stunned for a moment, he looked at Shen Ruyue seriously and said, "Are you serious? You must know that practicing martial arts is very hard, especially for an adult like you who wants to practice martial arts, but it is even more difficult." Adding to the hardships, with your thin arms and legs, can you bear it?"

Shen Ruyue sighed slightly and said, "No matter how hard it is, it's better than losing your life."

Bai Yunfei looked at Shen Ruyue curiously and said, "What's the matter? Have you been threatened by others? But it doesn't look like you were threatened by others?"

"Actually, this matter is both a crisis and an opportunity for me. It's a pity that I don't have the strength, so I'm more concerned about that. That's why I came to ask you for advice." Shen Ruyue looked at the sky outside , said with some sadness.

Bai Yunfei seemed to understand something, and said lightly, "I'm afraid it's not true that you asked me to teach you martial arts, but it's true that you asked me to protect you. What kind of trouble did you get into, and you actually thought of finding someone to protect you?" is you?"

Shen Ruyue smiled slightly, and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide it from you, Brother Bai, I really want you to protect me, but we just met not long ago, and you have no obligation to protect me at all, so I will I thought of asking you to teach me martial arts so that you will be fine and protect me directly.”

(End of this chapter)

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